Depression Powerpoint

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What causes Depression?

Family History

family members who have

depression may increase a persons
Deficiencies of certain chemicals in
the brain may lead to depression

Major Life Changes

Negative or
particularly stressful
events can trigger
Examples include the
death of a loved one
or a job change.
Major Illnesses such
as heart attack,
stroke or cancer may
trigger depression.


medications used
alone or in combination can
cause side effects much like
the symptoms of depression.
Use of Alcohol or other Drugs
can lead to or worsen
Depression can also occur for
no apparent reason at all!

Symptoms of Depression
Vary from person to


2 key signs are loss of

interest in things you

like to do, and
pervasive sadness or

Additional Signs include:

Changes in feelings such as:

Inability to enjoy anything
Loss of sexual desire
Loss of warm feelings for family or friends
Feelings of self blame or guilt
Loss of self esteem
Inexplicable crying spells, sadness or

Changes in behavior and

These may include:
General slowing down
Neglect of responsibilities and appearance
Poor memory
Inability to concentrate
Suicidal thoughts and feelings
Difficulty making decisions

Physical Complaints
These may include:
Sleep disturbances such as
insomnia, early morning waking,
or sleeping too much
Lack of energy
Loss of appetite
Weight loss or gain
Unexplained headaches or
Stomachaches, indigestion or
changes in bowl habits

Common Types of Depression

Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder


Major Depression
This type causes symptoms that may:
Begin suddenly, possibly triggered by a loss,
crisis or stressful change
Interfere with normal functioning
Continue for months or years
It is possible for a person to have only one
episode of major depression. However, It is
more common for episodes to be long lasting
or to recur several times during a persons life

People with this illness may be

consistently and mildly depressed

for years. They function fairly well
on a daily basis, but their
relationships and self esteem suffer
over time.

Bipolar Disorder (A.K.A. Manic-Depression)

People with this type of illness change back and

forth between periods of depression and periods

of mania (an extreme high, sometimes with
agitation or irritability).
Symptoms of mania may include:
Less need for sleep
Racing thoughts
Reckless behavior
Increased energy
Mood changes are often gradual, but can be

Season Affective Disorder

This is depression that coincides with

changes in the season. Most cases

begin in the fall or winter, when there is
a decrease in sunlight
(more common in regions
farther north)
Less often, depression
can occur in late Spring
or summer

Professional treatment is
helpful for all these types of

Counseling can help many depressed people

understand, accept and feel better about

themselves. People also learn more effective
ways of coping with lifes adversities and
difficulties. For example:
Interpersonal therapy works to change how
people how to accept self and relate to
others that affects mood and self-worth.
Cognitive therapy helps people change
negative thinking, behavior patterns and
attitudes that affect self esteem and overall
sense of well being.

Medical Treatment for Depression


are an option (most often for

more severe cases) that can help ease the
symptoms of depression and return a person
to a better level of functioning. Medication is
often crucial for cases of bipolar (typically a
mood stabilizer).
Antidepressants are
not habit forming and
generally have minimal
side effects.

If you or someone you know

has symptoms of

Take Action!

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