Sample Action Research

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Sample Action


Reading needs and profile

of basic education
teachers for a proposed
capacity building program

Dr. Alfredo Gumaru

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Isabela, Region II-Philippines
Dr. Erlinda A. Cayao
Assistant Professor
Department of Languages and Literature, College
of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
PLM, Manila Philippines

This study aimed at assessing the reading needs and profile
of the selected basic education teachers in the province of
Isabela, Region II, Philippines. Reading needs assessment
survey was accomplished by the respondents. The assessment
covers area on accessibility to relevant reading materials in
their respective libraries, appropriateness of texts and
materials to the learners needs, adequacy of reading
materials and their confidence in using assessment materials
for reading which are available in their schools or division. On
the onset, the results of the study will be used as an input for
a proposed capacity building program for reading.


What is the profile of the respondents
in terms of:
a. Years of teaching
b. Grade level they are teaching
d. Types of reading materials they

2. What is the reading needs profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Access to relevant reading materials in their libraries
b. Availability of appropriate texts and materials
c. Adequate access to reading assessment instruments for
learners use
d. Confidence in utilizing the assessment reading instruments in
their school/division
e. Confidence in managing flexible groups for reading instructions
f. Learners adequate opportunities to read independently
g. Confidence in using variety of reading strategies for their

Based on the results of the study,

what capacity building program may be

September 12, 2015
Dear Respondent:
The researchers are very much interested in assessing the
reading needs and profile of the selected basic education
teachers which ultimately be the basis for proposing a capacity
building program for reading teachers. Kindly accomplish the
attached survey questionnaire as honestly as possible in order
for us to achieve the purpose of this study.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Truly yours,
The Researchers

I. Profile
DIRECTIONS: Please encircle the appropriate response that best fits you.
1. Years of Teaching 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-9 years 10 and above
2. Teaching in what level Pre-school




3. Teaching in what Division? __________________________________

4. Teaching in what school?
5. Types of materials you usually read, please check as many as you can:
textbooks reference materials pocketbooks newspapers magazines
journal web materials

II. Reading Needs Assessment Survey

Please check the number that reflects your feelings
about the following statements. Be guided with the scale
4- Strongly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree

I have access to relevant reading materials in

our library
Appropriate texts and relevant materials are
available to me
I have adequate number of books for my
I have adequate access to reading
assessment instruments that I can use for my
I am confident in using the assessment
reading instruments available in our
I feel confident in managing flexible groups
for my reading instruction
My students have adequate opportunities to
read independently
I am confident in using variety of reading

I would benefit from professional development in the

following areas:
_____Phonological processes (phonemic
_____ Comprehension skills and strategies
_____ Spelling and vocabulary development
_____ Improving reading in the content area/s
Others ___________________________

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