Functional Finishes
Functional Finishes
Functional Finishes
Water repellent
Flame retardant
Soil repellant
Anti Bacterial finish
Anti static finish (Comfort finish)
Absorbency finishes (Comfort finish)
Presented by:
Ms. T. Srivani,
Assistant Professor, DFT
Appearance retention
Soil or stain Repellency
Anti Pilling finishes
This type of finish is mainly given to synthetic fibres.
Many cotton/polyester blends are treated to be durable
Untreated cotton is hydrophilic and has excellent oily soil
release performance, it releases oily soil when laundered
Since polyester is hydrophobic and oleo-philic, it must be
spot treated to remove oily soil from fabrics.
Controlling factors:
It should not affect the fastness properties of dyed
It should not affect other physical properties such as
strength, feel, drape etc.
It should be fast to light, wash and laundering
These finishes should be
safer for consumers and producers
easy to apply
durable to repeated washings &
not adversely affect the fabric
The chemicals used are surface reactants such as
quarternary ammonium compounds, zirconium
peroxides or N-halamines for cotton fabrics.
Liquid solutions are applied by padding or chemicals
may be added to spinning solutions or diaper services
add the finish during each laundering
These finishes include chemical treatment, gas
treatment and irradiation treatment. The anti
microbial agent is slowly released on the fabric
surface or in the interior of the fabric
The second type of anti microbial finish consists of
molecules that are chemically bound to fibre surfaces
Antimicrobial finishes that control the growth and
spread of microbes are called biostats
Insect resistant finishes are most commonly applied
during dyeing.
When applying insect resist finishes to wool/nylon blends,
care must be taken to make a choice. Chlorophenyloid
derivatives exhaust nylon
Application of insect resistant finishes during scouring is
also possible.
Ex: Wool yarns for carpets, blankets, apparel and
upholstery, but this method do not allow finish to
penetrate completely in to the fibres
It can also be applied by combining the finish with
spinning lubricants. This method produces yarns with
only a superficial treatment with much lower fastness
than applications during dyeing and scouring.
Exposure to light as well as mild washing, dry cleaning
and shampooing can reduce the effectiveness
Finish baths must be disposed off
Care must be taken to prevent accidental release of these
poisons to the envoronment.
Mildew Proofing:
The finish that protects cellulosic fibres susceptible to
mildew attack is known as mildew proofing.
The finish is important for untreated fabrics that become
stained, malodorous and that is deteriorated by fungus.
Ex: Surgical cloths, bed sheets, under wear etc.
Temperature of 25o C to 35o C and high humidity at a Ph
of 4-7 are favorable for their growth.
They should not affect the fastness of dyed fabrics
Should not affect the physical properties of fabric
Durable and non-durable finish can be produced
Finish should be fast to light, wash and dry cleaning
Many antiseptic substances have been used to prevent
growth of mildew in cotton goods.
Shower curtains or other cottons can be proofed at home
by soaking in very soapy water, then without rinsing
dipping in Cu SO4 solution
Anti-septic such as boric acid and carboxlic acid are also
One compound that is not easily washed out is a 0.05%
solution of phenyl mercuric acetate in water
Phenols, Cresols, Chlorophenols, salts of zinc, copper and
mercury are also used
PAD DRY CURE is the process at a concentration of
Rot proofing:
Rot proofing has been defined as the protection from
biological decay of textiles exposed to moisture with or
without contact in soil or other contaminant
Cellulosic textiles are more susceptible to rotting like
jute, hemp and flax as they are attacked by bacteria.
Bed sheets, surgical cloth, under wear etc. made out of
cellulosic fibres need to be protected from bacteria.
When the material is exposed to high moisture content
or left damp for prolonged period there is every chance
for growth of bacteria on it.
2. Bacteria
Even the natural impurities present in grey cotton itself serve as food
Therefore, the first step to produce rot proof material would be to
scour all impurities and avoid finishes
The chemicals used for rot proofing should be non-toxic to human bei
Should have no objectionable odor
Should not discolour the material
Should not affect the handle of goods.
Finishing agents:
Compounds of antimony, cadmium, cobalt and copper have
been used as outdoor fungicides
Tellurides are applied to the fibre by padding using a binder
and emulsifier with water followed by drying
Cupra ammonium solution is used on canvas, tarpaulins
Emulsions of Zinc or copper naphthanate is known as
Zirconium compounds can also be used
Methods of application:
1. By incorporating non-durable antistatic agents into
polymer during manufacturing of fibres
2. By applying either non-durable or durable agents
on the filament yarn or fabrics by exhaust method or
PAD-DRY-CURE method.
3. The moisture regain of fibre plays an important role
in static dissipation.
The higher the regain, lower the static accumulation.
Absorbency finishes:
Although cellulose fibres of cotton, linen and rayon have
good absorbency, Sometimes, it is desired that they
become absorbent.
Water absorbent finishes increase the moisture
absorbency of the fabric with increased drying time.
Appropriate application of ammonium compounds
modifies the cellulose to become more absorbent,
provides greater comfort and usefulness for such
applications as undergarments and towels
A more radical effect, which will permit fibres to absorb
more than 30 times their weight in liquid was developed
by V.T. Stanett & J.L. Williams.
Under garments
Sports wear
Health care products
Hospital supplies etc.
Absorbency of Nylon:
The absorbency of Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6 may be
increased by treating them in a solution of Nylon 8 which
is more absorbent.
This is known as Nylonizing. Another finish used to
increase nylon absorbency is Nylonex.
Hysorb is a compound of surfactants and synthetic
resins used to give absorbent properties to fabrics of
man made fibres.
2. Chemical treatments:
The fabric is treated with 2 gpl of caustic soda solution
at 60O C
for 30 min, washed, dried and heat set.
In another method, the fabric is treated with 3.5%
Ammonia solution at 130O C for a few minutes followed
by washing and drying.
In both these methods, the strength of fibre is reduced
resulting in lower pilling.
Another simple method of reducing piling tendency is
to apply a solution of adhesive or resin to make the
fibres cling more strongly to each other in yarn and
fabric. However, it creates a harsh handle on the fabric.
For this, a 2.6% aqueous emulsion of PVC is applied by