Professional Adjustment (Week 4)
Professional Adjustment (Week 4)
Professional Adjustment (Week 4)
Adjustment: Laws
Classifications of Law
Human/Positive Law
A. Public Law is that which is concerned
with the affairs of the state in its political
or sovereign capacity
Types of International
A. Public International Law body of rules,
which control the conduct of independent
states in their relations with each other
B. Private International Law or Conflict of
Laws part of the municipal law of a state
which directs its courts and administrative
agencies when confronted with a legal
problem involving a foreign element,
whether or not they should apply a foreign
Remedial Law:
1. Ordinary Remedy
ex. Regional Trial Court, Barangay Trial Court
2. Extra Ordinary Remedy
EX. 3 Writs of Extraordinary Remedies:
A. Certiorari
B. Prohibition
C. Mandamus
3. Provisional Remedy
ex. Bail
It is a moral power of man to do, to
possess, or to require something, which
power all are bound to respect.
EX. Nurses Bill of Rights
Patients Bill of Rights
Nursing Jurisprudence:
Defined as the department of law that comprises
all the legal rules and principles affecting the
practice of nursing.
It deals with:
1. All laws, rules and regulations.
2. Legal principles and doctrines governing
and regulating the practice of nursing.
3. Legal opinions and decisions of competent
authority in cases involving nursing practice.
The End