Reflex Klystron Working

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Klystrons are vacuum tubes that can be used as generators or amplifiers of microwave frequencies. There are two basic types of klystron tubes: reflex klystrons and multi-cavity klystrons.

The two basic configurations of klystron tubes are reflex klystrons, which are used as low-power microwave oscillators, and multi-cavity klystrons, which are used as low-power microwave amplifiers.

Main applications of klystrons include UHF TV transmitters, troposphere scatter transmitters, satellite communication ground stations, and radar transmitters. Klystrons are also commonly used as power oscillators at frequencies between 5-50 GHz.

Unit 5

Klystron Oscillator
Reflex Klystron
Traveling Wave Tube


A klystron is a vacuum tube that can

be used either as a generator or as an
amplifier of power, at microwave

Klystron types
There are two basic configurations of
klystron tubes
1. Reflex Klystron used as a lowpower Microwave oscillator
2.Multi cavity klystron
(two cavity klystron)used as lowpower microwave amplifier

Two cavity Klystron


Two cavity Klystron Amplifier

As power output tubes
1. in UHF TV transmitters
2. in troposphere scatter transmitters
3. satellite communication ground
4. radar transmitters
As power oscillator (5 50 GHz), if
used as a klystron oscillator

Reflex Klystrons

The reflex klystron has been the

most used source of microwave
power in laboratory applications.

A reflex klystron consists of an electron gun, a
cavity with a pair of grids and a repeller plate as
shown in the above diagram.
In this klystron, a single pair of grids does the
functions of both the buncher and the catcher grids.
The main difference between two cavity reflex
klystron amplifier and reflex klystron is that the
output cavity is omitted in reflex klystron and the
repeller or reflector electrode, placed a very short
distance from the single cavity, replaces the
collector electrode.

Collector electrode

The cathode emits electrons which are accelerated
forward by an accelerating grid with a positive
voltage on it and focused into a narrow beam.
The electrons pass through the cavity and undergo
velocity modulation, which produces electron
bunching and the beam is repelled back by a
repeller plate kept at a negative potential with
respect to the cathode.
On return, the electron beam once again enters the
same grids which act as a buncher, therby the
same pair of grids acts simultaneously as a
buncher for the forward moving electron and as a
catcher for the returning beam.

Reflex Klystron


The feedback necessary for electrical oscillations is
developed by reflecting the electron beam, the
velocity modulated electron beam does not
actually reach the repeller plate, but is repelled
back by the negative voltage.
The point at which the electron beam is turned
back can be varied by adjusting the repeller
Thus the repeller voltage is so adjusted that
complete bunching of the electrons takes place at
the catcher grids, the distance between the
repeller and the cavity is chosen such that the
repeller electron bunches will reach the cavity at
proper time to be in synchronization.
Due to this, they deliver energy to the cavity, the 12

Performance Characteristics

Frequency: 4 200 GHz

Power: 1 mW 2.5 W
Theoretical efficiency : 22.78 %
Practical efficiency : 10 % - 20 %
Tuning range : 5 GHz at 2 W 30
GHz at 10 mW


The reflex klystrons are used in
1. Radar receivers
2. Local oscillator in microwave
3. Signal source in microwave
generator of variable frequency
4. Portable microwave links
5. Pump oscillator in parametric


Traveling Wave Tube

Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) is the most
versatile microwave RF power amplifiers.
The main virtue of the TWT is its extremely
wide band width of operation.


Basic structure of a
Traveling Wave Tube


Basic structure
The basic structure of a TWT consists of a cathode
and filament heater plus an anode that is biased
positively to accelerate the electron beam forward
and to focus it into a narrow beam.
The electrons are attracted by a positive plate
called the collector, which has given a high dc
The length of the tube is usually many wavelengths
at the operating frequency.
Surrounding the tube are either permanent
magnets or electromagnets that keep the electrons
tightly focused into a narrow beam.

The unique feature of the TWT is a helix or coil
that surrounds the length of the tube and the
electron beam passes through the centre or axis
of the helix.
The microwave signal to be amplified is applied
to the end of the helix near the cathode and the
output is taken from the end of the helix near
the collector.
The purpose of the helix is to provide path for RF
The propagation of the RF signal along the helix
is made approximately equal to the velocity of
the electron beam from the cathode to the


The passage of the microwave signal down
the helix produces electric and magnetic
fields that will interact with the electron
The electromagnetic field produced by the
helix causes the electrons to be speeded up
and slowed down, this produces velocity
modulation of the beam which produces
density modulation.
Density modulation causes bunches of
electrons to group together one wavelength
apart and. these bunch of electrons travel
down the length of the tube toward the

The electron bunches induce voltages into
the helix which reinforce the voltage
already present there. Due to that the
strength of the electromagnetic field on the
helix increases as the wave travels down
the tube towards the collector.
At the end of the helix, the signal is
considerably amplified. Coaxial cable or
waveguide structures are used to extract
the energy from the helix.

1. TWT has extremely wide bandwidth.
Hence, it can be made to amplify signals
from UHF to hundreds of gigahertz.
2. Most of the TWTs have a frequency
range of approximately 2:1 in the desired
segment of the microwave region to be
3. The TWTs can be used in both continuous
and pulsed modes of operation with
power levels up to several thousands

Performance characteristics


Frequency of operation : 0.5 GHz 95 GHz

Power outputs:
5 mW (10 40 GHz low power TWT)
250 kW (CW) at 3 GHz (high power TWT)
10 MW (pulsed) at 3 GHz
Efficiency : 5 20 % ( 30 % with depressed


Applications of TWT

Low noise RF amplifier in broad band

microwave receivers.
Repeater amplifier in wide band communication
links and long distance telephony.
Due to long tube life (50,000 hours against th
for other types), TWT is power output tube in
communication satellite.
Continuous wave high power TWTs are used in
troposcatter links (due to larger power and
larger bandwidths).
Used in Air borne and ship borne pulsed high
power radars.



Magnetron oscillator

Magnetrons provide microwave oscillations

of very high frequency.
Types of magnetrons
1. Negative resistance type
2. Cyclotron frequency type
3. Cavity type

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Description of types of
Negative resistance Magnetrons
Make use of negative resistance between two anode
segments but have low efficiency and are useful only at
low frequencies (< 500 MHz).
Cyclotron frequency Magnetrons
Depend upon synchronization between an alternating
component of electric and periodic oscillation of electrons
in a direction parallel to this field.
Useful only for frequencies greater than 100 MHz.
Cavity Magnetrons
Depend upon the interaction of electrons with a rotating
electromagnetic field of constant angular velocity.
Provide oscillations of very high peak power and hence
are useful in radar applications

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Forms of Cavity:
1.slot- type
2. vane- type
3. rising sun- type
4. hole-and-slot- type


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Cavity Magnetrons

Fig (i) Major elements in the Magnetron oscillator


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Cavity Magnetron

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Anode Assembly


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Each cavity in the anode acts as an inductor having only
one turn and the slot connecting the cavity and the
interaction space acts as a capacitor.
These two form a parallel resonant circuit and its resonant
frequency depends on the value of L of the cavity and the
C of the slot.
The frequency of the microwaves generated by the
magnetron oscillator depends on the frequency of the RF
oscillations existing in the resonant cavities.


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Magnetron is a cross field device as the electric field
between the anode and the cathode is radial whereas the
magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet is axial.
A high DC potential can be applied between the cathode
and anode which produces the radial electric field.
Depending on the relative strengths of the electric and
magnetic fields, the electrons emitted from the cathode
and moving towards the anode will traverse through the
interaction space as shown in Fig. (iii).
In the absence of magnetic field (B = 0), the electron travel
straight from the cathode to the anode due to the radial
electric field force acting on it, Fig (iii) a.

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Cavity Magnetrons


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Fig (ii) Cross sectional view of

the anode assembly


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Basic Magnetron Operation

Operation of Magnetron can be subdivided
into four phases
1phase: Production and acceleration of an
electron beam in a dc field
2phase: Velocity-modulation of the electron
3phase: Formation of electron bunches by
velocity modulation
(here in form of a Space-Charge Wheel)
4phase: Dispense energy to the ac field

Magnetron is a cross field device as the electric field
between the anode and the cathode is radial whereas the
magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet is axial.
A high DC potential can be applied between the cathode
and anode which produces the radial electric field.
Depending on the relative strengths of the electric and
magnetic fields, the electrons emitted from the cathode
and moving towards the anode will traverse through the
interaction space
In the absence of magnetic field (B = 0), the electron travel
straight from the cathode to the anode due to the radial
electric field force acting on it


Phase 2
If the magnetic field strength is increased slightly, due to
lateral force the electron path bends.
If the strength of the magnetic field is made sufficiently high
then the electrons can be prevented from reaching the
The magnetic field required to return electrons back to the
cathode just grazing the surface of the anode is called the
critical magnetic field (Bc) or the cut off magnetic field.
If the magnetic field is larger than the critical field (B > Bc),
the electron experiences a greater rotational force and may
return back to the cathode quite faster.



Unit 2

Lecture 5


Phase 3 and 4

At any particular instant, one set of alternate poles

goes positive and the remaining set of alternate poles
goes negative due to the RF oscillations in the cavities.
As the electron approaches the anode, one set of
alternate poles accelerates the electrons and turns
back the electrons quickly to the cathode and the other
set alternate poles retard the electrons, thereby
transferring the energy from electrons to the RF signal.
This process results in the bunching of electrons, the
mechanism by which electron bunches are formed and
by which electrons are kept in synchronism with the RF
field is called phase focussing effect.


Unit 2

Lecture 5


If the magnetic field strength is increased slightly, the
lateral force bending the path of the electron as given by
the path b in Fig. (iii).
The radius of the path is given by, If the strength of the
magnetic field is made sufficiently high then the electrons
can be prevented from reaching the anode as indicated
path c in Fig. (iii)),
The magnetic field required to return electrons back to the
cathode just grazing the surface of the anode is called the
critical magnetic field (Bc) or the cut off magnetic field.
If the magnetic field is larger than the critical field (B > Bc),
the electron experiences a greater rotational force and may
return back to the cathode quite faster.

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Fig (iii) Electron

trajectories in the
presence of crossed
electric and magnetic

(a) no magnetic
(b) small magnetic
(c) Magnetic field =
(d) Excessive
magnetic field

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Fig (iv) Possible trajectory of electrons from cathode to anode
in an eight cavity magnetron operating in mode


Unit 2

Lecture 5


The RF Oscillations of transient nature produced when
the HT is switched on, are sufficient to produce the
oscillations in the cavities, these oscillations are
maintained in the cavities reentrant feedback which
results in the production of microwaves.
Reentrant feedback takes place as a result of interaction
of the electrons with the electric field of the RF
oscillations existing in the cavities.
The cavity oscillations produce electric fields which fringe
out into the interaction space from the slots in the anode
structure, as shown in Fig (iv).
Energy is transferred from the radial dc field to the RF
field by the interaction of the electrons with the fringing
RF field.

Unit 2

Lecture 5


Fig (v) Bunching of electrons in

multicavity magnetron


Unit 2

Lecture 5



At any particular instant, one set of alternate poles

goes positive and the remaining set of alternate poles
goes negative due to the RF oscillations in the cavities.
As the electron approaches the anode, one set of
alternate poles accelerates the electrons and turns
back the electrons quickly to the cathode and the other
set alternate poles retard the electrons, thereby
transferring the energy from electrons to the RF signal.
This process results in the bunching of electrons, the
mechanism by which electron bunches are formed and
by which electrons are kept in synchronism with the RF
field is called phase focussing effect. electrons with the
fringing RF field.

Unit 2

Lecture 5


The number of bunches depends on the number of
cavities in the magnetron and the mode of oscillations, in
an eight cavity magnetron oscillating with - mode, the
electrons are bunched in four groups as shown in Fig (v).
Two identical resonant cavities will resonate at two
frequencies when they are coupled together; this is due to
the effect of mutual coupling.
Commonly separating the pi mode from adjacent modes is
by a method called strapping. The straps consist of either
circular or rectangular cross section connected to alternate
segments of the anode block.


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Performance Characteristics
1. Power output: In excess of 250 kW ( Pulsed
Mode), 10 mW (UHF band), 2 mW (X band),
8 kW (at 95 GHz)
2. Frequency: 500 MHz 12 GHz
3. Duty cycle: 0.1 %
4. Efficiency: 40 % - 70 %


Unit 2

Lecture 5


Applications of Magnetron
1. Pulsed radar is the single most important
application with large pulse powers.
2. Voltage tunable magnetrons are used in sweep
oscillators in telemetry and in missile
3. Fixed frequency, CW magnetrons are used for
industrial heating and microwave ovens.


Unit 2

Lecture 5


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