Facility Location Planning: Sandy Wong
Facility Location Planning: Sandy Wong
Facility Location Planning: Sandy Wong
Sandy Wong
Course Structure
Learning Objectives
Non-traditional location strategies
for site selection
Competitive Clustering
A common practice to attract customers when locating the
site among other competitors to form a cluster for
customer comparison shopping, e.g. Auto Dealers, Motels
Saturation Marketing
Facilities belonging to the same company are located very
close to each other or concentrate in a particular area
e.g. Digital products shops in Mongkok
Marketing Intermediaries
Extend the service market well beyond the confines of
geography or distance by providing the means for service
providers meet the users e.g. Credit Card Companies
Non-traditional location strategies for site selection
Location 6 cannot
serve as a clinic site
Step 2: Identify the min no. of potential sites and their location which can cover the
required service distance.