Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parikh Scam
Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parikh Scam
Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parikh Scam
Bank A
Bank C
Bank D
Sold Govt. Bonds on
Day 2
Stock Markets
Sources: topcafirms.com, BusinessToday; Note: RF Deal: Secured short term loan from one bank to another; BR: Acts as receipt for the money received by the selling Bank
Buyer of Securities
Seller of Securities
Bank B
Seller of Securities
Buyer of Securities
Bank X
KP Sells stock
to Trader A
Price Rigging
Stock Price
C sells same
stock to Trader D
B sells same
stock to Trader C
Sources: http://flame.org.in/knowledgecenter/scam.aspx
Sources: icmrindia.org; Note: ALBM: Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism; BLESS: Borrowing and Lending of Securities Scheme