Parameter Farmakokinetik
Parameter Farmakokinetik
Parameter Farmakokinetik
Mata Kuliah : Farmakokinetik
Dosen Pengampu : Rovina Ruslami, dr., SpPD,
Volume Of Distribution
Volume of distribution (V) relates the amount of drug in the body to
the concentration of drug (C) in blood or plasma:
Drug clearance principles are similar to the clearance concepts of renal
physiology. Clearance of a drug is the factor that predicts the rate of
elimination in relation to the drug concentration (C)
Elimination of drug from the body may involve processes occurring in the
kidney, the lung, the liver, and other organs.
Capacity-Limited Elimination
Most drug elimination pathways will become saturated if the dose and
therefore the concentration are high enough. When blood flow to an organ
does not limit elimination, the relation between elimination rate and
concentration (C) :
Half Life
Half-life (t1 /2) is the time required to change the amount of drug in the body
by one-half during elimination (or during a constant infusion).
The time course of drug in the body will depend on both the volume of
distribution and the clearance:
Maintenance Dose
At steady state, the dosing rate (rate in) must equal the rate of elimination
(rate out). Substitution of the target concentration (TC) for concentration (C)
in equation predicts the maintenance dosing rate:
Loading Dose
The volume of distribution is the proportionality factor that relates the total
amount of drug in the body to the concentration; if a loading dose is to
achieve the target concentration