GECH119 Chemistry and Society

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Chemistry and Society

Dr. Ralph C. Gatrone
Virginia State University
Department of Chemistry and Physics

Spring, 2011

Course Description
Chemistry and Society introduces
chemical principles and applies them to
issues and problems facing society,
the fundamental language and symbols of
inorganic, organic, and biochemistry,
energy, nuclear chemistry, air quality and
water quality
Spring, 2011

Chem in Your World, Melvin Joesten and
John Hogg, Cengage (2011)
Assignment: read Chapter 1

Spring, 2011

3 Examinations + Final Examination

Final Exam:

Spring, 2011

300 points
200 points
500 points


450 500 (90% or more)

400 - 449 (80%)
325 - 399 (65%)
250 324 (50%)
0 249 (less than 50%)

Spring, 2011


Grades are earned
Grades cannot be negotiated
Grades are not influenced by whether

I like you,
I feel sorry for you,
you will lose a scholarship,
you will forfeit a tuition reimbursement,
your excellent GPA is ruined,
you will be sent back to a repressive country,
you will not graduate on time

These are your concerns.

My concern is that you learn the material.
Spring, 2011

Extra Credit

Extra credit was not listed.

Extra credit will not be provided.
Extra credit will not be considered.
Do not request extra credit.

Spring, 2011


Assumption: you are adult students

Attendance in lecture is expected
The job of understanding the material is YOURS!
Attendance at the tests is mandatory
Makeup tests will not be given.
A missed test will receive a grade of zero
No excuse will be acceptable.

Spring, 2011

Possible Excuses
That Will Not be Accepted
An excuse for missing a test from:

Your doctor
Your nurse
Your analyst
Your mother
Your funeral director
Your Residence Advisor

will not be accepted.

Spring, 2011

A Note on Exams

Exam Format
50 multiple choice questions.
2 points each

Final Exam Format

200 multiple choice questions.
1 point each.

Spring, 2011


A Word on the Final Exam

The final exam has been scheduled by the university to
minimize conflicts between rooms and courses.
If the date and time selected are inconvenient for you,
please withdraw from the course today.
There is no excuse that I will accept that would permit you
take the exam early.
There is no excuse that I will accept that would permit you
take the exam late.
Do not bring me an excuse from your doctor, nurse,
hospital, analyst, mother, travel agent, or funeral director
none will be accepted.
Travel arrangements should be made after the final

Spring, 2011


You are expected to do the problems at the end
of each chapter.
However, they will not be collected, graded nor
discussed in class.
Quiz and exam questions frequently come from
the homework.
The job of understanding the material is yours!

Spring, 2011


Cell Phones
While in class - turn your cell phone off.
If a cell phone rings or you are observed
texting I will immediately end the class or test.
Any material that may have been covered will
be the sole responsibility of the student.
Obviously unfinished exams remain unfinished.
Turn your desire to communicate with anyone
except me off.
Spring, 2011



A professional student is expected to

attend classes
purchase course materials
be prepared
do well
The job of understanding the material is yours!

Spring, 2011



Faculty members are expected to

attend class
prepare lecture materials
present lecture material
prepare and grade tests and quizzes
be available for outside consultation
keep accurate records

Spring, 2011


An Important Goal of this Course

Transition from student to scholar
It requires
Mastery of content
Application of theoretical constructs
The development of the skills to
critique, analyze, research, discuss, write, and

Spring, 2011


What is the minimum I need to do to

get out of here?

Depends, what grade do you want?

W, F, or D

Attend class irregularly

Study just before each test
Rely upon your memory

C, B, or A

Attend class
Read the chapter before and after class
Review lecture notes daily
Study 1.5 2 hours per day, 6 days per week
Do all homework problems
See instructor for assistance

Spring, 2011


I have never met a student who could not learn
Some students may have had to take the course 3
or more times.
Personal record is 5 times.
The number of attempts necessary is dependent
upon you.
Spring, 2011


Why dont some students learn?

Wrong attributes
Lack of confidence
Too much confidence
Failure to follow through
Paralysis due to personal/family problems
Failure to imitate best practices
Lack of balance of social and academic life
Failure to appreciate delayed gratification.

Spring, 2011


How Do I Earn that Elusive A?

Read the chapter before lecture

Attend lecture
Re-read the chapter after lecture
Review lecture notes daily
Rewriting is strongly suggested

Do homework problems.
Seek assistance when necessary.
I am available during my office hours or any other time my
door is open.
Do not study just before each test.
Studying must be done every day.
Spring, 2011


How do I contact Dr. Gatrone?

Office location: HM239N
Office phone: 524-5762
I usually respond to email messages within
24 hr.
I do not respond to an email address that
ends with anything other than

Spring, 2011


Is this the only course I am taking?

I am afraid my answer is YES!

Time invested = Desired grade
Average professional works 60 hours/week
Professional student
18 hours/week in class
60 18 = 42
42hours/6 days = 7 hours per day
Or approximately 2 hours/class/day
Time invested = Desired grade

Spring, 2011


The job of understanding the material is yours.

If you choose to study chemistry like other

courses you have taken you might do well,
but the odds are against this possibility.

Spring, 2011


Why am I taking this class?

Required for my major

I will never need it
I will certainly never need it
Required for my major
I might need it someday
I needed 4 more credits.
Only class available at this forsaken time
Best course on campus
Best instructor on campus
I need to lower my GPA!

Spring, 2011


Important Questions

Is drop/add over?
Are there any other instructors available?
Is GEPH101 easier?
When is the last day to withdraw?
What is the minimum I need to pass?
What is chemistry?
Lets get started!

Spring, 2011


First classes are always short!
Important to note
this class meets twice each week
Primary reason for failing my class is:
Spring, 2011


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