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Document #: TX005839



Church History
Chapter F

The Age of the Fathers

Chapter Summary
In this era, the Church Fathers wrote and debated about
the core teachings of Christianity.
They organized Ecumenical Councils.
Their leadership strengthened the Church to care for the
people when the Roman Empire collapsed.

Introduction and The

Dawn of the Fourth Century
(Church History, pages 2225)

As the Church grew, the

Church Fathers firmly
defined the Churchs
beliefs and made
secure the Churchs


Church Fathers and Heresies

Heresies are teachings
that reject Church doctrine.
The Church Fathers watched
over the teachings of the Church
and, by their writings and preaching,
corrected misunderstandings
and outright errors.

Yuriy Vlasenko /

Correct the Heresy!

Each one of the statements below is heretical. With a
partner, correct each statement and share the true belief
with your group.
Jesus is fully human but not fully God. (Arianism)
Jesus only seemed to be human. (Docetism)
Pictures or statues of Jesus and the saints is a form of
idolatry. (Iconoclasm)

Constantine Takes Charge

(Church History, pages 2527)

Emperor Constantine made

the practice of Christianity
legal with the Edict of Milan,
spurring massive growth
of the Church.
This Italian stamp (2013)
marks an anniversary
of the Edict of Milan.

Christianity Is Legal!
Constantine made
Christianity legal in
the Roman Empire.
Christians could worship
freely in large groups
instead of in private homes.
Churches were built
to accommodate hundreds
of people.
(This is the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.)

Sean Pavone /

Search It!
Research the history of your parish church. Use these
questions as a guide:
When was your church built?
What is its architectural style?
Who was the first pastor?
When was your school organized?
Who was the first principal?

Who Are the Fathers of the Church? and Church Decisions and
(Church History, pages 2832)

The Fathers of the Church

clarified key Christian
beliefs in Ecumenical
During this time
differences between
the Eastern and
Western Churches grew.
(This is a fresco of the Council of Nicea.)


Journal It!
Look at the list of Church Fathers on pages 29 and 30.
Choose one Church Father. Do an online search of this
Church Fathers quotes. Write one or two of them on
paper and share them with your group.
You might want to illustrate one as a meme.

The Roman Empire Falls and

Our Church Today
(Church History, pages 3339)

Despite the chaos

that occurred when
the Western Roman
Empire fell, the
Church remained
strong and provided
Boris Stroujko /

Rome and Constantinople

When Constantine moved the
capital to Constantinople,
the Eastern Roman Empire
grew in power and influence.
The Western Roman Empire
continued to decay and
finally fell in 476 A.D.




The Widening Role of the Church

The role of the Church
became more important.
The Church organized
to provide for the poor, to
educate boys, to pay for
protecting armies, and even
to maintain city services.
Spiritually, the Church
offered stability and hope.

Share It!
Each parish is a microcosm of the world-wide Church.
Gather in pairs, discuss, and share: How does your parish
help parishioners and society as a whole in the following
Aid to the poor
Education of children
and adults
Spiritual aid through prayer
and the Sacraments
Concern and aid for the
world-wide Church


Pray It!
A litany is an ancient form of prayer that we use today.
The Fathers of the Church would have prayed litanies.
Gather in groups of two or three. Write petitions for the
Church today.
Pray them aloud with the whole group. After each
petition, respond Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy). Like
the Church Fathers, you will be praying in Greek!

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