Hospital Management System: Life Line Medical Hospital
Hospital Management System: Life Line Medical Hospital
Hospital Management System: Life Line Medical Hospital
Life Line Medical Hospital
Life line has a group of social and professional people as directors and managers in
its management, who provide a personal as well as professional touch to the overall
working of the hospital. Proper guidelines and objectives are laid down for every
process and section of the hospital, which results in ensuring satisfaction of patients
Department structure of life line
Life Line
General Store
Research and
Life Line maintains a manual system to manage its operations. The front desk assistant handles
the Out Patient (OP) registration details.
When a patient comes for admission or consultation, the front desk assistant make the required
entries in the OP file.
The front desk assistant provides an OP number and then the patient is referred to the concerned
doctor, such as physician, surgeon, eye nose throat (ENT) specialist, or dentist.
The concerned department assistant then makes the entry of the patient in the In-Patient (IP) file
and provides an IP number. The patient is then referred to an available doctor and the treatment
process starts.
The Patient Insurance department issues the required documents for the medical insurance of
the patient. The documents are then sent to the concerned doctor and accounts department for
approval and if the approval is given, the documents are sent to the concerned insurance
The ER diagram of the patient’s registration and
management in life line
Doc ID PreHosp
Med History
Address PreDoc
OP ID Has Medical History
Login Password
Doc ID
Treat Details IP ID
Doc ID Name
Front Desk Assistant
System Architecture
To develop application of this kind various model or architectures are
there. Depending on the placement of elements such as user
interface, business logic, data storage, the application can be
categorized as:
Data Control Language: is used to control the data access in the database.
Some of the DCL commands are: GRANT.
Data Query Language: is used to query data from the database objects.
SELECT is the DQL command that is used to select data from the database in
different ways and formats.
ADO.NET is a set of computer software components that can be used by
programmers to access data and data and data services. It is a par f based class
library that is included with the Microsoft. Net framework. It is commonly used by
programmers to access and modify data stored in relational database systems,
though it can also be used to access data in non relational sources. ADO.NET is
sometimes considered as evolution of ActiveX data objects (ADO) technology, but
was changed so extensively that it can be considered an entirely new product.
ADO.NET consists of two primary parts:
Data Provider: These classes access to a data source, such as a Microsoft
SQL server or Oracle Database and OLEDB data provider. Each data source
has its own set of provider objects, but they each have a common set of utility
Data Set: Data sets objects is a group of class describing a simple in memory
relational database, where the star of the show in the initial release (1.0) of the
Microsoft. Net framework. A data set is populated from a database by a data
adapter whose connection and command properties have been set. However,
a data set can save its contests to XML (optionally with an acts as the
schema), or populate itself from XML, making it exceptionally useful for web
services, distributed computing and occasionally-connected applications.
In the computer security, login (logging or signing in) is the process by which
individual access to a computer system is controlled by identification of the user using
credentials provide by user. A user can log on to a system to obtain access and
logout when access is not needed. The primary use of computer login procedure to
authenticate the identity of user (or computer software on this or a different computer)
attempting to access the computer service to login into a system usually requires.
Microsoft. Net Framework
The Microsoft. Net framework introduction is software that is available with several
Microsoft window operating systems. It includes a large library of pre-coded solution.
To common programming problem and a virtual machine that manages the execution
of program written specifically for the frame work. The .NET framework is a key
application created for the windows platform.
The following figure shows the ADO.NET object model.
Connection Command
In the ADO.NET object model, the data residing in database is retrieved through
a data provider. In application can access the data either through a data set or
through a data reader output.
ADO.NET and Visual Studio.NET
Functionality exist in the Visual Studio.NET IDE to create specialized subclasses of the Data
Set classes for a particular database schema, allowing convenient access to each field
through strongly-typed properties. This helps catch more programming errors at compile-time
and makes the IDE’s intelligence feature more useful.
Control Used
Flat Style Is used to set the appearance of the button control. It has four values
which are different styles of a button control.
AutoScroll Is used to provide logical grouping of other controls
Control Properties Description
Flat Style Is used to set the appearance of the button control. It has four values which are
different styles of a button control.
DataGridView DataSource This control is used to diplay data from multiple records as well as multiple
columns. The data source property of the DataGridView control is used to bind the
to a specific data element, such as a column of a DataTable.
New Patient
Patient Details
I hope this is informative for you !!!
Thank you
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