Monopoly Vs Oligopoly
Monopoly Vs Oligopoly
Monopoly Vs Oligopoly
Worked by:
Brikena Plaku
Accepted by:
Ariana Nepravishta
Tirane, 2016
economic market conditions.
Monopolyis defined by the
dominance of just one seller in the
market;oligopolyis an economic
situation where a number of sellers
populate the market.
Definition of
In simple terms, Monopoly means sole to sell. It is a situation of market where there exist only one
seller in the market for a particular commodity or service, supplying goods to many customers and he
is having ultimate control over it. The product or service offered by the seller is unique, which do not
have any close substitute. Due to the dominance in the whole market, they enjoy the benefit of large
scale production.
The salient features of monopoly are as under:
There is only one seller in the whole market who produces or supplies a product.
Entry to such a market is restricted due to factors like license, ownership of resources, etc.
There are no close substitutes of the commodity offered by the monopolist.
In a monopoly market, there is no competition and so the prices of products are overcharged by the
monopolist. Under this market structure, price discrimination exists in a way that the price varies
from customers to customers for the same product. The prices also differentiates according to
the quantity demanded by the buyer i.e. if the quantity demanded is high, then low price is charged
and vice versa. This practice is followed to reap maximum revenue, to dispose off the excess stock or
to capture foreign markets.
In simple terms oligopoly refers to competition among the few. It is an economic situation where
there is a small number of firms, selling competing products in the market. Oligopoly exist in the
market, where there are 2 to 10 sellers, selling identical, or slightly different products in the
market. According to experts, oligopoly is defined as a situation when the firm sets its market
policy, as per the anticipated behavior of its competitors.
In an oligopolistic market, a firm has to rely on other firms for taking decisions regarding prices
because a slightest change in the price of rivals may cause loss to the firm. The other feature of this
type of market is the use of marketing tools like advertising to get the maximum market share.
Each and every firm of the industry, closely observes the moves and actions of the competitors in
order to plan its steps according to the behavior of its rivals.
An economic market
condition where one seller
dominates the entire
High prices may be
charged since there is no
An economic market condition
where numerous sellers have
their presence in one single
market. A small number of
large firms that dominate the
Moderate/fair pricing due to
competition in market. But
much higher than perfect
competition (where there is a
large number of buyers and
A small number of firms
dominate the industry. These
firms compete with each other
based on product
Barriers to
Sources of