Romanesque in European Countries - Final Report
Romanesque in European Countries - Final Report
Romanesque in European Countries - Final Report
These features often have strong local and regional traditions. However,
the movement of senior clergy, stonemasons and other craftsmen meant
that these traditional features are sometimes found at distant locations.
Ground plan
Position and number of towers
Shape of towers
Presence and shape of spires
Shape of the east end
Shape of columns
Shape of piers
Building material
Local diversity in decorative details that was dependent on local
Pre-Romanesque is demonstrated in Italy by the
construction of churches with thick walls of
undressed stone, very small windows and massive
fortresslike character.
The architecture of Northern Italy has features in
common with French and German Romanesque.
The architecture of Southern Italy and Sicily was
influenced by both Norman and Islamic architecture.
Building stone was available in mountainous regions,
while brick was employed for most building in river
valleys and plains. The availability of marble had a
profound effect on the decoration of buildings
San Zeno, Verona
Bari Cathedral
Large churches of northern have basilical form of nave and aisles separated
by arcades.
Large churches of southern France may be without aisles, as at Angouleme
Churches generally have transepts.
The eastern end often takes the form of an apse that is almost as high as
the walls.
The high apse was increasingly surrounded by an ambulatory and later
Romanesque churches have a fully developed chevet with radiating chapels.
The faade takes two forms, that with two large towers, such as that at
Saint-Etienne, Caen, and the screen form with two small flanking turrets, as
at Angouleme Cathedral.
There are often three portals, as at the Abbey of la Trinit, Caen, left
Faade decoration is rich and varied, with the central portal being the major
The Church of the Abbey of la Trinit, Caen shows the
development of the twin-tower and
triple-portal faade.
towers often had an attached circular stair turret. Windows were often
arched or had triangular heads.
Monesteries were established in Wales, Scotland and Ireland,
suppressing local Celtic monastic tradition.
Many catherdrals were of monastic foundation serving a dual role,
which affected their architecture, in particular the extended length of
the choir and transepts
There was a great diversity of building stone including limestones, New
Red Sandstones, flint and granite.
In England, the relative political stability led to large diocese with few
bishops. Cathedrals were correspondingly few in number and large in
The Norman facades of cathedrals and large abbeys follow the two
basic forms found in France, that with paired towers as at Southwell
Minster and that with framing turrets as at Rochester Cathedral.
Side porches are common and are often the usually mode of
entrance, the western portal only being opened for major festivals.
Blind arcading is used as a major decorative feature, often around
internal walls.
Windows are comparatively large and may be arranged in tiers as in
the transepts of Peterborough Cathedral. Paired windows occur in
Naves of cathedrals and abbey churches are of great length, and
transepts are of strong projection.
Chancels of cathedrals and abbey churches are also very long.
Cormac's Chapel, Rock of Cashel,
Ireland, with its steeply pitched roof
and bands of blind arcading maintains
a distinctly Irish character.
Small churches are sometimes barrel vaulted and are roofed with
stone slabs lying directly on the vault.
Wider spaces have timber roofs of low profile, as timber was scarce.
Larger churches, have barrel vaults, sometimes with transverse arches
marking the bays.
Abbey churches of later French foundation have ribbed vaults.
Larger monastic churches and cathedrals have nave and aisles and
follow French plans, including chevets as at Avila Cathedral.
The crossing of a large church sometimes has an octagonal tower or
dome supported on squinches, as at Santa Maria, Ripoll and the
Cathedral of Santa Maria d'Urgell .
Externally, many large churches are fortresslike, such as Lisbon
Cathedral and the Old Cathedral of Coimbra in Portugal and the
Sigenza Cathedral, Spain
Rose windows with pierced tracery similar to those that occur in PreRomanesque churches of Oviedo are a feature in some facades, such
as that at the Monastery of Santa Mara de Armenteira, Galicia.
The imposing facade of
Lisbon Cathedral, Portugal,
has a fortress-like quality
The Church of San Lorenzo in Sahagn,
Leon, has the tiered apses and galleried
tower of brick churches in the region.
The towers and apse of the western end are often incorporated
into a multi-storey westwerk. These westwerks take a great
variety of forms, from a flat faade as at Limburg Cathedral, a flat
faade with projecting apse at St Gertrude, Nivelles and a
rectangular projecting structure of several storeys that juts
beyond the towers as at St Serviatius, Maastricht.
The transepts do not project strongly.
Wheel windows, ocular windows and windows with simple
quatrefoil tracery often occur in apses, as at Worms Cathedral.
Wooden roofs were common, with an ancient painted ceiling
retained at St Michaels, Hildesheim.
Stone vaults were used at a later date than in France, occurring
over the aisles at Speyer in about 1060.
Worms Cathedral, Germany,
is a double-apsed church with
a side entrance.
Tournai Cathedral, Belgium,
the south transept, is a
balanced composition with
much detail.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark were separate kingdoms for much of the period.
Much of Norway was united from the late 9th century until 1387 under Harold I
and his successors.
Cnut the Great briefly united Denmark, England, Norway and parts of Sweden in
the early 11th century.
King Olaf II of Norway, known as St Olav, did much to enforce Christianity on the
Vikings, and by the end of the 11th Century, Christianity was the only legal
In Denmark, Christianity was promoted by Canute the Holy in the late 11th
century, with Sweyn II of Denmark dividing the country into eight dioceses, and
establishing many churches, cathedrals and monasteries from about 1060
Much of Sweden was united under Olaf Eirksson around 995, with the southern
area, Gtaland being united with Svealand by Sverker I of Sweden in the 1130s.
Lund Cathedral, Sweden, was made the seat of the archbishop for all of
Scandinavia in 1103, but only the crypt remains from the 1130s, the rest being
mostly 19th century rebuilding.
Bishop Absalon founded Roskilde Cathedral in Denmark in 1158 and the city
of Copenhagen (116067).
Architectural influences came with clergy brought from England (such as
Nicholas Breakspeare), Lombardy and Germany. The influence of English
Norman architecture is seen particularly in Norway at Nidaros Cathedral,
Trondheim, and of German Romanesque at Lund Cathedral, Sweden.
Benedictine monks from Italy introduced the skill of firing bricks to Denmark.
While most churches were initially built of timber, the larger ones were
replaced by stone, with brick being the dominant material in much of
Denmark where building stone is scarce.
Small Romanesque churches are plentiful and are generally in relatively
unchanged condition. Large churches are rare and are much altered as at
Aarhus Cathedral, Lund Cathedral and Roskilde Cathedral.
Norway has 25 wooden stave churches from this period, making up all but
three of the worlds medieval wooden churches.
In Sweden, surviving Romanesque churches are concentrated mainly but not
exclusively to three provinces: Gotland, Scania and Vstra Gtaland
In Denmark the west tower may extend across the whole width of the
church, forming a westwerk as at Aa Church and Hvidbjerg Church, Mors,
with some such towers incorporating a large open archway with stairs such
as at Torrild Church.
Small stone churches in Norway and Sweden have a short wide nave,
square chancel, an apse and a western tower with pyramidal shingled spire,
as at Hove Church, Norway and Kinneveds Church and Vmbs Church,
Large central towers occur in Norway, as at Old Aker Church.
Free standing belltowers are found, often with half-timbered upper sections.
Stone churches, such as Aa Church, Denmark and Lund Cathedral, Sweden,
have Lombard bands and paired windows, similar to churches of Lombardy
and Germany.
Openings are generally small and simple. Many doors have a carved
tympanum as at Vestervig Church and Ribe Cathedral, Denmark
Most churches have timber roofed naves, but ribbed vaulting over smaller
spaces such as the chancel is common. Some small churches, such as
Marka Church in Sweden, have groin vaults. Larger churches such as Ribe
Cathedral are vaulted.
Arcades may be of simple rectangular piers such as at Ribe, Denmark, or
drum columns such as at Stavanger Cathedral, Norway. Lund Cathedral has
alternating rectangular piers and piers with attached shafts which support
the vault.
Fully developed Romanesque arcades of three stages occur in churches built
under English or German influence as at Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim.
Large churches may have paired towers at the western end, as at
Mariakirken, Bergen.
Visby Cathedral and Husaby Church, Sweden, have tall westwerks, framed
by round towers. At Ribe Cathedral the stone westwerk is framed on the
south by a Romanesque tower of German form with a Rhenish helm spire
and on the north by a taller Gothic tower in red brick.
At Husaby Church, Sweden,
the massive tower is framed
by round turrets.
The remaining buildings are few in number and the influences are diverse.
Poland became Christian under Mieszko I in 966, resulting in the foundation of the
first Pre-Romanesque churches, including Wawel Cathedral in Krakw, Gniezno and
Pozna Cathedrals.
During the period 9761248 Austria was ruled by margraves of the House of
Babenberg. Towns and monasteries were established.
The Romanesque style was introduced to Poland from Germany with the founding
of the bishopric of Gniezno in 1000.
In Hungary, Stephen I brought the Magyar states together in 1001 and created two
Catholic archbishoprics.
Bohemia was largely Christianised in the 10th century under Vaclav I.
The bishopric of Prague was established in 973 with a Saxon Benedictine bishop,
The Benedictine, Premonstratensian and Augustinian orders founded monasteries
and built abbey churches throughout the area.
The influence on architectural style was initially from Germany, and later from
France and Italy.
Larger churches have paired western towers, some with decorated central
portals, as at Jk Church and the ruined Zsambek Church, Hungary.
At St. Andrew's Church, Krakw, the unornamented facade takes the form of
westwerk, with an octagonal towers rising on either side. Gurk Cathedral,
Austria, has a similarly flat facade, rising to two very tall square towers.
The Collegiate Church at Tum has and apse at either end, similar to many
German Romanesque churches.The western apse is flanked by square towers.
Pecs Cathedral, Hungary, has four towers of square plan, like Bamberg
Cathedral, Germany.
Tower openings take the typical Romanesque paired form as at Church of St
Peter and St Paul, Bude Czech Republic.
Roofs are generally of wood, with vaults occurring
Lombard bands are used, as at Schngrabern Church, Austria, and around the
towers of Tum and Jk churches.
The facade of Sulejw Abbey Church, founded by the Cistercians, and having
a gabled portal and rose window, heralds the influence of French architectural
style that was to introduce Gothic.
At St. Andrew's Church, Krakw, the plain
westwerk resolves into octagonal towers.