Hydrogen As A Future Source of Commercial Fuel
Hydrogen As A Future Source of Commercial Fuel
Hydrogen As A Future Source of Commercial Fuel
John Letarte
Current Obstacles
One of the main obstacles facing the use of hydrogen as a fuel
source in commercial vehicles is the on-board storage of it.
Hydrogen can be stored both as a high pressure gas or a liquid.
The problem with gas is the large volume it takes to be filled with
a usable amount of hydrogen in order for the vehicle to have a
reasonable driving life. The volume would be so large, the car
itself is not practical for sale. When hydrogen is in liquid form, it
does not require as large of a storage capacity. However, it does
require extremely low temperatures to stay in liquid form. Without
good insulation, hydrogen evaporation can be relatively high,
making it hard to keep a tank full. Thirty percent of the energy
burned also goes towards keeping the hydrogen cooled.
Evaporation is estimated to be as high as a few percent a day [2].
This constant loss of fuel restricts future uses of liquid nitrogen
since a customer doesnt want their tank to empty on its own.
Gravimetric Energy Density
Volumetric Energy Density
H2 Storage Capacity(mass
Operating Temp.
Re-fuelling Time
Re-fuelling Rate
Recoverable Amount of H2
Cost Target
Figure 1: A graph released along the side the hydrogen fuel initiative,
showing the dependence on petroleum decrease as hydrogen fuel cell
vehicles (FCV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are used more
commonly. [1]
Current Uses
2 kWh/kg
1.5 kWh/L
6 wt%
-30 to 50C
<5 min
1.5 kg H2/min
Table 1: This table shows standards that petroleum and oil can achieve in
current cars on the market. This proves to be a target for engineers in the
development of hydrogen fuel. [2]
Steam Reformation
Steam reformation is a method for the on-board
creation of hydrogen. A stream of hydrocarbons is
fed to a catalyst. A reaction occurs which results
in the production of hydrogen. Steam reformation
generally occurs at high heats, whether it be a
external heat or the continuous heat of reaction.
Too low of heats can cause the exiting stream to
contain large amounts of the hydrocarbon used in
the production, which can affect the quality of
energy the hydrogen provides. Propane proves to
have the lowest activation temperature, making it
the preferred hydrocarbon in most cases. The
catalyst also plays a large role. Nickel is a
common catalyst in many formats, however, more
precious metals prove to be more active for higher
conversion rates. This method of hydrogen
formation will help the move towards hydrogen
powered vehicles, as the storage of a hydrocarbon
is more feasible and cheaper than storing pure
hydrogen [3].
With a push for cleaner energy sources,
engineers have been putting lots of time and
money into hydrogen fuel. It will be more
efficient, cheaper, and exponentially cleaner
than current fossil fuels. It is estimated that it
can save 3700 to 6400 lives a year due to
pollution and reduce asthma by 1 million to 3
million cases a year [4]. This proves to be more
than just an energy initiative but rather a push
for the better health of all people in the world.
[1]: Chalk, Steven G., and James F. Miller. "Key
Challenges... for Clean Energy Systems." Journal of Power
Sources 159.1 (2006)
[2]: Ross, D.K. "Hydrogen Storage..." Vacuum 80.10 (2006)
[3]:Trimm, David L., and Z. Ilsen Onsan. "Onboard Fuel
Conversion..." Catalysis Reviews 43.1-2 (2001)
[4]:Chalk, Steven G., and James F. Miller. "Key
Challenges... for Clean Energy Systems." Journal of Power
Sources 159.1 (2006)