Forest Creative Communications Pvt. LTD

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Forest Creative Communications Pvt.

#79, 3rd Floor, 5th Main, 1st Cross, Domlur 2nd Stage,
Indiranagar, Bangalore 560038
Karnataka. India.

Mobile Phone +918884618185

Telephone +91 80 41313558


Brand Communication &Activation

Scope Web Development + Marketing communications
materials + Promo Materials + Print Campaigns + Social Media
Management + Rebranding
English Indian Clays Ltd., a company incorporated in India, was part of the
erstwhile Thapar Group. The company was incorporated in 1963 in technical and
financial collaboration with English China Clays Ltd., U.K, the pioneer and the
then world leader in kaolin processing . The Company was incorporated in 1963
in technical & financial collaboration with English China Clays Ltd., U.K, the
pioneer and the then world leader in Kaolin processing.

Identity Concept & Strategy
Identity brings the brand more young and alive, The current logo represents more
towards a Govt business establishments than a B2B company or a corporate.,
Our strategy is to bring more young logo identity and other allied items and
perhaps we will retain most of the attributes and elements of existing logo also to
bring the expansion of the name to be as part of the logo , the strategy behind it
remains more resemble.. This section outlines the strategic elements that serve as
the foundation of the brand and drive the visual expression through the brand
identity system.

Experience EICL Brand Identity

The Brand Identity System will developed to allow the brand EICL or EICLs
products to tell their unique stories through imagery and the value propositions,
The goals of the system are to:
Provide a unique and efficient way to leverage and build the strength and value of
the EICL brand
The brand essence: An innovative solution provider than a product supplier.
The identity need to tell the story of how EICL innovation is continuous,
collaborative, and transformative and how its emotionally connect with customers
by transforming business.
Ultimately the recognition of the brand has to be easy and strong

1. Web Sites and intra web
Like any other corporate EICL also should carry off Brand statements through the
corporate website. Web is far more than just a representation or communications tool
it is a revolutionary way of doing business.
EICL Web sites will ultimately play a lead role in bringingthe enhanced brand identity
to life and business. The website is more user friendly, open place to accept the
business questions , opinion and suggestions and enquiry from the customers or
additional best practice ideas relating to this topic.
Social media enabled website will help to increase the reach to the right TG.


Print & Direct Mail ( Selected print mediums)

The EICL Brand communication strategy have to designed to enable to reinforce the brand
and effectively tell the stories to targeted audiences by identifying the specified targeted
industry segment by stating the applications and solutions. ( eg.. Paper, paint, Rubber,
Cement etc). Because advertising and direct mail communications need to stand out from
the clutter .
Even the advertising layouts will matters to bring the brand to a position, we need to
consciously set the general standards of advertisements and mailers by choosing sizes,

Effective online ad placement can help the brand to target the local and global
audiences, exposing to the larger audience by communicating the products or
services EICL can provide. Todays online advertising environment can be visually
cluttered, so its important that EICL online ads provide a clear message and call
to action.
Email Marketing design: it can be cost effective communication medium to
select to reach our TG . The creative body of edms are always dynamic to get the
quick attention than a static edms,

Branded Merchandise
Sharing brandedmerchandise such as shirts, caps, jackets, pens and mugs is a
great way tocollaborate and build loyalty with your employees, partners and
customers. People who wear the gear or display the items become promoters of
our brand. Its another form of advertising and every impression counts.
Standardization of internal communications. laptops, PCs and conference room
projection displays , all can set a std visual and size to maintain the uniformity
across, infact , sales presentation to customers, proposal format , all can be
standardize to achieve the uniformity in all. A wide screen format, will be
more appealable to project brand.

Creative Strategy
INFORMATIVE A useful tool to keep the customer more
aware about such distinctions and credibility, its benefits,
authenticity & reality.

PRODUCT - Products with authentic & genuine Value

propositions, differentiated with effective differentiation of



Solution The strategy is to develop the communication

on the basis of the solution can offer by EICL than showing
the product, it can help to build the emotional connect with
the customer and the brand.

Media Strategy
encompass the most effective
& efficient communication
with optimal media options to
sustained returns on your



Media Options shall integrate
traditional media, with new,
more effective technology
media and networks.



Our Communication message

shall be short, simple and
direct to the impact.



Direct Campaign
Direct Mailers through premium channel partners (using
exclusive data base).

Leverage on our network of eco-responsible associates & activities,

corporates, banks, clubs, networks, etc. - take advantage of profiled
contact list;

Networks include members & reader base of NGOs like Eco-Watch, TiE
India CleanTech Forum, Green Fourms, etc.

Premium Members of Banks, Clubs, Airlines, Automobiles, etc. AmEx,

Kotek Mahindra, HSBC, ING, Skoda Superb Club, Merc/BMW/Audi/Volvo Car
Owners club,

Premium Members of Special Interest Groups Music/Theatre lovers,

Readers Club, Green Activity Clubs, Wildlife Clubs, IIM/IIT, CEO Club of
India, BCIC, etc.

Lifestyle Publications Cosmopolitan, Elle, The Economist, Forbes

India/International, NatGeo Magazine,.

PR & Direct Brand Engagement Strategy.

Participate in Focused Customer group engagements for addressing

misconceptions on Green technologies, Building Techniques &
Myths; Sponsor Focused Group Lectures & Seminars Support of
Mailing List & RSVP to ensure potential clientele participates; assist in
organising events in Business campuses, Clubs, etc. Mostly
subjected oriented articles, may not be a sales article

Convert Website into an interactive Web-portal with expert talks,

blogs, discussion forums, surveys, etc.; Sponsor branded blogs with
3rd party Web Channels/Portals.



Co-Sponsor/Organize events which connected to eco, green etc..involving top
experts in Sustainable/Green Technology/Architecture, etc.
Co-Sponsor/Organize green events/campaigns with partners
(Corporate/NGO/Association/ industry) on specific themes & days, such as
Bus Day, Cycle Day, Wild-life Day, World Environment day, Sustainable day,
Events can also include city level campaigns & competitions that would
involve the TG or the company philosophy and could also be initiated by the

Club based events and activities.

Theatre, music, networking events at partner with synergic themes or

content. Mailing can also be coordinated/influenced with the

Eco related talk series by renowned personalities

Online & Social Media

Using Social Networking Media for effective communications,

influences and impact (FaceBook, linkedin,Twitter, Pinrest, youtube etc.).
Advertisements in Selected sites.
Efficient & Influential Branded blogs creation.
Search Engine Optimizations etc..
Mobile real estate searches.


Advertisements in selected mediums like premium credit-card journals,

bank magazines, business magazines, design/interior magazines, etc.
Advertorials & Influenced Columns in select dailies and business news

Creative Strategy
Eco-, Green, Sustainability, Environment, Self-Sustain, Natural, Waste
Management - words & ideas much abused without any accountability, values or
We shall focus on using more sincere communications based on actual deliverables , it can
be any of the words which mentioned about, but more realistically
Efficient Information dissemination shall be used to remove any misconceptions, suspicion,
Cynicism, Falsehood and Myths. This would be using new techniques, such as Web-portals,
Social media, Closed Loop Networks & events. New Branding and Brand Identity Strategy
would focus on creating a distinct Brand that promises Genuinely on values & credibility.
Creative, Copy, Visuals and Mnemonics to portray facts against myths and fictions and
falsehoods. In addition to Values and Quality, real experiences and relations to be
Use an uncluttered approach to presentations especially copy & visuals to prevent
confusions and over burdening of ideas and communications.
* Simple language, words, presentations. And Visuals, are more effective and
affordable than just award winning concepts.
* The focus would be to deliver value and returns, rather than just to awe and


Copyright: Forest Creative Communications

Pvt. Ltd

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