Ten Myths of The War in Iraq: Presented by Brigadier General Steve Anderson To James Madison University 27 Apr 07
Ten Myths of The War in Iraq: Presented by Brigadier General Steve Anderson To James Madison University 27 Apr 07
Ten Myths of The War in Iraq: Presented by Brigadier General Steve Anderson To James Madison University 27 Apr 07
Presented by Brigadier General Steve Anderson to James Madison University 27 Apr 07.
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 1
James Madison University, 27 Apr 07
Sunni 20%
Kurd 17% Tall Afar Mosul Kurd
Other 3%
Shi’a Mixed
& Su
nni Tikrit
SYRIA Al Qa’im
Sunni Arab Ramadi
Ar Rutbah
SAUDI As Samawah
An Nasiriyah
Al Basrah
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 10
Myth #4: Iraqi’s Better Off Under Saddam (2 of 2)
A portion of the 3704 completed projects US Army Corps of Engineers
include: working to combat 25 years of
35 post office projects infrastructure neglect
4 training academy projects US Army Corps of Engineers have
93 fire stations projects
completed 3704 construction projects
155 border fort projects (278 Nationwide)
Cost: $5.0B
13 border points of entry projects
Infrastructure = 80%
36 courthouse projects
32 hospital renovation projects Community-based projects = 20%
51 Primary Healthcare Center projects 4794 Planned Projects: $9.3B
981 schools (325K students) projects
Efforts ongoing to train Iraqi
97 railway station renovation projects
engineers, contractors, surveyors, etc.
20 aviation projects
6 port projects
Majority of Iraqis have a higher
190 village road projects
quality of life than under Saddam
342 police station projects
– and enjoy freedoms repressed
136 public building projects
under his rule
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 11
Myth #5: Iraqi Government Ineffective
New government – only one year old; Dec 05 Iraqi voters approved new
permanent constitution; working Constitutional Review and next round of
provincial elections
Iraq convened a regional conf of 13 nations (12 Mar 07) – neighbors, US,
UN, Islamic Conf, Arab League; agreements on security, imports, refugees
Key legislative accomplishments:
Prime Minister’s Emergency Powers Renewal, Provincial Powers Law
Council of Ministers Passed Hydrocarbon Law (equitable distribution of oil
revenues) Feb 07; awaiting approval by Council of Reps
Constitutional Referendum, Detainee Legislation
Passed 2007 Budget ($41B) -- Budget Execution improvement
Established Nat’l Ops Center, Energy Fusion Ctr, Rule of Law Complex
4 of 18 provinces under Provincial Governor control for security
Many positive signs that Iraqi economic recovery starting to get legs;
improving security will stimulate additional investment interest
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 13
Myth #7: Contractors Cost Gov’t Too Much
129K contractors: 21K US + 43K Third Country
Nationals + 65K Iraqi (47K KBR) Total Audits of KBR = 25
17 – Army Audit Agency (AAA)
Contractor casualties (KBR): 101 KIA, 586 WIA
5 – Special Investigator General
General Trend: Services up, Costs down for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR)
(experience, efficiencies, economies of scale)
2 – Government Accountability
KBR augments at least 50% of sustainment Office (GAO)
mission--invaluable service for down-sized 1 – DoD Inspector General (IG)
military; provide continuity (many here 3-4 yrs);
organic support would require 3X troops KBR Award Fee Trend
KBR has received $19B since beginning of war
(approx 5% total OIF costs) 90 90
KBR works on 1% fixed fee guarantee, 2% award
fee possible (earned 88% of available award); 80
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 15
Myth #8: Troops Aren’t Properly Equipped (2 of 2)
1200 cargo trucks delivering supplies daily (800 from Kuwait, 200
from Jordan, 200 from Turkey)
400,000 meals served at DFAC a day. Feed Alexandria, VA
Typical 1.3M gallons of fuel consumed daily – enough fuel to fill the tanks of
87K typical mid-sized cars (over 50,000 vehicles in theater)
Day Produce 2 million bottles of drinking water daily.
In Produce 9M gallons of bulk water every day – enough to fill 450
Iraq: residential swimming pools (approx 40 gals/person/day)
465 tons of ice per day – that’s 1.4 pounds of ice per soldier
2.8 million pieces of laundry daily – enough clothing to outfit every
person in the city of San Francisco
400,000 lbs of mail each day in December. Dec = 50 lbs/person
Troops have seen the polls and realize most Americans evidently don’t
support the war – but appreciate the strong support Americans continue
to show to those fighting it
Amazing outpouring of mail, packages and messages from CONUS
Reaction to troops in uniform transiting airports returning from Iraq
Anti-war messages usually not projected against troops
Military cannot “win” this war – can only help set conditions for a
POLITICAL solution; security is paramount and there are some early
signs new strategy working -- expect assessments at end of summer
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 18
Summary: Ten Reasons to be Optimistic
1. We are fighting for a worthy cause: freedom & democracy
2. US has many great teammates in this effort
3. Level of violence unsatisfactory, but not a full scale civil war
4. Iraqi quality of life and infrastructure improving
5. Increasing effectiveness and ministerial capability of Iraq gov’t
6. Private sector investment climate getting better
7. Contractors continue to serve ably & provide tremendous service
8. Forces are best equipped and best protected in history
9. Troop morale, professionalism and competence high
10. Brutal, high-profile acts of violence too frequent, but we are
making steady progress towards enabling a political solution
BG Steve Anderson, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Dep Chief of Staff R&S SUPPORT THE FORCE! 19
Way Ahead
Engaged in a tough fight with brutal, adaptive extremists
Apply appropriate coalition political, military, diplomatic,
economic and informational power to:
Protect population, reduce sectarian violence and allow nation to
establish consensus among Shia, Sunni, Kurd
Ensure regional stability and a secure Iraq, at peace w/ neighbors