Salient Features RA 9003

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By: Mr. Benjamin A. Cabrido Jr.
Professor, USJ-R College of Law



Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Measure the impact that

particular GHG on
radiative forcing the
additional heat/energy
retained in the earths
ecosystem through the
addition of this gas to the

Unit of Measure: ton

of CO2equivalent

Global Warming Potential of GHGs

Carbon Dioxide
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous Oxide

(HFC) 11700
Sulfur Fluoride

Typhoons getting



Mactan Channel

Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC

Mactan Channel @ 1-Meter

Sea Level Rise

Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC

Mactan Channel @ 4-Meter

Sea Level Rise

Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC

Mactan Channel @ 7-Meter

Sea-Level Rise

Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC


Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC

7-meter Rise

Courtesy of L. Montenegro, Dept. of Economic, USC

Phasing out of
open dumping in
favor of sanitary
landfills and
banning of open
burning of solid
of wastes is
made illegal.


Inayawan Landfill

Phasing out of nonrecyclable consumer

packaging materials
and nonbiodegradable
packaging materials
such as plastic bags,
styrofoam, and
aluminum foil.

Mandates the
establishment of
recycling centers
(MRFs) at every
barangay nationwide.

Calls for the integration

of solid waste
management concerns
in the school curriculum
starting in the
elementary level.

Requires the
preparation of 10-year
solid waste
management plans by
all local government


The systematic administration of activities which
provide for:
Segregation at source;
Segregated transportation, storage, transfer,
processing, treatment, and disposal of solid
waste; and
All other waste management activities which do
not harm the environment.



Household wastes
Commercial wastes
institutional wastes
industrial wastes

Street sweepings,
Agriculture waste
Other nonhazardous/
non-toxic solid waste


Hazardous waste
Infectious waste from
Fomites of a disposable
nature from patients
diagnosed as having

Laboratory wastes;
Disposable fomites that
may harbor or transmit
pathogenic organisms
Surgical operating room
pathologic specimens
Waste resulting from
mining activities


Agricultural wastes Those

generated from planting or
harvesting of crops,
trimming or pruning of plants
and wastes or run-off
materials from farms or
Bulky wastes - Those waste
materials which cannot be
appropriately placed in
separate containers
because of either its bulky
size, shape or other physical

Municipal wastes - Refers to

wastes produced from
activities within local
government units which
include a combination of
domestic, commercial,
institutional and industrial
wastes and street litters.
Yard waste - Refers to wood,
small or chipped branches,
leaves, grass clippings, garden
debris, vegetables residue that
is recognizable as part of a
plant or vegetable and other
materials identified by the

Special wastes

(a) wastes from
residential and
commercial sources that
comprise of bulky wastes;
(b) consumer electronics;
(c) white goods;
(d) yard wastes that are
collected separately; and
(e) batteries, oil, and tires.

To be handled separately
from other residential and
commercial wastes.

Household hazardous
wastes such as paints,
thinners, household
batteries, lead-acid
batteries, spray canisters
and the like.

Liability of Owner/Operator

Responsibility for compliance with the standards shall

rest with the owner and/or operator.
If specifically designated, the operator is considered
to have primary responsibility for compliance;
However, this does not relieve the owner of the duty
to take all reasonable steps to assure compliance
with these standards and any assigned conditions.
When the title to a disposal is transferred to another
person, the new owner shall be notified by the
previous owner of the existence of these standards
and of the conditions assigned to assure compliance.

Duties of Every
- Not to litter
- Segregate wastes
- Recycle
- Do its own compost
- Clean surroundings

- Collection of segregated
- Maintain and operate
- Maintain and operate
Compost facility
- Enforce and follow the
- Educate constituents


Collection of nonrecyclable materials,

special wastes &
Operate and maintain
sanitary landfill within
the standards of the

Mandatory Segregation
For premises containing six (6) or
At Source
more residential units, LGU to

Segregation of wastes shall

primarily be conducted at the
source, to include household,
institutional, industrial,
commercial and agricultural
sources: Provided, further;
That wastes shall be
segregated into the categories
provided in Sec. 22 of this Act.

promulgate regulations
requiring the owner or person
in charge of such premises to:
provide for the residents a
designated area and
containers in which to
accumulate source separated
recyclable materials to be
collected by the municipality or
private center; and
notify the occupants of each
buildings of the requirements
of this Act and the regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto.

Minimum Standards for Segregation and

Storage pending collections

Separate container for each type of waste from

all sources: Provided, That in the case of bulky
waste, it will suffice that the same be collected
and placed in a separate designated area; and
Properly marked or identified for on-site
collection as compostable, non-recyclable,
recyclable or special waste, or any other
classification as may be determined by the

Minimum Standards in Collecting Solid


All collectors and other personnel directly dealing with

collection of solid waste must be equipped with personal
protective equipment to protect them from the hazards of
handling wastes;
Necessary training shall be given to the collectors and
personnel to ensure that the solid wastes are handled
properly and in accordance with the guidelines; and
Collection of solid waste shall be done in a manner
which prevents damage to the container and spillage or
scattering of solid waste within the collection vicinity.

Minimum Standards in
Transporting SWs

Use of separate collection schedules and/or separate trucks or

haulers shall be required for specific types of wastes.
If not, vehicles used for the collection and transport of solid wastes
shall have the appropriate compartments to facilitate efficient storing
of sorted wastes while in transit.
Vehicles should be designed to consider road size, condition and
capacity to ensure the sage and efficient collection and transport of
solid wastes.
The waste compartment should have a cover to ensure the
containment of solid wastes while in transit.
For purposes of identification, vehicles should bear the body
number, the name, and the telephone number of the
contractor/agency collecting solid waste.

Guidelines for Transfer Stations

To be designed and operated for efficient waste handling

capacity and in compliance with environmental standards
and guidelines.
No waste shall be stored in such station beyond twentyfour (24) hours.
The siting of the transfer station shall consider the land
use plan, proximity to collection area, and accessibility of
haul routes to disposal facility.
The design shall give primary consideration to size and
space sufficiency in order to accommodate the waste for
storage and vehicles for loading and unloading of

Inventory of Existing Markets for

Recyclable Materials

DILG and other concerned

agencies and sectors, shall
publish a study of existing
markets for processing and
purchasing recyclable
materials and the potential
steps necessary to expand
these markets.
DTI mandated to formulate
rules on eco-labelling.

Such study shall include, but

not be limited to, an inventory
of existing markets for
recyclable materials, product
standards for recyclable and
recycled materials, and a
proposal, developed in
conjunction with the
appropriate agencies, to
stimulate the demand for the
production of products
containing post consumer and
recovered materials.

Requirement for Eco-Labeling

DTI to formulate and implement a coding system

for packaging materials and products to facilitate
waste and recycling and re-use.

Reclamation Programs and Buy-back

Centers for Recyclables and Toxics

National Ecology Center to assist LGUs in establishing and

implementing deposit or reclamation programs in
coordination with manufacturers, recyclers and generators
to provide separate collection systems or convenient dropoff locations for recyclable materials and particularly for
separated toxic components of the waste stream like dry
cell batteries and tires to ensure that they are not
incinerated or disposed of in a landfill.
Toxic materials present in the waste stream should be
separated at source, collected separately and further
screened and sent to appropriate hazardous waste
treatment and disposal plants, consistent with the
provisions of R. A. No. 6969.

Non-Environmentally Acceptable
- Within one (1) year from effectivity, NSWC Commission shall
prepare a list of non-environmentally acceptable products which will
be prohibited according to a schedule that it will prepare
Non-environmentally acceptable products shall not be prohibited
unless the Commission first finds that there are alternatives
available which are available to consumers at no more than ten
percent (10%) greater cost than the disposable product.
Packaging used at hospitals, nursing homes or other medical
facilities; and
Any packaging which is not environmentally acceptable, but for
which there is no commercially available alternatives as determined
by the Commission.

Prohibition on the Use of NonEnvironmentally Acceptable Packaging

No person owning, operating or

conducting a commercial
establishment in the country
shall sell or convey at retail or
possess with the intent to sell
or convey at retail any products
that are placed, wrapped or
packaged in or on packaging
which is not environmentally
acceptable packaging.
NSWC to determine a
phaseout period.
Presence of nonenvironmentally acceptable
packaging constitutes a
rebuttable presumption of
intent to sell or convey the
same at retail to customers.

Any person engaging in the

distribution or transportation of
commercial products within the
country shall file a report
annually with the concerned
local government a listing of
any products in packaging
which is not environmentally
Violation shall be sufficient
grounds for the revocation,
suspension, denial or nonrenewal of any license for the
establishment in which the
violation occurs.

Establishment of LGU Materials Recovery


Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to be established in

every barangay or cluster of barangays.
The facility shall be established in a barangay-owned or
-leased land or any suitable open space to be
determined by the barangay through its Sanggunian.
The MRF shall receive mixed waste for final sorting,
segregation, composting, and recycling.
The resulting residual wastes shall be transferred to a
long term storage or disposal facility or sanitary landfill.

Guidelines for Establishment of

Materials Recovery Facility

Must be designed to receive, sort, process and store

compostable and recyclable material efficiently and in an
environmentally sound manner.
The facility shall address the following considerations:
(a) The building and/or land layout and equipment must
be designed to accommodate efficient and safe
materials processing, movement, and storage; and
(b) The building must be designed to allow efficient and
safe external access and to accommodate internal flow.

Guidelines for Compost Quality

Compost products intended to be distributed

commercially shall conform with the standards
for organic fertilizers set by the DA.
The DA shall assist the compost producers to
ensure that the compost products conform to
such standards.

Prohibition Against the Use of Open

Dumps for Solid Waste

No open dumps shall be established and

operated, nor any practice or disposal of solid
waste by any person, including LGUs, which
constitutes the use of open dumps for solid
wastes, be allowed after the effectivity
Within three (3) years after the effectivity, every
LGU shall convert its open dumps into controlled
No controlled dumps shall be allowed five (5)
years following the effectivity.

Criteria for Siting

a Sanitary Landfill

Site selected must be

consistent with the overall land
use plan of the LGU;
Must be accessible from major
roadways or thoroughfares;
Adequate quantity of earth
cover material that is easily
handled and compacted;
Must be chosen with regard for
the sensitivities of the
communitys residents;
Located in an area where the
landfills operation will not
detrimentally affect
environmentally sensitive
resources such as aquifer,
groundwater reservoir or
watershed area;

Large enough to accommodate

the communitys wastes for a
period of five (5) years during
which people must internalize
the value of environmentally
sound and sustainable solid
waste disposal;
Should facilitate developing a
landfill that will satisfy
budgetary constraints,
including site development,
operation for many years,
closure, post-closure care and
possible remediation costs;
Operating plans must include
provisions for coordinating with
recycling and resource
recovery projects; and
Designation of a separate
containment area for
household hazardous wastes.

Minimum Criteria for Establishment of

Sanitary Landfill

Liners - a system of clay layers

and/or geosynthethic
membranes used to contain
leachate and reduce or
prevent contaminant flow to
Leachate collection and
treatment system - installation
of pipes at the low areas of the
liner to collect leachate for
storage and eventual
treatment and discharge;

Gas control and recovery

system - a series of vertical
wells or horizontal trenches
containing permeable
materials and perforated piping
placed in the landfill to collect
gas for treatment or productive
use as an energy source;
Groundwater monitoring well
system - wells placed at an
appropriate location and depth
for taking water that are
representative of ground water

Cover - two (2) forms of

cover consisting of soil and
geosynthetic materials to
protect the waste from
long-term contact with the
(i) a daily cover placed
over the waste at the close
of each days operations,
(ii) a final cover, or cap,
which is the material
placed over the completed
landfill to control infiltration
of water, gas emission to
the atmosphere, and

(Closure procedure with the

objectives of establishing low
maintenance cover systems and final
cover that minimizes the infiltration of
precipitation into the waste.
Installation of the final cover must be
completed within six (6) months of the
last receipt of waste;
Post-closure care procedure - During
this period, the landfill owner shall be
responsible for providing for the
general upkeep of the landfill,
maintaining all of the landfills
environmental protection features,
operating monitoring equipment,
remediating groundwater should it
become contaminated and controlling
landfill gas migration or emission.

Disposal site records on:

- Weights/volumes accurate
- Excavations
- Daily log containing
information concerning fires,
landslides, earthquake
damage, unusual and sudden
settlement, injury and property
damage, accidents,
explosions, receipts or
rejection of unpermitted
wastes, flooding and other
unusual occurrences
- Personnel training
- Copy of written notifications
to the Department, local health
agency, and fire authority of
names, addresses and
telephone numbers of the
operator or responsible party
of the site.

Criteria for Operating

Sanitary Landfill

- Water quality monitoring of

surface and ground waters and
effluent, and gas emissions.
- Documentation of approvals,
determinations and other
requirements by the
Visible Signs indicating the
facility, its entrance, name of
operator, telephone number,
hours of operations, etc.

Monitoring of quality of
surface, ground and effluent
waters, and gas emissions;
The site shall be designed to
discourage unauthorized
access by persons and
vehicles by using a perimeter
barrier or topographic
Areas within the site where
open storage, or pounding of
hazardous materials occurs
shall be separately fenced or
otherwise secured.

Roads within designed to

minimize the generation of
dust and the tracking of
material onto adjacent public
Such roads shall be kept in
safe condition and maintained
such that vehicle access and
unloading can be conducted
during inclement weather;
Sanitary facilities consisting of
adequate number of toilets and
handwashing facilities, shall be
available to personnel at or in
the immediate vicinity of the
Safe and adequate drinking
water supply for the site
personnel shall be available;

Communication facilities
available to site personnel to
allow quick response to
Adequate lighting during night
Operating and maintenance
personnel should wear and
use appropriate safety
Personnel assigned must be
adequately trained in subject
pertinent to the site operation
and maintenance, hazardous
materials recognition and
screening, and heavy
equipment operations, with
emphasis on safety, health,
environmental controls and
emergency procedures.
A record of such training shall
be placed in the operating

The site operator shall provide

adequate supervision of a
sufficient number of qualified
personnel to ensure proper
operation of the site in
compliance with all applicable
laws, regulations, permit
conditions and other
requirements. The operator
shall notify the Department
and local health agency in
writing of the names,
addresses, and telephone
number of the operator or
responsible party. A copy of the
written notification shall be
placed in the operation record;
Any disposal site open to the
public shall have an attendant
present during public operating
hours or the site shall be
inspected by the operator on a
regularly scheduled basis.

Unloading of solid wastes shall

be confined to a small area as
possible to accommodate the
number of vehicles using the
area without resulting in traffic,
personnel, or public safety
hazards. Waste materials shall
normally be deposited at the
toe of the fill.
Solid waste shall be spread
and compacted in layers with
repeated passages of the
landfill equipment to minimize
voids within the cell and
maximize compaction.
The loose layer shall not
exceed a depth approximately
two feet before compaction.
Spreading and compacting
shall be accomplished as
rapidly as practicable.

Covered surfaces of the disposal

area shall be graded to promote
lateral runoff of precipitation and
to prevent pounding.
Grades shall be established of
sufficient slopes to account for
future settlement of the fill surface.
Cover material or native material
unsuitable for cover, stockpiled on
the site for use or removal, shall
be placed so as not to cause
problems or interfere with
unloading, spreading, compacting,
access, safety drainage, or other

Local Government Solid Waste

Management Plans (SWMP)

It must be a 10-year solid

waste management plans
consistent with the National
Solid Waste Management

For the re-use, recycling and

composting of wastes
generated in their respective

Primary emphasis on
implementation of all feasible
re-use, recycling, and
composting programs while
identifying the amount of
landfill and transformation
capacity that will be needed for
solid waste which cannot be
re-used, recycled, or
Reviewed and updated every

(1) City or Municipal Profile
Estimated population of each
barangay within the city or
municipality and population
projection for a 10-year period;
Map of the city/municipality,
indicating locations of
residential, commercial, and
industrial centers, and
agricultural area, as well as
dump sites, landfills and other
solid waste facilities, proposed
sites for disposal and other
solid waste facilities;

Estimated solid waste

generation and projection by
source, such as residential,
market, commercial, industrial,
construction/demolition, street
waste, agricultural, agroindustrial, institutional, other
wastes; and
Inventory of existing waste
disposal and other solid waste
facilities and capacities.

(2) Waste characterization

representative of the solid
waste generated and disposed
of within that area;

identified by volume,
percentage in weight or its
volumetric equivalent, material
type, and source of generation.

DENR in coordination with the

LGUs responsible for the
establishment of the guidelines
for the accurate
characterization of wastes
including determination of
whether or not wastes will be
compatible with containment
features and other wastes, and
whether or not wastes are
required to be managed as
hazardous wastes under R. A.
6969, otherwise known as the
Toxic Substance and
Hazardous and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act.

(3) Collection and Transfer

geographic subdivisions
should define the coverage of
the solid waste collection area
in every barangay;
Barangay shall be responsible
for ensuring a 100% collection
efficiency from residential,
commercial, industrial and
agricultural sources within its
area of coverage, is achieved.

4) Processing
To define the methods and the
facilities required to process
the solid waste, i.e. use of
intermediate treatment
facilities for composting,
recycling, conversion and
other waste processing;
Technologies conform with
internationally acceptable and
other standards set in other
laws and regulations

Littering, throwing,
dumping of waste matters
in public places.
Undertaking activities or
operating, collecting or
transporting equipment in
violation of sanitation
operation and other
requirements or permits
set forth in or established
pursuant to the Act.
Open burning of solid

Prohibited Acts

Causing or permitting the

collection of nonsegregated or unsorted
Squatting in open dumps
and landfills.
Open dumping, burying of
biodegradable or nonbiodegradable materials
in flood-prone areas.

Unauthorized removal of
recyclable material
intended for collection by
authorized persons
Mixing of sourceseparated recyclable
material with other solid
waste in any vehicle, box,
container or receptacle
used in solid waste
collection or disposal

Establishment or
operation of open dumps
as enjoined in the Act, or
closure of said dumps in
violation of Sec. 37 of the
Manufacture, distribution
or use of nonenvironmentally
acceptable packaging

Fines & Penalties

Par. 1. Littering, throwing,
dumping of waste matters in
public places, such as
roads, sidewalks, canals,
esteros or parks, and
establishment, or causing or
permitting the same

Payment in the amounts not

less than Three hundred
pesos (P300.000) but not
more than One thousand
pesos (P1,000.00) or

Rendering of community
service for not less than one
(1) day to not more than
fifteen (15) days to an LGU
where such prohibited acts
are committed or both

Par. 3. The open burning

Payment in the amounts not

less than One thousand
pesos (P1,000.00) but not
more than Three thousand

Imprisonment of not less

than fifteen (15) days to not
more than six (6) months or

of solid waste

pesos (P3,000.00) or
Par. 8. The mixing of
source-separated recyclable
material with other solid
waste in any vehicle, box,
container or receptacle used
in solid waste collection or
disposal or operating
open/controlled dumps

For the first time, shall pay a

fine of Five hundred
thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) plus an
amount not less than five
percent (5%) but not more
than ten percent (10%) of his
net annual income during
the previous year

The additional penalty of

imprisonment of a minimum
period of one (1) year, but
not to exceed three (3) years
at the discretion of the
court, shall be imposed for
second or subsequent
violations of Sec. 48 of the
Act, paragraphs (9) and (10)

Any Violator is Liable

The Department
or other
agencies with
respect to orders,
rules and
regulations issued
inconsistent with
R.A. 9003

Any person who

violates or fails to
comply with the
provisions of this Act or
its implementing rules
and regulations

Any public official who willfully or

grossly neglects the performance of
an act specifically enjoined as a duty
by this Act or its implementing rules
and regulations or abuse his authority
in the performance of his duty; or, in
any manner, improperly performs his
duties under this Act or its
implementing rules and regulations.


Affirms the right of the citizens to file the

appropriate civil, criminal or administrative
action, not just against individuals, but also
against the government agencies and public
officials who fail or refuse to perform the
duties mandated by the laws.
No Filing Fees.
Exemption from payment of injunction Bond .

Jurisdictional Requirement:
Citizens Suit


Notice to sue served on

the public officer.
Within thirty-day (30)
days from receipt of
notice, the public officer
fails to take appropriate
File administrative,
criminal and civil
complaint with
Ombudsman and/or

Step 1

Step 3

Step 2

Benefits of Waste Mgt. Program

Reduced operating cost

Reduced risk liability
Improved institutional image
Reduced ecological damage
Improved employee and public health
Improved compliance to environmental legislation

Source: Solid Waste Management, ANNA MARIE CORDOVILLA, Ph.D.

Thank You.
May You Have a Healthy Day!

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