Information Technology Project Management: by Jack T. Marchewka
Information Technology Project Management: by Jack T. Marchewka
Information Technology Project Management: by Jack T. Marchewka
Technology Project
by Jack T. Marchewka
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Chapter 10
IT Project Quality Management
Learning Objectives
Describe the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) area called project quality management (PQM) and
how it supports quality planning, quality assurance, quality
control, and continuous improvement of the projects products
and supporting processes.
Identify several quality gurus, or founders of the quality
movement, and their role in shaping quality philosophies
Describe some of the more common quality initiatives and
management systems that include ISO certification, Six Sigma,
and the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for software
Distinguish between validation and verification activities and how
these activities support IT project quality management.
Describe the software engineering discipline called configuration
management and how it is used to manage the changes
associated with all of the projects deliverables and work products.
Apply the quality concepts, methods, and tools introduced in this
chapter to develop a project quality plan.
an inherent or distinguishing
characteristic; a property; having a high
degree of excellence
Features & functionality
Grade is not quality!
fitness for use
conformance to requirements
63,000 known bugs in Windows
In February 2000, a Microsoft Corp memo
caused quite a stir when it was leaked to
the public. An excerpt from that memo
Our customers do not want us to sell them products with over
63,000 potential defects. They want those defects corrected.
How many of you would spend $500 on a piece of software with
over 63,000 potential known defects?
Uniform Computer Information
Transactions Act (UCITA)
A software vendor could legally disclaim any
obligation to sell products that work.
In the event of a dispute, a software vendor could
disable a customers software remotely even if it
totally disrupted the customers business.
Security experts would be prohibited from reverse
engineering software in order to examine it for
defects and viruses.
A software vendor could legally stop a user from
making public comments on the quality or
performance of a product.
Project Quality Management
The processes required to ensure that the
project will satisfy the needs for which it was
undertaken. It includes all activities of the
overall management function that determine
the quality policy, objectives, and
responsibility and implements them by means
of quality planning, quality assurance, quality
control, and quality improvement within the
quality system.
PMBOK Project Quality
Management Process
Quality Planning
Determining which quality standards are
important and how they will be met.
Quality Assurance
Evaluating overall project performance to
ensure quality standards are being met.
Quality Control
Monitoring the activities and results of the
project to ensure that the project complies with
the quality standards.
PQM Focuses on
The projects products
Business Case
Project Plan
The IT Solution
And the projects processes
Scope management
Risk management
Requirements Analysis
The Quality Chain
More efficient & effective use of resources More rework, waste, & errors
Minimize errors Negative impact on project goal &
Meet or exceed stakeholder expectations objectives
Poor quality can be an embarrassment!
Figure 10.1
The Quality Movement
Early humankind
Quality = Survival
In the middle ages guilds regulated:
Who could sell what in a particular town
Ensured standardized pricing and quality
Supported members & their families when members could no
longer work
Regulated forms of labor
Masters owned the shop
Apprentices were bound to a master & learned the trade
Journeymen completed training & waited for a job opening!
The Quality Movement
The Industrial Revolution
Eli Whitney (1765 1825)
Invented the cotton gin
But also invented mass production
In 1798 received $134,000 from the US Government to deliver
10,000 rifles within 2 years
Shortage of gunsmiths
Developed the manufactory where machines could build
interchangeable parts and men could learn to operate the
Took 10 years to deliver the last rifle, but proved that the
concept worked!
The Quality Movement
Figure 10.2
The Quality Movement
The Rise of Japan
W. Edwards Deming (1900 1993)
Worked with Shewhart at Western Electric Hawthorne Plant
in Chicago, IL in the 1920s
Management treated the worker as a cog in the machinery
Final inspection used to control quality
Worker not directly responsible
Scrap & rework reduced per piece rate
Invited to give series of day-long lectures in Japan in the
The rest is history
Demings 14 Points
1. Have a purpose (improve products and services, be competitive, stay in business,
and provide jobs).
2. Adopt the new philosophy of management..
3. Dont depend on inspection at the end.
4. Dont award business based on price alone of price.
5. Keep improving constantly.
6. Institute training on the job.
7. Institute leadership
8. Drive out fear.
9. Break down barriers between departments.
10. Eliminate slogans.
11. a) Eliminate quotas
b) Eliminate management by objective and by numbers.
12. Take pride in your work.
13. Focus education and self-improvement.
14. It takes everyone to accomplish the transformation.
From Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986)
The Quality Movement
Figure 10.4
Pareto Chart
Figure 10.5
Flow Chart for
Project Scope
Figure 10.6
The Quality Movement
Philip Crosby (1926 2001)
Do it right the first time
Zero defects
Quality is free
Non-conformance costs organizations money
Quality Systems
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)
Derived from Greek word isos, meaning equal
Formed in 1947
Today has over 130 members to facilitate the
international coordination and unification of
industrial standards.
Standards make up the ISO 9000
(organizations) and ISO 14000 (environmental)
Quality Systems
ISO 9000 Principles
Customer Focus
Involvement of People
Process Approach
System Approach to Management
Continual Improvement
Factual Approach to Decision Making
Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships
Quality Systems
6 Sigma
Six Sigma framework (D-M-A-I-C cycle)
Quality Systems
6 Sigma
Originated by Motorola in Schaumburg, IL
Based on competitive pressures in 1980s
Our quality stinks
Sigm Defects Per 3 6
a Million
Five short or long landings at any One short or long landing in 10
1 690,000 major airport years at all airports in the US
2 308,537
Approximately 1,350 poorly One incorrect surgical operation in
3 66,807 performed surgical operations in 20 years
one week
4 6,210
Over 40,500 newborn babies Three newborn babies dropped by
dropped by doctors or nurses each doctors or nurses in 100 years
5 233
6 3.4 Drinking water unsafe to drink for Water unsafe to drink for one
about 2 hours each month second every six years
Six Sigma Programs
Master Black Belts
Have the highest level of technical and organizational
experience and expertise who train Six Sigma Black Belts
Black Belts
Come from various disciplines, have a high degree of
experience and expertise and are held in high esteem
Green Belts
Six Sigma leaders or project managers
An added role in many organizations. They are leaders who are
committed to the success of the Six Sigma project, provide
funding, and can ensure organizational barriers and obstacles
are removed
Quality Systems
Quality initiative initiated by the British Computer
Society (BCS) in 1991
Software organizations were reluctant to adopt
ISO 9000 standards
Too general & too difficult
TickIT guides a company through ISO
certification by an independent certification body
TickIT gives software developers an accredited
quality certification specialized for software
organizations to increase the confidence of
customers and suppliers
Quality Systems
The Capability Maturity Model Integration
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at
Carnegie-Mellon University
Includes a set of recommended practices for a
set of key process areas specific to software
Provide guidance as to how an organization can
best control its processes for developing and
maintaining software.
Provide a path for helping organizations evolve
their current software processes toward software
engineering and management excellence
Software Process
The logical organization of people, materials, energy, equipment,
and procedures into work activities to produce a specified end result
Software Process Capability
The expected results that can be achieved by following a particular
software process that can be used to predict the outcome if a
software process is followed
Software Process Performance
The actual results achieved when a particular software process is
followed so that actual performance can be compared to expected
Software Process Maturity
The extent to which a particular software process is explicitly and
consistently defined, managed, measured, controlled, and effectively
Quality Systems
Figure 10.7
Quality Systems
Level 1: Initial
Characterized by an immature software
organization in which the software process is
ad hoc and often reactive to crises. Does not
have a stable environment for software
projects, and success of a project rests
largely with the people on the project and not
the processes that they follow.
Key Process Area
no key process areas are in place
Quality Systems
Level 2:
Repeatable - Basic policies, processes, and controls for
managing a software project are in place. Previous project
successes can be repeated by other project teams on other
Key Process Area
Software Configuration Management
Software Quality Assurance
Software Subcontract Management
Software Project Tracking and Oversight
Software Project Planning
Requirements Management
Quality Systems
Level 3:
Defined - Software engineering and management processes
are documented and standardized throughout the organization
and become the organizations standard process.
Key Process Area
Peer Reviews
Intergroup Coordination
Software Product Engineering
Integrated Software Management
Training Programs
Organization Process Definition
Organization Process Focus
Quality Systems
Level 4:
Managed - Quantitative metrics for measuring and
assessing productivity and quality are established
for both software products and processes which are
characterized as being quantifiable and predictable.
Key Process Areas
Software Quality Management
Quantitative Process Management
Quality Systems
Level 5:
Optimizing at the highest level of software process
maturity- the whole organization is focused on
continuous process improvement.
Key Process Areas
Process Change Management
Technology Change Management
Defect Prevention
The IT Project Quality Plan
Figure 10.8
The IT Project Quality Plan
Quality Philosophies and Principles
Focus on customer satisfaction
Prevention not inspection
Improve the process to improve the
Quality is everyones responsibility
Fact-based management
The IT Project Quality Plan
Quality Standards and Metrics
Figure 10.9
Project Quality Metrics
Control the defects introduced by the
processes required to create the project
Can be used to improve software
development or maintenance
Should focus on the effectiveness of
identifying and removing defects or bugs
Project Quality Metrics
Focuses on the intrinsic quality of the
deliverables and satisfaction of the customer,
client, or sponsor with these deliverables
Attempt to describe the characteristics of the
projects deliverables and final product
Project Quality Metrics
Focus on the control of the project
management processes to ensure that the
project meets its overall goal as well as its
scope, schedule, and budget objectives
Examples of Process, Product, & Project Metrics
Type Metric Description
Process Defect Arrival Rate The number of defects found over a specific period of time.
Defects by Phase The number of defects found during each phase of the project.
Defect Backlog The number of defects waiting to be fixed.
Fix Response Time The average time it takes to fix a defect.
Defective Fixes The number of fixes that created new defects.
Product Mean Time to Failure Average or mean time elapsed until a product fails.
Defect Density The number of defects per lines of code (LOC) or function points.
Customer Found Defects The number of defects found by the customer.
Customer Satisfaction An index to measure customer satisfaction e.g., scale from 1
(very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied)
Project Scope Change Requests The number of scope changes requested by the client or sponsor.
Scope Change Approvals The number of scope changes that were approved.
Overdue tasks The number of tasks that were started but not finished by the
expected date or time.
Tasks that should have started The number of task that should have started but have been
Over budgeted tasks The number of tasks (and dollar amount) of tasks that have cost
more to complete than expected
Earned Value Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) see Chapter 8.
Over allocated Resources The number of resources assigned to more than one task.
The IT Project Quality Plan
Verification and Validation
Focuses on process-related activities to
ensure that the products & deliverables meet
specified requirements before final testing
Are we building the product the right way?
Technical Reviews
Ensure that the IT solution will conform to the specified requirements
Walk-throughs are review process where a programmer or developer
walks or leads a group of other programmers or developers through a
program or technical design
Business Reviews
Are designed to ensure that the IT solution provides the required
functionality defined in the project scope and detailed requirements
definition to ensure that a particular project deliverable
Is complete
Provides information necessary for the next phase or process
Meets predefined standards
Conforms to the project (and software development) methodology
Management Reviews
Compares the projects actual progress against the baseline project
Useful for resolving issues or making critical decisions
Usually focuses on the projects scope, schedule, budget, and
quality objectives
The IT Project Quality Plan
Verification and Validation
Validation focuses on
Product-oriented activities that attempt to determine if the
system or project deliverables meet the customer or
clients expectations
Does the system function as intended and have all the capabilities
& features defined in the projects scope and requirements
Software Testing Approaches
Unit Testing Focuses on the module, program, or object level to determine whether
specific functions work properly.
Black Box Testing Tests the program against specified requirements or
White Box Testing Examines paths of logic or the structure inside a
Gray Box Testing Focuses on the internal structure of the program.
Integration Tests whether a set of logically related units (e.g., functions, modules,
Testing programs, etc.) work together properly after unit testing is complete.
Acceptance Certifies that the system satisfies the end user or customers scope and
Testing detailed requirements after systems testing is complete. It is the users or
clients responsibility to assure that all features and functionality are
included so that the projects MOV will be achieved.
The IT Project Quality Plan
Change Control and Configuration Management
Figure 10.10
Figure 10.11
Learn, Mature, and Improve
Lessons learned
Provide the basis for continual improvement
Can be the basis for identifying and
implementing best practices