2.Why is the War of 1812 an important event in the history of the United
It was a defining moment for the US. It signified that we were here to stay.
9.How did the United States solve the problem of not having a navy?
10.What was the nickname of the Constitution? How did it earn this
Old Ironsides; cannon balls bounced off its hull.
11.What did the United State do at York, the capitol of upper Canada,
in April?
Burnt their capital and Parliament building
14.What two orders did James Madison give when the British were nearing
Washington DC?
To concentrate the troops and to save the government documents
15.When the Americans retreated from Bladensburg they left running for their
What do historians call this retreat from Bladensburg?
Bladensburg races
16.What was the last thing that Dolly Madison grabbed from
the White House before she fled Washington DC?
Picture of George Washington
19.On August 25, 1814, 2pm what happened to the British army in Washington DC?
(2 events)
A storm hit (hurricane) and so did a tornado
21.After attacking Washington DC, what was the next target for the British?
26.How were the British going to attack the city of Baltimore? (2 ways)
Land and sea
31.Where did the peace talks between Great Britain and the Unites States
after the failed attempt, led by the Russians?
Ghent, Belgium
32.Why would the British want to capture the city of New Orleans?
Allow them to link the North, South and West
thereby limiting United States expansion.
36.What was wrong with the British plan of attack at the Battle of New
Too complicated and relied heavily on timing
37.How long did the Battle of New Orleans last and who was victorious?
The battle was just over 2 hours long; the United States won
provide the French with food or supplies, so they set up a partial blockade.
The people who wanted war with GB were called War Hawks. Among the leaders of
the War Hawks were Henry Clay and John C. Halhoun. These War Hawks wanted
British aid to Native Americans stopped, and they wanted the British out of Canada.
They finally persuaded Madison to ask Congress for a declaration of war in June
1812. Congress agreed, and the war was declared.