1 2 - Music Genre Conventions
1 2 - Music Genre Conventions
1 2 - Music Genre Conventions
2- Music Genre
By Charlotte Noble
Artists in pop videos are generally dressed in fashionable, stylish and mainstream outfits.The artist singing is usually
portrayed as happy and content with life. The lyrics of pop songs are commonly based around love/relationships or
partying/clubbing and thats why the artists often express their music to teens, as people in their youth enjoy partying
are are often obsessed with the concept of love. This makes teens stand out as the main target audience for the
The form of the song usually follows a verse-chorus-verse structure and uses catchy hook lines which therefore means
it stays in the audiences mind. A song following this genre usually lasts around 3-5 minutes d follows a set structure
and consistent beat. The beats are usually very dance-orientated.
The artists represented in the pop genre are expresssed in a very sexual and seductive way, which lures certain
audiences in.
There is usally some links between lyrics and visuals in pop videos. This helps viewers remember the lyrics as they
can see it. This impacts people as they are more likely to remember the song, and potentially want to purchase it.
Bright lighting or some form of bright object usually occurs in pop videos. It makes the video stand out more and alos
appealsto youth as it appears vibrant and lively, something which young people are attracted to.
Dancing is uaually noticed in pop music videos. It shows the artist/s to be all-round performers, not just singers. Also,
its another way that viewers get pulled in, as its something for them to watch and pick up on .
21 Questions- 50 Cent
The cinematography in 50 cents song used lots of close up
shots for detail and wide shots to fit the whole story in. It also
used a split screen where the man in the video is in jail
phoning his girlfriend/wife. In 21 Questions the main story of
the music video is 50 Cent imagining going to jail and being
away from his girl whilst having bigger problems in prison as
he has haters. The clothes he wore at the start were typical
types of hip hop clothing-baggy t-shirt, baggy jeans, fresh
trainers and multiple gold chains. In most hip hop music
videos the artist has props of money, guns and drugs this is to
somewhat show the power they could hold or it could show the
past life they had.The lighting in the video is low and quite