Tik Dan Islam Philosophy of Ict and Islam
Tik Dan Islam Philosophy of Ict and Islam
Tik Dan Islam Philosophy of Ict and Islam
The Philosophy
Relation between Islam and ICT
These amenities are inferred from the word
Qalam, mentioned in the first surah, al-' Alaq,
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
(Peace Be Upon Him) and man in essence,
The functions of Qalam is interpreted as
similar to what a computer could also do.
The first word in the surah, i.e. iqra' which means
read, could be well presumed as the first task
assigned to our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and the
ummah to acquire knowledge and to begin their
Acquisition of knowledge is a very important
activity in human's life.
Allah S.W.t. recognizes this in the Qur'dn with its
iqra imperative repeated twice as well as enjoining
Muslims to acquire knowledge in a total of 750
verses in the Qur 'an
The Qur 'an is the word of Allah s. w.t,
teaching humans various aspects of life,
ranging from philosophy to sciences, history to
biology, astronomy to geology, physics to
chemistry, political science to business and
law to management.
"Proclaim' (or Read) in the name of thy Lord and
Cherisher, who created,
created man out of (mere) clot of congealed blood.
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful
He who taught (the use oj) the pen.
Taught man that which he knew not." (Al- 'Alaq: 1-5)
Al-Qalam or the pen could be understood as a
tool that could write, store, disseminate, and
share knowledge.
The first word Read, is the first task assigned
to us humans instead of Eat, Walk or Work.
This statement shows the importance of
The ayah (verse) continues to explain the real
essence of teaching, i.e, Allah s. w. t teaches
humans the concept and the use of 'the pen.'
Allah s. w. t describes that the tool used for
teaching humans as 'the pen' is an everlasting
tool to teach humans and has deep significant
impact on human life.
Allah s.w.! states the words Nun, 'the pen' and
'the record.'
After explaining the concept of 'the pen' in Al'Alaq, Allah s. w.t revealed a surah that
discusses the concept of 'the record,' as a
means to disseminate knowledge.
Those who possess knowledge must teach and
nurture others with their knowledge.
Both Surah Al-Qalam and Surah Al- 'Alaq
connote the education methodology (tarbiyah)
for teaching Muslims as commanded for them
to carryout da 'wah globally.
Al-Baqarah 31 - 34
And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed
them. be/ore the angels, and said: "Tel! me the nature 0/
these ifye are right."
They said: "Glory to Thee, 0/ knowledge we have none, save
what Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom. "
He said: "0 Adam! Tell them their natures. " When he had
told them, God said: "Did I not tell you that] know the
secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal and
what ye conceal?"
And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and
they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty
he was of those who reject Faith.
The creation of the first man testifies the
important concept of Information Technology
which is known today as information system.
Allah S.W.t input the knowledge to Adam a.s.
i.e. Allah S.W.t taught him 'the names.' Allah
S.W.t could have created Adam a.s with a
'built-in' knowledge of 'the names' without the
Yet, Allah S.W.t wishes to show the importance
of Input, Process and Output for human life
This ayah exhibits the significant practice of input,
process and output designed for human beings
Allah raises the status of humans by inputting the
Knowledge is able to raise man to a higher position
and dignity, and he can be distinguished over the
malaikah (angels).
With the knowledge from Allh s. w.t, Adam a.s
became more knowledgeable than the mala 'ikah,
and thus, he deserved more right to be the Khalifah
on earth.
philosophy ?
Computer ?
Philosophy of Computer ?
Qalam ?
What is philosophy ?
Filosof kata serapan dari bahasa Belanda
juga dikenal di Indonesia.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia seseorang yang
mendalami bidang falsafah disebut "filsuf".
Filsafat adalah suatu pemikiran manusia untuk
memahami hakikat dari suatu kenyataan,
untuk memperoleh kebenaran, makna, tujuan,
serta nilai-nilai untuk mengetahui sedalamdalamnya tentang suatu obyek penelaahnya.
The Liang Gie dalam bukunya Filsafat Ilmu
menuliskan bahwa filsafat ilmu adalah
persoalan-persoalan mengenai segala hal
yang menyangkut landasan ilmu maupun
hubungan ilmu dengan segala segi dari
kehidupan manusia.
Filsafat biasa dibagi menjadi dua kategori
besar menurut wilayah dan menurut latar
belakang agama
Menurut wilayah :
filsafat barat,
filsafat timur, dan
filsafat Timur Tengah.
Hindu, dan
Philosophy of Islam
Kedua, Islam adalah agama tauhid. Maka, bila dalam
filsafat lain masih 'mencari Tuhan', dalam filsafat
Islam justru Tuhan 'sudah ditemukan, dalam arti
bukan berarti sudah usang dan tidak dibahas lagi,
namun filsuf islam lebih memusatkan perhatiannya
kepada manusia dan alam, karena sebagaimana kita
ketahui, pembahasan Tuhan hanya menjadi sebuah
pembahasan yang tak pernah ada finalnya.
Al-Kindi's Perspective
Al-Kindi explained the philosophy as the highest
level and noblest of the human effort in dealing
with and in understanding our existence
(muslimphilosophy.com, 2003).
Through philosophy, people learn the
knowledge of things in reality and the
knowledge of God's divinity and unity
Al-Farabf's perspective
Al-Farabi added the distinction between the
philosophy based on certainty (al-yaqiniyyah)
and the philosophy based on opinion (al
Certainty (al-yaqiniyyah) produces
demonstrations and opinion (al maznunah )
produces dialectic and sophistry.
He argued that philosophy is the mother of the
sciences and dealt with everything that exists
(Al-Farabi, 1969).
Al-Ghazali's perspective
Aspek Teknologi :
Hardware (perangkat keras / bentuk fisik )
software ( perangkat lunak / dasar informasi
dalam penggunaan hardware)
Teknologi komunikasi (Rogers (1986))
perangkat keras, struktur-struktur organisasional
dan nilai-nilai sosial yang memungkinkan individu
atau khalayak mengumpulkan, memproses dan
saling mempertukarkan informasi dengan individu
atau khalayak lain
Teknologi informasi
komunikasi satelit, kabel interaktif dua arah,
komputer dan video disk serta video cassete.
(Ely, 1982)
pemrosesan, pengolahan dan penyebaran data
oleh kombinasi komputer dan telekomunikasi
(Richard Weiner, 1996, 303)
Teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi informasi
adalah berbeda kedua teknologi tersebut
dapat dipersatukan dalam satu teknologi yang
komputer (computer).
Pada konteks hardware dan software-nya
komputer digunakan sebagai pengolah data
namun ketika komputer terintegarsi dalam
jaringan internet maka komputer digunakan
untuk berkomunikasi secara global.
What is Computer ?
Ilmu = pengetahuan yang diatur secara
Ilmu Komputer Berasal dari Computer
informasi dengan struktur informasi dan
prosedur yang masuk ke dalam representasi
dari pemrosesan tersebut, dan dengan
implementasinya dalam sistem pemrosesan
Or is computer science a science of computation (as
other authors say)?
What, then, is computation?
What is an algorithm? Is an algorithm different from a
procedure? Many authors say that an algorithm is (like)
a recipe; is it, or are there important differences?
What are Church's and Turing's "theses"?
Some authors claim that there are forms of
computation-often lumped together under the rubric
"hypercomputation"-that, in some sense, go "beyond"
Turing-machine (TM) computation: What is
What is a computer program?
What is the relation of a program to that which
it models or simulates? What is simulation?
Are programs (scientific) theories?
What is an implementation?
What is software? How does it relate to
Can (or should) computer programs be
copyrighted, or patented?
Can computer programs be verified?
What is the philosophy of artificial
What is AI?
What is the relation of computation to
Can computers think?
What are the Turing Test and the Chinese Room
What is computer ethics?
[This, like the philosophy of AI, is a vast question,
deserving of its own course and having many
textbooks devoted solely to it.
Should we trust decisions made by computers?
Should we build intelligent computers?
Relation between
and ICT
Information Technology (IT) is defined as "the use
of computers and telecommunications for the
processing and distribution of information in
digital, audio, video and other forms".
Based on this definition and the fact that Quran is
neither a scientific text book nor a technological
"how-to" manual, those who are unfamiliar with
Islam might be questioning themselves about the
relationship between IT and the book revealed
more than 1400 years ago.
Quran stresses the importance of seeking
both divine and worldly knowledge from the
very first revelation:
"Read in the name of your Lord who created *
created man from a clot .."
Continue to Part II