Evaulation Presentation

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Student Magazine

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of media products? Similarities





anchors to
main image

number and



1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of media products? Differences
Use of
colours to


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of media products?
I have used one big, main image that follows the structure
rule of thirds on my magazine like the example showed.
However, my main image doesnt give a direct address as the
student is looking at the revision book which targets my
audience, also I wanted to be diferent from other magazines.
I used a medium long shot which challenges conventions,
however I wanted to be diferent and show the audience what
college students wear to college. The student is smiling in the
image because it tells the audience that college can be fun
so they should look forward to it. The student is also wearing
smart casual clothing which is similar to the teenage fashion.
Therefore, this presents the student as a teenage student
who is at college, which sets the target audience. I followed a
specific colour scheme on both front cover and contents page
which is purple, green and white as that follows the college
colours so the audience will instantly know its for Solihull 6 th
Form College students. I placed a large masthead with big,
bold writing to show the audience what the magazine is
about. I used the same fonts both in my main cover and
contents page which are Pristina, Segoe Print and Enbrima.
But for my masthead and contents title, I used the same font
from dafont.com which is Prezident. I have made a main
coverline which anchors the main image and also targets a
specific audience which is college students that need
information and tips. This is also done in the example shown
below my magazine. I have placed coverlines in a box and

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of media products?
- Similarities
s title
Selection of
Page number

and titles

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of media products? Differences


Insight into the

information on
the pages

information to

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of media products?
In the contents page, I did not follow the rule of
thirds structure which challenges conventions, I did
this because I wanted to be diferent and stand out
more from other magazines. The coverlines anchors
to all 3 images on the contents page. In the 3
images placed on the contents page all has a page
number reference so the audience can instantly go
to that page, however, in pictures numbered 2 and
6, they do not give direct address which challenges
conventions, I made this action because I wanted to
send a message to the audience saying that college
life is busy and theres work to get on with. In the
picture numbered 4 is a photograph of a football
field as there is a scenery which makes the
photograph look more eye catchy and targets my
audience. I have placed contact information in the
bottom right hand corner to give my audience more
details on the college so if they have any worries,
they can use them. All the fonts used on the
contents page is the ones used in my main cover as
it follows through and looks more neat. Furthermore,

2. What have you learnt about technologies from the process

of constructing this product?
This was the first and major technology feature I came across during the
preliminary task which was to create a blog using blogger.com and upload all
the tasks on there. Using blogger was a new experience for me, however, I
was able to manage my work at ease, also was able to keep on top of my
work. The feature that was quite challenging was to upload documents from
diferent websites/softwares onto the blog using embed and/or share links.
Overall, it was pretty straight forward to get used to after a couple of tries.
One of the key websites manipulated to upload work from word documents
and power point presentations onto my blog page. Its stress-free to work with
as it is a simple 3 step process. I had never used this before so it was a new
experience for me, but it is really straight forward to use.
This website helped me produce presentations which I had to upload to my
blog, it is very similar to power point presentations but through a website
which was then uploaded using the embed code/link. I had never came across
this website before but by using this, I was able to create slides using the
features included on the website, which were only slightly diferent from
normal power point. This wasnt very hard to use as its similar to power point
but much more easier in my opinion.

2. What have you learnt about technologies from the process

of constructing this product?
Embedding was used to upload and share certain tasks to my blog, I had to use
two diferent sites (Emaze and Scribd) and gather embed links then embed the
link onto my blog. I never knew how to share documents using embed codes
before but during the process of creating my student magazine, Ive gathered the
A device which I used to scan in work that was completed on a piece of paper,
save it as a JPEG then upload it to my blog. I have used a scanner before to scan
objects for GCSE Photograph but not for pieces of paper, I didnt think it would be
the same process, however it was the same process so I happily managed to scan
my work successfully and upload it to my blog.
Photoshop Software
A fundamental program used during the preliminary task was Photoshop. Using
this program, I had created my magazine front cover and contents page. Even
though I have experience in using Photoshop in GCSE Photography, I still learnt a
few extra things that I didnt know how to do when making my student magazine.
I learnt how to add a masthead from a diferent website and used the Magic
Wand Tool more than expected for extra things during the process of making the
magazine front cover and contents page. Also, I learnt how to add extra efects to
fonts which was really interesting.

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