Nano Technology 2
Nano Technology 2
Nano Technology 2
Nanotechnology is a little known
science, that deals with building things
out of atoms and molecules. This is
similar to how nature works, building
things at the molecular level
Nano Revolution
How It Started
Positional assembly
to get the right molecular parts in the right
Self replication
to keep the costs down
Introduction to MEMS
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is the
integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and
electronics on a common silicon substrate through
microfabrication technology.
Application of
Materials and Manufacturing
Medicine and Health
Environment and Energy
Nanoelectronics and Computer Technology
Aeronautics and Space Exploration
The Advantage of
The Nano-products could be programmed to
manipulate the molecules and atoms after they
have been made.
Creation of computer chips.
Fleets of medical nanorobots smaller than a cell
could roam our bodies eliminating bacteria,
clearing out clogged arteries, and reversing the
ravages of old age.
Disadvantages of
who would control a technology as powerful
as this promises to be?
Change that is too rapid could upset
economies and create disruption instead of
Destructive Nanomachnies could do immense
damage to unprotected people and objects.
Imagine a technology so powerful that it will allow
such feats as desktop manufacturing, cellular repair,
artificial intelligence, inexpensive space travel,
clean and abundant energy, and environmental
restoration; a technology so portable that everyone
can reap its benefits; a technology so fundamental
that it will radically change our economic and
political systems; a technology so imminent that
most of us will see its impact within our lifetimes.
Such is the promise of Nanotechnology.