How To Write A PHD Proposal

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How to write a PhD


Leiden, 8-5-2015
Lisa Cheng
Saskia Lensink
Bobby Ruijgrok
Benjamin Suchard
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Some general considerations

Advice from Alwin Kloekhorst
Advice from Lisa Cheng
Tips & Tricks from PhD students

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Where can I find a

Have a look at the newsletter of LOT,
oftentimes there are job opening
posted there
Linguist List sometimes posts open

Ask around, talk to your supervisor,

talk to people at conferences
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6 steps
1. Clear working title
2. Clear statement what you want to work
on and why it is important, interesting,
relevant and realistic
3. Background knowledge and context
4. Methods/Approach
5. Some indications strategy and timetable
for your project, and any research
challenges you may face
6. List of key references
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3 Cs

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6 principles
1. It should be interesting to you
2. It should be within your
3. It should be feasible
4. It should be sufficiently delimited
5. It should be manageable in size
6. It should have the potential to make
a contribution to knowledge or
practice in the appropriate area
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At the actual interview

Make sure to engage all committee
members in your
presentation/discussion so dont
just focus on one of the members
throughout the interview
Do your research, and get to know
who the members of the committee
Do a mock interview with some
critical friends, so that you are
prepared to face criticism,
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Advice from Alwin

Kloekhorst (1/5)
The most important thing: be clear!
It should be clear what the problem is,
how youll go about finding a
solution/answer, and what kind of
results you are expecting
Dont use too much jargon when you
know your committee doesnt consist of
only linguists
However, nice prose is important. Make
sure a native speaker checks your
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Advice from Alwin

Kloekhorst (2/5)
Mind the layout!
Paragraphs, titles, schemas, graphs,
Make sure it is clear for every part why
its a part of your text, why it is
relevant, and what the connection is
with the previous and following text

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Advice from Alwin

Kloekhorst (3/5)
Explain all unknown terminology
When talking about a language from
the Waka district of the province of Ubu
in the country of Tupania, I want to see
a map!
When talking about a certain
grammatical feature, give me an

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Advice from Alwin

Kloekhorst (4/5)
Make clear why your topic is relevant
Committees can spend their money
only once, so why is it that they should
spend it on you?
Why is your project different and more
relevant than other projects?
Why are you the person to do the job?
Dont be arrogant, but be confident.
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Advice from Alwin

Kloekhorst (5/5)
Make clear what is needed for you to
do your research
Fieldwork? Do you know how to get a
visum, how to get there, whom are you
staying with, are you familiar with the

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Advice from Lisa Cheng

PhD an independent researcher


your research skills

your creativity
that you are resourceful
that you are careful, responsible

No typos!
Careful citations

Be honest
Dont pretend to be who you are not

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Advice from Lisa Cheng

Proposals connected to a project
Read up on the topic(s) before writing
Relevance to the main research
Relevance to the other sub-projects

For experimental work

Be precise
Think of the number and size of the
Be realistic
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Advice from Lisa Cheng

Be prepared to write and rewrite
Ask others (linguists and non-linguists)
to read your proposal

The first paragraph

Set the stage the most important!

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Advice from PhD

Benjamin Suchard
Bobby Ruijgrok
Saskia Lensink

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Any questions?

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