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Civil Services

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Entry into the IAS, IPS and the Central

Group A and Group B
is through
The All India Combined Competitive
Examination for the Civil Services
conducted by
The Union Public Service Commission
(UPSC) in different centers spread all over
the country.

Civil Services Aptitude Test

(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs.
Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography
of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance constitution, political system,
panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development sustainable development,
poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate
change-that donot require subject specialization
General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks) Duration : Two hrs

Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of
magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts,
graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

However, recruitment to the Indian Forest

Service is through a different procedure.
Entry into the State Civil Services is
through a competitive examination
conducted by every state public service
Anyone thinking of taking up civil service,
should have an idea how difficult it is to
get in as lakhs of candidates apply for the
400 to 500 vacancies that may arise. So
once you decide to appear in civil service
exam, one should be prepared to slog


However, recruitment to the
Indian Forest Service
is through a different procedure.
Entry into the State Civil Services is through
a competitive examination conducted by
every state public service commission.

The application form along with an Information
Brochure containing general instructions for
filling up the form, an acknowledgement card
and an envelope for sending the application is
obtainable from the designated Head Post
Offices/ Post Offices throughout the country
against a specified cash payment.
NOTE: Form should be purchased from the
designated Post Offices only and not from any
other agency. This form can be used only once
and for only one examination.

Notification along with application forms for the
civil service exam will appear in all the daily
newspapers and the Rozgar Samachar/
Employment News by the end of December
each year.
The duly filled in application form and the
acknowledgement card should then be mailed in
the special envelope supplied with the
Information Brochure to :
Secretary, Union PublicServiceCommission,
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi110 011

A registration number is given as a token
of receipt of the application.
If a candidate does not receive an
acknowledgement within 30 days, he is
advised to contact the UPSC.
Further communications to the UPSC
should contain name of examination,
registration no., name and postal address
as given in the application..

EDUCATION: 1.Graduates in any discipline from a
recognised university.
2. Candidates having professional and technical
qualifications recognised by the government
are also eligible.
21 -30 years on the 1st August of the year in
which examination is being held.
The upper age limit may be relaxed in respect
of the SC/ST and other backward classes.
Candidates must be physically fit according to
physical standards for admission to Civil
Services Examination.


Preliminary Examination(MAY/JUNE) :
It is of objective type, which is a
qualifying examination for the selection
of candidates for Main Examination
(OCTOBER/NOVEMBER) :It consists of
written examination and interview for the
selection of candidates for the various
services and posts.

Preliminary Examination
Paper I is of general studies
paper II is from a selected list of optional subjects for
preliminary examinations.
The question papers are set in Hindi as well as in English.
The course content for the optional subjects will be of the
degree level.
Each paper is of two hours duration.
Blind candidates are allowed an extra time of 20 minutes for
each paper.
Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to
have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in a year will be
eligible for admission to the Main Examination of that year
provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main
Subjects for Paper II (one subject to be selected): Agriculture,
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry,
Civil Engineering, Commerce, Economics, Electrical
Engineering, Geography, Geology, Indian History, Law,
Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science,
Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology.

Main Examination
Each paper is of 3 hours duration.
Papers for main examination :
Paper I - One Indian language (selected by the
candidate) 300 marks
Paper II - English 300 marks
Paper III - Essay 200 marks
Paper IV&V - General Studies 300 marks each
Paper VI-IX - Any two subjects (optional papers to be
selected by the candidate) with two papers each 300
marks for each
Optional Papers: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and
Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering,
Commerce, Economics, Electrical Engineering,
Geography, Geology, Indian History, Law, Mathematics,
Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy,
Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology.

Interview (April/May)
Candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the
written part of the Main Examination shall be summoned
for an interview.
It is usually conducted in the month of April/May every
year. Candidate will be asked questions on matters of
general interest.
The object of the interview is to assess the personal
suitability and judge the mental caliber of the candidate.
The candidate must exhibit an intelligent interest in
events happening around him so that he appears to be a
complete personality.
The interview will carry 300 marks (with no minimum
qualifying marks).
There is also a medical test, especially rigid for IPS. Out
of the final candidates selected top rankers are
appointed as IAS officers.
Once appointed, all probationary officers of the All India
and Central Services undergo a compulsory foundation

The Indian Civil Services are organised into two
main sections.
1. (i) All India Services
2. (ii) The Central Services.
All India Services :
1.Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
2.Indian Police Service (IPS)
3.Indian Forest Service (IFtS)

Central Services -Groups A

Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
Indian Railway Service
Indian Postal Service
Indian Customs and Central Excise
Indian Ordinance Factories Service
Indian Defence Estates Service
Indian Revenue Service
Indian Information Service
Accounts and Auditing Services
The Indian Audit and Accounts Service,
The Indian Civil Accounts Service,
The Indian Defence Accounts Service,
The Indian Revenue Service.)

Central Trade Services

Central Industrial Security Force Group B:
Central Secretariat Services (Section Officer
Railway Board Secretariat Services (Section Officer
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Services
(Assistant Civilian Staff Officer Grade)
Customs Appraisers Services
The Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Civil Services
The Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Police Services
Pondicherry Civil Services

Central Services -Group B

The categories of services to which candidates are
selected through the SCS examination are as under:
(a) State Civil Services, Class-I (SCS)
(b) State Police Service, Class-I (SPS).
(c) Block Development Officer.
(d) Tehsildar/Talukadar/Asstt. Collector.
(e) Excise and Taxation Officer.
(f) Distt. Employment Officer.
(g) Distt. Treasury Officer.
(h) Distt Welfare Officer.
(i) Asstt Registrar Cooperative Societies.
(j) Distt. Food and Supplies Controller/Officer.
(k) Any other Class-I/Class-II service notified as per
rules by the concerned State.

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