Intermediate Accounting: Eleventh Canadian Edition

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Prepared by:
Darrin Ambrose CPA, CMA, MBA
University of Calgary


The Canadian Financial Reporting Environment

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Explain how accounting makes it possible to use scarce resources more
2. Explain the meaning of stakeholder and identify key stakeholders in
financial reporting, explaining what is at stake for each one.
3. Identify the objective of financial reporting.
4. Explain how information asymmetry and bias interfere with the objective of
financial reporting.
5. Explain the need for accounting standards and identify the major entities
that influence the standard setting and financial reporting.
6. Explain the meaning of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
and the significance of professional judgement in applying GAAP.
7. Discuss some of the challenges and opportunities for accounting.

The Canadian Financial Reporting


Characteristics of Accounting

Accounting identifies, measures, and

communicates financial information to various
users (decision makers)
Accounting has two broad classifications:

1. Financial accounting
2. Managerial accounting

Accounting theory and practice have evolved and

will continue to evolve to meet changing demands
and influences

Characteristics of Accounting
1. Identification, measurement, and
communication of financial information
2. Economic entities to;
3. Interested persons.

Financial Reporting
Financial accounting results in preparation of
financial reports about business activities
Financial reporting is used by both internal and
external users
External users include such decision makers as
investors, creditors, unions, and government
Managerial accounting is used by management
(internal users only)

Financial Statements and Other Means

of Financial Reporting

Major financial statements include:

Statement of Financial Position

Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement
Statement of Changes in Equity
+ Note Disclosures

Financial Reporting

Other forms of financial reporting include:

Presidents letter
Government reporting
News releases
Management forecasts

Accounting and Capital Allocation

Financial reporting aids users in the
allocation of scarce resources (capital)


Accounting and Capital Allocation

The accounting profession has the responsibility
of measuring a companys performance
accurately, fairly, and on a timely basis
These measurements enable investors and
creditors to compare the income and assets
employed by companies
Investors can then assess the relative risks and
returns associated with companies


Capital Allocation Process


Accounting and Capital Allocation

In Canada, the primary exchange
mechanisms for allocating resources are:
Debt and equity markets (e.g. TSX)
Financial institutions (e.g. banks)


Sources of Capital


Accounting and Capital Allocation

An effective process of capital allocation is
critical to a healthy economy
Unreliable and irrelevant information leads
to poor capital allocation
Credit rating agencies use accounting to
rate companies financial stability
This gives investors and creditors
additional independent information

Stakeholders in Financial Reporting

Stakeholders: parties who have

something at risk (stake) in the financial
reporting environment
Key stakeholders include traditional users
of financial information


Stakeholders in Financial Reporting

Broader definition of users is: anyone who
prepares, relies on, reviews, audits, or
monitors financial information
Includes both internal and external parties
Key stakeholders include:
investors, creditors, auditors, employees,
regulators, analysts, management, standard
setters, and others

Stakeholders in Financial Accounting

Investors and creditors rely on the
financial statements to make decisions
Standard setters set Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) to provide
direction for accounting


What is at Stake for Each Stakeholder


Objective of Financial Reporting

The overall objective of financial reporting is to provide
information that is decision-useful.
Financial statements should provide information about:
1. the entitys economic resources and claims to those
resources, and
2. changes in those resources and claims

Resource allocation decisions are assumed to include

assessment of management stewardship (i.e.
management role in maximizing shareholder value)
General-purpose financial statements are prepared for a
wide variety of stakeholders

Information Asymmetry
Ideally, all stakeholders should have equal access to
all relevant information (i.e. symmetry of access to
Managers have access to more information than
other stakeholders (i.e. information asymmetry)
Some reasons for information asymmetry
Capital markets are not fully efficient
Human behaviour sometimes motivated by
maximizing self-interest at the cost of others


Information Asymmetry Problems

Two types of information asymmetry problems:
1. Adverse selection: knowing that there is an information
asymmetry, capital markets may attract wrong kinds of
2. Moral Hazard: knowing that there is information
asymmetry, individuals may act in their own best interest
at the expense of others (e.g. management bias)

Some of the possible motivations for management bias

include the following:
1. Evaluation of management performance
2. Compensation structures
3. Access to capital markets and meeting analyst
4. Meeting contractual obligations

The Need to Develop Standards

Accounting standards help reduce information

asymmetry problems in financial reporting
Standards are not rules, regulations, or laws
they are recommendations
Standards are intended to be generally accepted
and universally practised


The Standard Setting Process in

Canada Parties Involved

Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB)

Primarily responsible for setting GAAP for Canadian
private enterprises (ASPE), not-for-profit entities,
and pension plans
Two underlying premises for development of
Be responsive to the needs and viewpoints of the
entire economic community
Operate in full public view through due process


The Standard Setting Process in

Canada Parties Involved
International Accounting Standards Board
Major international standard setting body
Mission to develop, in the public interest, a single
set of high quality, understandable and
international reporting standards (IFRSs) for
general purpose financial statements
IFRS must be used by public companies in
Private enterprises have an option of using IFRS

The Standard Setting Process in

Canada Parties Involved
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

FASB is the major standard setting body in the U.S.

SEC has the final authority over accounting
standards in the U.S
Provincial Securities Commission
(e.g. Ontario Securities Commission)

To oversee and monitor capital marketplace

Ensure strict adherence to securities law/legislation


Generally Accepted Accounting

Principles (GAAP)
Under ASPE, GAAP consists of :
Primary sources
CPA Canada Handbook Sections 1400 to 3870
Accounting guidelines

Other sources
Background documents and implementation guidance issued
by AcSB
Pronouncements in other jurisdictions
Research studies, accounting textbooks, journals, etc.
Must be consistent with primary sources and in accordance with
the conceptual framework (i.e. CPA Canada Handbook Section


Generally Accepted Accounting

Principles (GAAP)
Under IFRS, GAAP includes:

International Accounting Standards (IAS)
Interpretations (IFRIC or SIC)
If above sources do not specifically apply, other
sources may be considered:
Pronouncements of other standard-setting bodies
Other accounting literature
Accepted industry practices


Professional Judgement
There cannot be a rule for every situation
Standards in Canada are based primarily on
principles rather than specific rules
Therefore, must use professional judgement
The United States currently uses a rules-based


Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was enacted in 2002
(in the United States)
Some of the legislations key provisions:

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

Independence rules
Bonus/profit forfeiture
CEO/CFO certification
Management report on effectiveness of internal controls
over financial reporting
Independent audit committees
Codes of ethics

Canadian Response
The Canadian Public Accountability Board
Additional rules issued by Canadian Securities
Administrators (CSA) including:
Management responsibility for
appropriateness and fairness of financial
Independent audit committees
Increased disclosures


Centrality of Ethics

Ethical dilemmas are common in accounting and

other areas of business
It is not always easy to do the right thing or
make the right decision
Ethical decisions often go beyond applying
GAAP or rules of the profession


Challenges and Opportunities for the

Accounting Profession
Standard setting in a political environment
Political action can have a significant impact
on accounting standards

Principles versus rules

Principle-based standards (like ASPE and
IFRS) are more dependent on professional


Challenges and Opportunities

for the Accounting Profession
Impact of technology
Increased ability to produce and access timely
New ways of communicating financial
information (e.g. XBRL)

Integrated reporting
Reporting to extend beyond financial
information and include broader business
reporting (e.g. governance and compensation,
as well as sustainability reporting)

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