Historical Development of English in India
Historical Development of English in India
Historical Development of English in India
of English in India
By,Rakhi Raju
Pre-Independence Period
The formation of East India Company in 1600
The English sailor William Hawkins got
permission to open trade centres in different
places of India from the Mughal Emperor
Collision with other European trading
companies, and the English gradually gained
the rift.
In 1661 Company raised garrisons and
exercised jurisdiction in the areas under their
The decline of Mughal power facilitated the
establishment of the British Empire in India
Macaulay's Minute
Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-59),
a legal member of the GovernorGenerals council and the Chairman of
the Committee on education up the
It was decided to wholly for the
promotion of Modern English Education
in India in 1835
William Bentinck, the Governor General
acted promptly to the new aid. English
education was discontinued, grant also
was stopped
Woods Despatch
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