CBET Framework and The Functions of TVET CDACC

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Dr. Charles M.M. Ondieki

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification
Council was established as per article 44 of TVET Act no. 29
of 2013. The functions of the Certification Council are among
undertake design and development of curricula for the
training institutions and administer assessment ;
issue certificates to candidates who satisfy national TVET
examination and competence assessment requirements;
make rules with respect to such examinations and
competence assessments;
promote recognition of its qualifications in foreign systems;
promote and carry out research relating to its assessments
and examinations; and
promote the publication of books and other materials
relevant to its assessments and examinations;

The new TVET system involves the introduction

of Competency Based Education and Training
(CBET) Curriculum Development, Assessment
and Certification system.
The effective implementation of this new
system requires the active participation of
industry, employers, employees, learners,
public and private training providers, NGOs,
professional bodies, government agencies and
departments and other stakeholders.
One of the major functions assigned to TVET
CDACC is the implementation of the CBET
Framework. The concepts, principles and
practices of CBET are new to most of the key
stakeholders of this new TVET system.

This tends to hinder their participation in the

implementation of the new system; many people
would like the following commonly asked
questions concerning CBET Framework be
How different is the modular TVET system from the
old system?
What are the benefits of the CBETF?
How long does it take for one to obtain a TVET
Who issues TVET certificates?
Will industry recognize TVET qualifications?
Is the progression of training in the TVET system
What type of qualifications can be obtained under the

What happens to qualifications which existed

before the establishment of the CBETF?
What are the costs of training and certification
for learners in the new TVET system?
What happens with learner's achievements if
they don't complete the full TVET qualification?
What are the benefits of employing graduates
from the TVET system?
How can people without formal qualifications
benefit from the TVET system?
How would one get information about the
qualifications being offered?
Will the CBETF be accepted both nationally
and internationally?

The framework outlines the policies and processes for the
implementation of all components of the Competency
Based Education and Training (CBET). It states how:
National TVET qualifications are established in order to
meet Kenyas occupational requirements,
Training providers are to prepare courses so that the
trainees will meet the industry specified competencies,
Assessment and certification will be conducted.
CBETF is aimed at achieving national and international
recognition for qualifications, knowledge, skills and
attitudes of Kenyans in an increasingly globalized and
competitive world. This will enhance the mobility of
Kenyan workers nationally and internationally.


CBET is a very flexible system that holds people
from all walks of life despite gender, tribe, color,
financial status or location. These can be divided
into the following target groups:


Characteristics of CBET
CBET is individualized learning is student centered and the role of
the trainer changes to that of consultant and facilitator
CBET is flexible, not time-based learners progress through
units/elements at their own pace
Outcome-based emphasis is put on the product and not the process;
it reflects the expectations of performance in the workplace.
CBET encourages specialization Students can concentrate on the
skills they are confident of mastering.
CBET is employment-led: standards are set by the concerned
industrial sector
No entry restrictions anyone can apply for a program as long as they
have the ability to follow instructions. There are no set entry
qualifications or age limits
CBET is practically oriented and theory is taught mainly as
underpinning knowledge
Training is fragmented work is broken down into learnable
units/elements of competence
There is accreditation of prior learning credits are cumulative.

Competency Based Assessment

for Awarding the Qualification
Assessor/s must collect sufficient evidence of competence
from candidates in order to be able to reach an
assessment decision. Sufficiency can be defined as
evidence which has demonstrated that the candidate can:
Perform task skills.
Perform task management skills.
Contingency management skills.
Perform according to specific workplace environments.
Transfer skills to different situations.
The assessment system must enable assessors to
document that the evidence presented for assessment
really is the work of the candidate.

Two methods are used: Continuous and

summative assessments which are to be
based on the modules of the curricula and
assess the achievement of learning
outcomes and the knowledge.
Assessment resources for continuous and
summative assessments will be developed
by the staff of the institution.
In order to have an effective quality
assurance system that assures confidence
in assessment decisions, there is a system
of internal and external verification.



In the new TVET system there will be Seven Levels of Qualifications
Qualificati Generalized Description
Level 1 recognizes the acquisitions of
entry level competencies
Levels 2 and 3 recognize increasing
levels of competencies.







Level 4 qualification recognizes

increasing levels of competencies and
provides for full craftsmanship/
Levels 5 and 6 recognize the increasing
levels of competencies of technicians
including supervision and process
management. Level 6 is for Advanced
Diploma or Higher Diploma
Level 7 recognizes the


Benefits and Challenges of CBET system

Industry defines what the students
should learn in the program.
Students are certified competent
(able to) only if they are able to
demonstrate those skills,
knowledge and attitudes.
Learners work toward a
predetermined standard.
Students learn the skills,
knowledge and attitudes required
in the workplace.
Industry receives graduates who
have demonstrated competence of
the workplace.
Learners know how they will be
assessed before they begin each
Instructors assess students
current learning.

Start-up of a CBET program is
time consuming.
CBET needs a lot of resources to
become established.
Resources must be committed
for the future.
Educators must become familiar
with and accept this new system.
Instructors will need assistance
as they begin to perform
assessment duties
Unless initial training and followup assistance is provided for the
trainers, there is a tendency to
teach as we were taught and
CBET trainers quickly slip back
into the role of the traditional



A CBET course is only as

Facilitates the evaluation and
effective as the process used
comparability of non-TVET
to identify the competencies.
qualifications acquired in Kenya and
When little or no attention is
in other countries.
given to identification of the
RPL - Enables the recognition of
essential job skills, then the
skills, knowledge and values which
resulting training course is
an individual acquires outside the
likely to be ineffective.
formal education and training
system through work experience
A course may be classified as
regardless of where or how they
competency-based, but
learnt them.
unless specific CBET
The training is conducted in
materials and training
modules. Each module stands alone
approaches (e.g. learning
and a learner is credited with
guidelines, checklists and
completed modules and will not
coaching) are designed to be
repeat these modules if they rejoin
used as part of a CBET
the training at a later date.
approach, it is unlikely that
In the CBET system a learner will be
the resulting course will be
continuously assessed and provided
truly competency based. 13
with feedback at each stage.

Challenges facing CBET in

There are a number of challenges hindering the
effective implementation of CBET in the country and
among them include:
Lack of enough skilled CBET trainers in the country
Most of the materials and equipment that are used
for teaching in the TVET institutions are outdated
making the institutions difficult to effectively meet
the required training standard to students.
Lack of enough funds to measure the quality of the
training standards provided to the institutions that
use CBET system in their training systems.


CBET Curriculum, Drafting, Validation and Endorsement

The following process shall be followed:
CDACC will appoint Sector Skills Advisory Committees (SSACs) for the
various industry sectors,
TVETA identifies the industry sectors or occupational areas for which
national competency standards shall be developed, and submit the
information to CDACC.
CDACC will submit the information to SSACs who will use it to identify and
develop the Competency Standards for the respective sectors.
SSACs identify and advise on the relevant skills and competency standards
for the respective sectors,
CDACC appoints curriculum developers for the respective competency
standards. The curriculum developers will also assign Level Descriptors
for the various courses according to the Kenya Qualifications
CDACC organizes for a validation workshop for the relevant stakeholders
that will be led by the relevant SSAC; the Curriculum developers for the
curriculum will also be invited to attend.
The validated curriculum will be endorsed by CDACC and submitted to
TVETA to approve for use by the training providers.
CDACC will take steps for printing of Competency Standards and Curricula
dissemination purpose.

Functions of TVET CDACC

CDACC shall be working with the industry and other
countries, in order to ensure mutual recognition of
competency standards and national vocational
qualifications introduced in Kenya.
CDACC will adopt the internationally benchmarked
policies and processes so as to enhance credibility
to credentials awarded in Kenya.
CDACC will implement CBETF with active
participation of all the training agencies, NITA,
DTVET, Technical Universities and other public,
private and NGO sector training institutions.
Assessment and Certification of 1 6 levels shall be
carried out by institutions accredited by the


Accredited training providers and

establishments are authorized to award
national qualifications jointly with CDACC. The
certification of national qualifications shall be
maintained in a central database by DCACC.
This will facilitate ready verification of the
authenticity of qualifications.
CDACC shall make available a full listing of all
accredited courses with their level and purpose
for the information of learners and employers.
This ensures comprehensive coverage of a
sector and coherent identification of
competency standards/qualifications including a
sensible match adjusted to the labour market.


CDACC will avail guidelines to advice the developers of

competency standards and qualifications in order to
outline technical requirements for the format and content
of the national vocational qualifications.
CDACC will also avail the Competency Standards
Development Manual to Competency Standard
Developers for references.
CDACC shall undertake monitoring, evaluation and
research during the implementation of the vocational
qualifications system, in order to modify policies and
procedures in the light of Kenyan experience and
international developments. An implementation,
monitoring and research committee with external
stakeholder representation shall be established by the
CDACC shall develop a concept so that all trainees can be
dealt with fairly and are not disadvantaged during the
transition period.


Trainees are assessed by assessors registered by

CDACC for the respective occupation (level 1 -4) or
field of study (level 5 & 6), who had no involvement
in the training process of the trainees to be
assessed. Institutions shall select two registered
assessors; one acting as the assessor and the other
as the verifier. Accredited private sector institutions
shall obtain the approval of the CDACC for the
selected assessors.
CDACC shall also be responsible to license, accredit
and register the assessors indicating their
authorized scope of assessing and maintain a data
base of their details based on occupations; this
information will be made available to all training
providers, delegated assessment centers and


Functions of Technical
Certification at level 7 shall be carried out by the
Technical universities.
The TUs shall be responsible for conducting assessor
training programs as and when necessary.
TUs are also responsible for training staff of the
training institutions to develop assessment resources
for formative and summative assessments.
TUs and CDACC will negotiate a formal articulation
agreement so that pathways, with appropriate credit
transfer from the National Diplomas, will be available
to students who have achieved the relevant TVETQ
qualifications at levels 5 and 6 through accredited
TVET courses.




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