Research For Main Task
Research For Main Task
Research For Main Task
Horror in my opinion is based around blood, death and gore and shows intense
and profound fear. Whereas, a thriller would show more suspense and
adventure. The reason I have chosen a horror thriller is because I would like
the audience to ask a lot of question; What was that? What's going to
happen next?. In a horror thriller (for example The strangers) The main
characters are masked. In films when you see somebody with a mask on
you take an immediate interest into those kind of characters.
When creating my final piece I would like to give my piece a shallow depth of
field when I am trying to attract all of the viewers attention to the main
subject i.e.; tree, house , person or a signpost.
Blair Witch Project (1999)
Dark Background
Simple dark
red title (red
could relate
to blood) Scary , forest
like image
The light
ascending from
The names of the the title gives a 3D
industries and film affect, as if the
companys that helped to title was coming
produce the movie. out of the screen.
Paranormal Activities (2009)
The camera is at an Scary type of font
angle where it pans all used for the title.
around the bedroom so
you manage to fit the
door and the people in The word ‘evidence’
the same shot. make people believe
that its a true story.
The subjects faces
are looking in the
direction of the title Quotes show
as if something other people
drastic is about to opinions on the
happen. movie.