Module 1 - Introduction To Fluid Mechanics
Module 1 - Introduction To Fluid Mechanics
Module 1 - Introduction To Fluid Mechanics
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Fluid Mechanics
Fluids essential to life
Human body 65% water
Earths surface is 2/3 water
Atmosphere extends 17km above the earths
Faces of Fluid Mechanics
(C. 287-212
Fluids omnipresent
Weather & climate
Vehicles: automobiles, trains, ships,
and planes, etc.
Physiology and medicine
Sports & recreation
Many other examples!
Global Climate
High-speed rail
Surface ships
River hydraulics
Air pollution
Offshore racing
Definition of Stress
Consider a small area A on the surface of a body (Fig. 1.1).
The force acting on this area is F. This force can be
resolved into two perpendicular components
The component of force acting normal to the area called
normal force and is denoted by Fn
Thecomponent of force acting along the plane of area is
called tangential force and is denoted by Ft
Definition of Stress
When they are expressed as force per unit area they are called
as normal stress and tangential stress respectively. The
tangential stress is also called shear stress
The normal stress
Definition of Fluid
A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously in the
face of tangential or shear stress, irrespective of the
magnitude of shear stress. This continuous deformation
under the application of shear stress constitutes a flow.
In this connection fluid can also be defined as the state of
matter that cannot sustain any shear stress.
tangential Fluids cannot resist tangential
stresses in static condition
stresses in static condition
Whenever a solid is subjected to Whenever a fluid is subjected to
shear stress
shear stress
No fixed deformation
deformation or breaks
is proportional to shear
takes place until the shear
stress upto some limiting
stress is applied
Solid may regain partly or fully its A fluid can never regain its
the original shape, once it has been
tangential stress is removed
distorted by the shear stress
Problem 1
Imagine applying a shear stress to a puddle of
water with your hand. Suppose the water puddle is
initially 2 mm thick and that the viscosity of water
is 0.001 kg/(m-s). If your hand is applying a shear
stress of magnitude 0.05 kg/(m-s2), calculate the
shear strain rate and velocity gradient in the fluid,
and the speed u at which your hand is moving.
Question 1. Calculate the dynamic viscosity of an oil, which is
used for lubrication between a square plate of size 0.8 m x 0.8 m
and an inclined plane with angle of inclination 30. The weight of
the square plate is 300 N and it slides down the inclined plane with
a uniform velocity of 0.3 m/s. The thickness of oil film is 1.5 mm.
Question 2. If the velocity profile of a fluid over a plate is
Parabolic with the vertex 20 cm from the plate, where the velocity
is 120 cm/sec. Calculate the velocity gradients and shear stresses
at a distance of 0, 10 and 20 cm from the plate, if the viscosity of
the fluid is 8.5 poise.
Question 3. Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm
diameter when the inside pressure is 2.5 N/m2 above atmospheric
Question 4. The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for a lubrication
Between a shaft and sleeve is 6 poise. The shaft is of diameter 0.4 m
and rotates at 190 r.p.m. Calculate the horse power lost in the bearing
for a sleeve length of 90 mm. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.
a fluid of viscosity 2.0 Ns/m2 and specific gravity 0.9. A metallic plate
1.2m x 1.2m x 0.2cm is to be lifted with a constant velocity of
0.15 m/sec, through the gap. If the plate is in the middle of the gap,
find the force required. The weight of the plate is 40 N.
Answer: 100.97 N
Ideal solid
Ideal fluid
Shear stress and deformation
rate relationship of different
Continuum Hypothesis
Suppose you are given the assignment to
predict the fluid velocity distribution created by
stirring a glass of water with a spoon.
How would you propose to model the fluid in
this situation?
One approach might be to attack the problem
on a molecular level by using your
understanding of dynamics and modern
physics to model the water molecules as
interacting hard spheres with a known
intermolecular force field.
Good luck! A typical glass of water contains on
the order of 1026 water molecules.
Even with the help of a powerful computer,
tracking such a large number of objects is
impossible, at least in the foreseeable future.
Continuum Hypothesis
An alternate approach to model the water in the
glass, or any fluid in general, is to consider all
macroscopic properties at a point in a fluid as
averages of molecular characteristics in a small
region about that point.
In this approach we assume that a fluid may be
treated as a continuous substance or continuum,
rather than as a group of discrete molecules.
Therefore, this concept is called the continuum
Continuum Hypothesis
Continuum Hypothesis
The acceptable size of the unit volume for many liquids and gases is
about 1m3.
Over this value, the medium can be accepted as continuum , such
that the variations in space and time can be accepted to be smooth
and differential equations can be written to describe the fluid
If, however, the chosen unit volume is too large, there could be a
noticeable variation within the selected volume owing to the nonuniform bulk distribution of molecules caused by temperature and/or
pressure variations in the flow field.
The continuum hypothesis is basically an approximation, in the
same way planets are approximated by point particles when dealing
with celestial mechanics, and therefore results in approximate
Consequently, assumption of the continuum hypothesis can lead to
results which are not of desired accuracy.
Continuuum hypothesis suffers in rarefied gas flows and gas flows in
micro and nano geometries.
Having said that, under the right circumstances, the continuum
hypothesis produces extremely accurate results. Those problems for
Continuum Hypothesis
How do we know if a continuum model is valid for a specific
Continuum models of fluid mechanics have been applied to an
extraordinarily wide range of problems with excellent results, so
there is little doubt of the general validity of this approach.
Does the molecular structure of a fluid ever become important
and perhaps cause a breakdown in the continuum theory?
The answer to this question is yes: the continuum theory is in
jeopardy when the length scale of a physical phenomenon or
object exposed to a fluid is of the same order as molecular
In a problem involving a gas, for example, the largest molecular
dimension of practical importance is the mean free path of gas
molecules, which is inversely proportional to the density of the
Continuum Hypothesis
The mean free path in air is approximately 107 m (0.1nm) at
standard conditions.
Is a continuum model appropriate to describe the flow of gas in 0.5
nm pores of a filter media?
Since the pore diameter is approximately five times the mean free
path, we should be cautious in using results based on the
continuum hypothesis in this application.
Concept of Continuum
One of the factors considered important in determining the validity
of continuum model is molecular density.
It is the distance between the molecules which is characterised by
mean free path ().
It is calculated by finding statistical average distance the molecules
travel between two successive collisions.
If the mean free path is very small as compared with some
characteristic length in the flow domain (i.e., the molecular density
is very high) then the gas can be treated as a continuous medium.
If the mean free path is large in comparison to some characteristic
length, the gas cannot be considered continuous and it should be
analysed by the molecular theory.
A dimensionless parameter known as
Knudsen number, Kn = / L,
where is the mean free path and L is the characteristic length. It
describes the degree of departure from continuum.
Concept of Continuum
Usually when Kn> 0.01, the concept of continuum does not hold good.
Beyond this critical range of Knudsen number, the flows are
known as
Problem 3
In each of the following situations, would you feel comfortable using
the continuum hypothesis in your analysis of the fluid flow? For any
doubtful cases, list the additional
information you would like to obtain before feeling confident of your
Fluid properties
Force balance in
cylindrical column
of constant density
The key result is
Manometer Readings
A manometer is a liquid-filled device used to measure pressure.
By changing the liquid from water to mercury, a manometer of
reasonable size may be used to read higher pressures.
Specific Gravity
If you work for an international corporation and your product
list contains dozens of different fluids, you will have a
significant number of density values at STP to deal with, and
these may be given in a number of different units.
Placed in this situation, you might want to use a dimensionless,
and therefore unitless, measure of density.
This fluid property, known as specific gravity, sg, is defined as
the ratio of a fluids density to that of a standard reference fluid
(water for liquids, air for gases) at STP.
Thus, for gases, we define the specific gravity as
All fluids are composed of energetic molecules in motion. When
these molecules collide with a surface, they exert a normal and
tangential force on the surface due to the change in momentum of
colliding molecules.
The normal force exists in fluids at rest and in motion, whereas
tangential (shearing) forces exist only for fluids in motion.
Liquids and gases are unable to exert tensile stresses. Thus the
normal force exerted by a fluid on a surface is always compressive;
i.e., it is directed into the surface.
Fluids exert a compressive force on any surface they contact. (A) A fluid exerting
a force normal to a solid surface. (B) A fluid exerting a compressive force on an
imaginary interior surface.
The pressure p on a planar surface is defined as the
compressive normal force applied by the fluid to the surface,
FN, divided by the area of that surface, A. Thus we write
Hot air balloon: (A) photograph and (B) schematic, indicating that the net
force on the balloon is calculated as the difference between the gravitational
force and the buoyancy force, i.e., FN=FGFB.
containing 200 cm3 of hot water at
90C is held submerged in a tank of
cold water at 20C. Calculate the
net force acting on the bag of fluid.
Is the force pushing the bag up or
What is the buoyancy force acting
on the bag?
Assume density of hot water at
90oC = 965 kg/m3 and at 20o C =
1000 kg/m3
Gas Dynamics
eals with the dynamics and thermodynamics of the flow of a compressible fluid
Mach Number (M): - Ratio of Flow velocity to the Local speed of Sound
i) Subsonic Flow (M < 1)
ii) Transonic Flow (0.8 < M < 1.2)
iii) Supersonic Flow (1 < M < 5)
iv) Hypersonic Flow (M > 1)
gneto-Fluid Mechanics
dy of the motion of an electrically charged conducting fluid in the presence of m
y High Temperatures, ~ 10000 K
ow of Multi-component Mixtures
udy of the flow of chemically reacting component mixtures, made of more than o
mentum / Energy / Mass Transport considered
Que. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity of a liquid
which is compressed from a volume of 0.0125 m3 at 80
N/cm2 to a volume of 0.0124 m3 at 150 N/cm2.
V A (t )
. .
x x A (t dt )
V A (t dt )
. .
x x A (t )
dx A
A pathline is the path, or trajectory, traced out by an
identified fluid particle.
. .
of andxidentified
V ( x, t )
dx udt
dy vdt , or
dz wdt
dx dy dz
Flow Description
A streamline is one that drawn, is tangential to the velocity vector at every point in the flow at
a given instant and forms a powerful tool in understanding flows.
These show the direction in which a massless fluid element will travel at any point in time
Streamline definition
Stream Surface
Stream Tube
Stream Surface
If we trace out streamlines that start from points on this curve, we have a stream surface that contains C.
Stream Tube
Dye injection
x A (t dt A )
x B (t dt B )
xC (t dtC )
x D (t dt D )
x D (t )
xC (t )
x B (t )
x A (t )
A streakline is the line joining fluid particles that once passed through the same
fixed point in space. (It is helpful to think of a dye streak.)
Note that here
One way to think of a streakline that passes through a point P is to think of a still image of a trace of dye
from an injection port at P.
Some Images
The flow through a venturi tube can be used to induce the flow of a
second fluid.
A common example is a carburetor, in which the primary airflow
draws gasoline into the engine. As the air moves through the throat
(the region of reduced cross-sectional area), its velocity increases
and its pressure decreases. The drop in pressure provides suction,
which draws the gasoline into the throat and out through the exit of
Show that pressure difference
in soap bubble is
Surface tension
Surface tension
A liquidgas interface. The
liquid molecules (represented
by solid colored spheres) are
fashion (atoms in a crystalline
solid are packed in a highly
ordered fashion).
The molecules in the interior of
the liquid, including molecule I,
generally have six nearest
molecular neighbors in the
plane of the paper.
In contrast, liquid molecules at
the liquid surface, such as
molecule S have only four
nearest molecular neighbors in
the plane of the paper. This
difference in number of nearest
neighbors result in a surface
tension or equivalently a
surface energy at any fluid
Surface tension
As shown in Figure, molecules below the
surface of a liquid have a characteristic
number of nearest neighbors. The total
energy of the fluid system is minimized when
each molecule has the correct number of
neighbors (determined by the bonding
characteristics of the atoms in the fluid).
Molecules at the liquid surface, however,
have a different number of nearest
neighbors. There are two ways to interpret
this observation. First, since the surface
molecules have the wrong number of
neighbors, they will be at a higher energy
state. The excess energy associated with the
Surface energy,
is represented
by the symbol , has
at thewhich
is known as
of energy per unit area, {FL/L2}, or equivalently, {F/L},
and is expressed in units of ergs/cm2, J/m2.
The corresponding net force on a molecule in the interface acts in
the plane of the surface in all directions and is referred to as the
surface tension
It has same unit as that of surface energy.
Surface tension
Schematic illustration of a spherical
liquid bubble surrounded by a gas.
The surface tension acts on a liquid
molecule located at the interface in
the plane of the liquidgas
interface in all directions.
In this two-dimensional view, the
surface tension acts on the colored
molecule in the direction of the
indicated arrows.
Surface tension
Surface Tension Values for Various Fluid Systems at Room
The only forces acting on the interface are those due to pressure
and surface tension.
The net action of a uniform pressure inside a hemisphere is as if the
same pressure acted on the equatorial plane of area r 2 (projected
Surface tension acts on the circumference of the hemisphere, 2r.
If we let p be the pressure difference, inside minus outside, then the
force equilibrium condition just stated becomes
Capillary Action
The column is at rest, so the sum of all forces acting on the fluid
column is zero. The pressure acting on the top of the meniscus
formed in the tube is atmospheric. The pressure acting at the
bottom of the liquid column inside the tube is also atmospheric,
because lines of constant pressure in a stationary fluid in a
gravity field are horizontal, and the tube is open.
Since atmospheric pressure acts over an area equal to the cross
section of the tube at each end, the net effect of pressure on
the liquid column is zero.
The surface tension force acting up on the contact line, plus the
force of gravity on the liquid column acting down must
therefore add to zero.
From the geometry at the contact line we find
Solving for the height of capillary rise, we have
Vapour pressure
Vapour pressure
End of Module 1