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“Performance Appraisal
Prepare For
MD.Abu Taher ID No.32035
MD. Ariful Islam sohel ID No. 31009
MD. Morsadul Amin ID No. 31117
MD.Fuad-Al-Hasan ID No. 31031
Shamim Biswas ID No. 31047
Farhan Ahmed Ony ID No. 31001
Performance Appraisal

“Performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic

and an impartial rating of an employee’s excellence
in the matters pertaining to his present job and his
potential for a better job." Performance appraisal is
a systematic way of reviewing and assessing the
performance of employees during a given period of
time and planning for his future.
Performance Appraisal
Objectives OF Performance appraisal
· To review the performance of the employees over a
given period of time.
· To judge the gap between the actual and the desired
· To help the management in exercising organizational
· Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication
between superior – subordinates
And management – employees.
· To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the
individuals so as to identify the training And development
needs of the future.
Performance Appraisal
Objectives OF Performance appraisal

· To provide feedback to the employees regarding

their past performance.
· Provide information to assist in the other personal
decisions in the organization.
· Provide clarity of the expectations and
responsibilities of the functions to be performed By
the employees.
· To judge the effectiveness of the other human
resource functions of the organization such as
recruitment, selection, training and development.
· To reduce the grievances of the employees.
Performance Appraisal

Purpose Of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is being practiced in 90% of the

organizations worldwide.
Self appraisal and potential appraisal also form a part of
the performance appraisal processes.
Typically, Performance Appraisal is aimed at:
To review the performance of the employees over a
given period of time.
To judge the gap between the actual and the desired
To help the management in exercising organizational
To diagnose the training and development needs of the
Performance Appraisal

Purpose Of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Purpose Of Performance Appraisal

The most significant reasons of using Performance
appraisal are:
· Making payroll and compensation decisions – 80%
· Training and development needs – 71%
· Identifying the gaps in desired and actual
performance and its cause – 76%
· Deciding future goals and course of action – 42%
· Promotions, demotions and transfers – 49%
Other purposes – 6% (including job analysis and
providing superior support, assistance and counseling)
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal Step
Performance Appraisal

Methods of Performance Appraisal

In order to achieve the objectives, a variety of performance

appraisal methods have been developed.
The choice of method depends on organizational ethos, its
objectives, size, product
and technology.
There are two type of performance appraisal method
1. Traditional method
2. Modern method
Performance Appraisal
Methods of Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal

Traditional method
Essay Method
In the essay method approach, the appraiser prepares
a written statement about the employee being
The statement usually concentrates on describing
specific strengths and weaknesses in job performance.
Performance Appraisal

The essay method is far less structured and confining
than the rating scale method. It permits the appraiser
to examine almost any relevant issue or attribute of
performance. This contrasts sharply with methods
where the appraisal criteria are rigidly defined.
Appraisers may place whatever degree of emphasis on
issues or attributes that they feel appropriate.
Performance Appraisal

Essay methods are time-consuming and difficult to
administer. Appraisers often find the essay technique
more demanding than methods such as rating scales.
The techniques greatest advantage - freedom of
expression - is also its greatest handicap.
Performance Appraisal

Modern method
The modern approach to performance development has
made the performance appraisal process more formal
and structured.
Now, the performance appraisal is taken as a tool to
identify better performing employees from others,
employees’ training needs, career development paths,
rewards and bonuses and their promotions to the next
Performance Appraisal
Management by Objectives (MBO)
The use of management objectives was first widely
advocated in the 1950s by the noted
Management theorist Peter Ducker.
MBO is a process in which managers and their employees
jointly set objectives for the
Employees, periodically evaluate the performance, and
reward according to the results
MBO (management by objectives) methods of
performance appraisal are results-oriented. That is, they
seek to measure employee performance by examining the
extent to which predetermined work objectives have been
Performance Appraisal


The MBO approach overcomes some of the problems that
arise as a result of assuming that the employee traits
needed for job success can be reliably identified and
measured. Instead of assuming traits, the MBO method
concentrates on actual outcomes. If the employee meets
or exceeds the set objectives, then he or she has
demonstrated an acceptable level of job performance.
Performance Appraisal

MBO methods of performance appraisal can give
employees a satisfying sense of autonomy and
achievement. But on the downside, they can lead to
unrealistic expectations about what can and cannot be
reasonably accomplished
Performance Appraisal


In human resources or industrial/organizational

psychology, 360-degree feedback, also known’s 'multi-
rater feedback', 'multisource feedback', or 'multisource
assessment', is employee development feedback that
comes from all around the employee.
"360" refers to the 360 degrees in a circle.
Performance Appraisal

Rating Scales
The rating scale is a performance appraisal form on
which the manager simply checks off the employee’s
level of performance. Some of the possible areas
evaluated include quantity of work, quality of work,
dependability, judgment, attitude, cooperation, and
initiative the rating scale method offers a high degree
of structure for appraisals.
Performance Appraisal

The greatest advantage of rating scales is that they
are structured and standardized. This allows ratings to
be easily compared and contrasted - even for entire
Each employee is subjected to the same basic
appraisal process and rating criteria, with the same
range of responses.
Performance Appraisal
Trait Relevance
Are the selected rating-scale traits clearly relevant to the jobs of
all the appraises? It is inevitable that with a standardized and
fixed system of appraisal that certain traits will have a greater
relevance in some jobs than in others.

 Systemic Disadvantage
Rating scales, and the traits they purport to measure, generally
attempt to encapsulate all the relevant indicators of employee
performance. There is an assumption that all the true and best
indicators of performance are included, and all false and
irrelevant indicators are excluded.
Performance Appraisal

Perceptual Errors
This includes various well-known problems of selective
perception (such as the horns and halos effect) as well
as problems of perceived meaning.
Selective perception is the human tendency to make
private and highly subjective assessments of what a
person is "really like", and then seek evidence to
support that view (while ignoring or downplaying
evidence that might contradict it).
Performance Appraisal

Rating Errors
The problem here is not so much errors in
perception as errors in appraiser judgment and
motive. Unlike perceptual errors, these errors may
be (at times) deliberate.
The most common rating error is central tendency.
Busy appraisers or those wary of
Confrontations and repercussions, may be tempted
to dole out too many passive, middle-of-the road
ratings (e.g., "satisfactory" or "adequate"),
regardless of the actual performance of a
Performance Appraisal

Current Global Trends In Performance Appraisal


The performance appraisal process has become the

heart of the human resource
Management system in the organizations. Performance
appraisal defines and measures
The performance of the employees and the organization
as a whole. It is a tool for
Accessing the performance of the organization.
Performance Appraisal

The emergence of following concepts and the following
trends related to Performance
appraisal can be seen in the global scenario:
360 Degree Appraisal
360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater
feedback', is the most comprehensive
Appraisal where the feedback about the employees’
performance comes from all the
Sources that come in contact with the employee on his
Performance Appraisal

Team Performance Appraisal

According to a wall street journal headline, “Teams have
become commonplace in U.S.
Companies”. Most of the performance appraisal
techniques are formulated with individuals in mind i.e. to
measure and rate the performance of the individual
employee. Therefore, with the number of teams increasing
in the organizations, it becomes difficult to measure and
appraise the performance of the team.
Performance Appraisal

Rank and Yank Strategy

Also known as the “Up or out policy”, the rank and yank
strategy refers to the performance appraisal model in
which best-to-worst ranking methods are used to
identify and separate the poor performers from the
good performers
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal in Government
The commitment to the performance appraisal system
in public organizations in India is
Very low. Low commitment and lack of accountability
are the major reasons for the low
Institutionalization of the performance appraisal
processes in government organizations.
Performance Appraisal
The following are the major discrepancies found in the
performance appraisal processes
Being followed at the government organizations.

○ Most of the indicators used for measuring the

performance the employees are not
Quantifiable in nature, making it difficult to measure the
○ Due to the lack of accountability and job security, most
government employees
Have a laser faire attitude towards their work.
○ Unavailability of the job descriptions for many
Performance Appraisal

○ Most of the objectives in government organizations

are unchallenging, unrealistic
And not timely reviewed and updated.
○ it is difficult to measure the average performance of
the government employees.
○ Unprofessional and unstructured approach towards
the process.
Performance Appraisal
○ Lack of complete information on appraisal forms due to
expertise and relevant
Training; often, the appraisals are not conducted on a
regular basis.
○ in government organizations, team appraisal is often
not possible.
 ○ There is often a lot of bias and subjectivity involved in
the ratings given by the

Performance Appraisal

For an organization to be an effective organization and
to achieve its goals, it is very important to monitor or
measure its’ and its employee performance on a regular
basis. Effective monitoring and measuring also includes
providing timely feedback and reviews to employees for
their work and performance according to the pre-
determined goals and standards and solving the
problems faced.
Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal


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