Lecture 2 - Validation: Dr. AKM Shafiqul Islam School of Bioprocess Engineering University Malaysia Perlis 24.02.2012

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Lecture 2 - Validation

Dr. AKM Shafiqul Islam

School of Bioprocess Engineering
University Malaysia Perlis
What is Validation?
Validation is a systematic approach to
gather and analyze sufficient data which will
give reasonable assurance (documented
evidence), based upon scientific judgment,
that a process, when operating within
specified parameters, will consistently
produce results within predetermined

Establishing documented evidence which provides a high
degree of assurance that a specific process will
consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined
specifications and quality attributes.

The FDA Guideline on General Principles of

Validation offered a way of providing evidence that the
process was capable of consistently producing a product
with defined specifications.

The EU 'Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the

European Community:
Action of proving, in accordance with the principles of
GMP, that any procedure, process, equipment, material,
activity or systems actually leads to the expected results.
Need for Validation
There are three reasons why the pharmaceutical industry is
concerned about validation:
1. Government regulation
CFR 211.220: '
The manufacturer shall validate all drug product
manufacturing processes ...
. . . validation protocols that identify the product and product
specifications and specify the procedure and acceptance
criteria for the tests to be conducted and the data to be
collected during process validation shall be developed and
Need for Validation
'.. . the manufacturer shall design or select equipment and
processes to ensure that product specifications are
consistently achieved. The manufacturer's determination of
equipment suitability shall include testing to verify that the
equipment is operating satisfactorily
Need for Validation
2. Assurance of quality

Without process validation, confidence in the

quality of products manufactured is difficult
to prove.
Lead to quality improvement, as well as better
Reduce the dependence upon intensive in-
process and finished product testing.
Need for Validation
3. Cost reduction
Validated process is a more efficient
process that produces less reworks,
rejects, wastage, etc.
o documented evidence must be written down (if
it's not documented it's not done);
o formal documentation all design documents
should be signed off. Signatures, page
numbering, control copies,, etc., should be
o validation and qualification processes are
validated whereas the equipment used within
the process is qualified.
Preliminary activities
1) Establishing policies and procedures

One of the first steps is to establish the policies and procedures that will
govern the validation project

how validation fits within the overall QA structure and

its relationship with cGMP
commitment to cGMP and its reinforcement through
definition of key terms such as critical process step, critical
equipment and instrumentation, the various qualification
activities including DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ etc.
how validation is structured and applied with respect to
plant, processes, computer systems, analytical methods,
Preliminary activities
2) Process evaluation to determine
validation requirements
Process evaluation involves a review of the process:
- to identify the process steps and process variables,
- to determine how they are controlled/monitored and
- to identify what processing, equipment, utilities, instrumentation
and control systems are associated with these steps.

The specification and procedures required for the process

such as equipment operation and maintenance,
calibration, set-up, cleaning and in-process testing should
be identified, since these will need to be prepared for the
new facility.
Preliminary activities
User Requirement Specifications (URS)
- These should be prepared by the user to formally document the
requirements for each system to be qualified in terms of the final
process requirements.
- A URS should typically include specific, but non-detailed information
relating to, for example, quantity, quality, compatibility, performance,
environment and finishes, in terms of :
Materials of construction
Cleanability and maintenance requirements
Operator interface requirements
Performance criteria
Critical parameters
Essential design criteria
Requirements of computerized/automation system
Training and documentation requirements
Preliminary activities
3) Identification of systems and system
The objective is to
break the facility down into logical,
manageable sized packages of qualification work,
and concentrate the validation effort - most important
areas to allow structured qualification
Preliminary activities
3) Identification of systems and system
- A system may be an area of the facility (group of
rooms), a group of functionally related process items, a
utility or part of a utility, a HVAC, a
computerized/automation system or any combination of
- System boundaries involves the evaluation of the
proposed facility design to establish the boundaries and
break points for each package of qualification work.
Preliminary activities
Systems may then be categorized as 'Primary' or
Primary systems = large, complex, purpose built or
configured, generally fixed in place units
(Ex: aseptic filling suite, low temperature hot water
system, water for injection system, electrical power
distribution system, etc).
Secondary systems =smaller, simple, 'off the shelf,
generally portable items with no or minimal unique
features or configuration
(Ex: such as a bench top balance, filter integrity tester,
a pallet-bailing machine and a 10-litre standard
holding tank).
Validation Master Planning (VMP)
This is a formal, approved document that describes
in clear and concise wording the general philosophy,
expectations, intentions and methods to be adopted
for the validation study.
VMP is an agreed document acting as a road map or
guide for all team members to follow.
The VMP will then be a living document, updated
regularly and amended during the course of the
project. At the end of the project the VMP should
define how the validation was actually performed.
The VMP, as with all formal validation documents,
should be prepared, reviewed, approved and
controlled under pre-defined company policies and
procedures with final approval by QA.
Contents of VMP
1) Approval page - Title page to the entire document and
should contain the name of the company, the title and a space
for approval signatures. The approvals should come from the
people affected by the validation project, such as production, QA
and engineering functions related to the facility.

2) Introduction - The introduction should explain why the

project is being undertaken, where it is going to be located and
the broad timetable.

3) Aim - The aim should explain that this is to be a formal validation

study on a specific project and show that the approach conforms to
cGMP. The aim may point to the various company policies and
procedures under which the VMP is to be prepared and controlled.
Contents of VMP
4) Description
This section should describe the main features of
the project in concise terms, picking out particularly
critical features or acceptance criteria.
Contents of VMP
5) Facility
This section of the VMP should outline the facility's
intended use, briefly discuss how it is to be built
and state whether it is an entirely new facility or
an expansion of an existing one.
It could describe the size of the facility, the number of
floors the facility occupies, the processing areas and,
if necessary, the segregation for contamination; how
many HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
systems there are, and what the classifications are.
Contents of VMP
5) Facility
Some simple outline drawings included:
facility location in relation to site;
cross section of the facility (if relevant);
floor plan (one for each floor) with equipment locations;
HVAC zone identifications;
personnel flow;component flow;
raw material flow;
product flow
Contents of VMP
6)Services/ Utilities
-This section may consist of a list of plant utilities
and services, such as cold potable water, purified
water, water for injection, plant air, instrument air,
nitrogen, chilled water.
7) Equipment
- list of all the major items of equipment that are
going to be installed into the facility, for example,
porous load steam sterilizer, bench top balance, or
powder mixer.
Contents of VMP
8) Equipment
- list of all the major items of equipment that are going to be installed into
the facility, for example, porous load steam sterilizer, bench top balance, or
powder mixer.

9) Products:
- batch size, ingredients, quantities per unit dose, quantities per batch, the
steps by which the product is manufactured, process flow diagrams,
summary of manufacturing method.

10) Computer systems

- This section lists all the computer systems associated with the facility,
process equipment and utilities as well as IT systems to operate the plant
such as LIMS, SCADA and MRP systems, and provides descriptions of
each system picking out any important performance.
Validation Methodology
Describe what types of documents will be generated within the
project (protocols and reports Design Qualification (DQ),
Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ),
Performance Qualification (PQ), and Process Validation (PV)) and
how they will be prepared, reviewed, approved and controlled.

Others Documentations:
- Validation schedule;
- Validation approach;
- Batch production records;
- Packing instructions;
- Training;
- SOPs
Design Qualification (DQ)
Purpose - to ensure that the final design:
accords with all relevant specifications and design
meets the requirements of the process, product and
adequately specifies all necessary supporting
complies with the requirements and principles of GMP.

DQ is an auditing function to provide formal

documentation that the facility has been designed to meet
the requirements of the user and the GMP guidelines.
Activities of DQ

1) GMP/cGMP reviews of overall facility design

2) Establishing the suitability of vendors and vendor
deliverables through vendor assessment and auditing where
3) Review and approval of equipment specifications and
design documentation to ensure user requirement
specifications (URS) have been adequately interpreted in
the design process and that the design is in compliance with
4) Compilation of design documents;
5) QA/QC review;
6) Facility acceptance testing (FAT).
GMP reviews of overall facility design
To assure: - it complies with the applicable statutes and associated
published current Good Manufacturing Practices;
- it complies with applicable regulatory licence(s) and
registrations submitted for the particular process(es) or
product(s) to be manufactured, held or stored.

DQ of each system
Vendor assessment - is the documented evaluation of the suitability
and capability of the vendor to provide the 'system' to be procured
to the quality required to fulfil user and cGMP requirements,
including all necessary supporting documentation.
Installation Qualification (IQ)
The documented evaluation of the equipment or system to
establish that it has been installed in accordance with
design specifications, cGMP requirements and
manufacturers recommendations.

Consist of various static checks:

1) System completion: Check that the system is mechanically
complete and all critical punch list items have been cleared. Check
that all work which should have been completed and documented
during the construction and installation of the system has been
2) Security /utility connections: Check that the correct
connection of utilities has been made and that, where
appropriate, utilities have been IQed;
3) Documentation inventory: Check that all necessary
supporting documentation such as specifications,
operation and maintenance manuals are available and
have been reviewed and approved;
4) Equipment inventory: Check that installed equipment
name plate data complies with specification and record
equipment serial numbers;
5) Materials qualification: Check that, where appropriate,
contact part materials, surface finishes and lubricants are
in accordance with the specification.
6) Drawing validation: Perform a P&ID (Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram)walk-down to check that all main
components are as shown and in the sequence indicated.
7) Main equipment features: Check that each main
component is in accordance with the construction
drawing, check critical specifications such as filter grade,
perform any static checks required prior to start up, such
as checking lubricant levels, drive belt tension and
torque settings;
8) Instrument calibration
9) Spares and maintenance: For example, getting a copy
of the spares list reviewed and approved by the
maintenance department and then checking that all
spares have been supplied, and checking that the
maintenance and calibration programme for the system
is in place and that equipment log book(s) have been
Operational Qualification (OQ)
OQ is the documented evaluation of the system to show
that it operates as intended throughout the anticipated
operating ranges.

Tests should be designed to show that the equipment

would perform as intended and to specification.
The tests should encompass upper and lower processing
limits and circumstances, including those within normal
operating conditions, which pose the greatest chance of
process or product failure compared to ideal conditions.
These conditions are widely known as 'worst case' or
'most appropriate challenge' conditions.
For example, the tests on a dispensary area down-flow booth
could consist of:
Air supply system:
- down-flow and bleed air velocity (check that when correct
velocity is achieved inside the booth and the volumetric
flow rate is within range);
- green zone velocity test (to ensure that the green zone of
safe airflow is set to correspond to an average filter face
velocity of between 0.45 and 0.55 msec-1);
- filter pressure differential test (to ensure that the
pressure drop across each filter is within the correct
operating range and to provide a baseline clean filter
- dirty filter simulation test (to ensure that the airflow rate is
controlled to maintain correct down-flow velocity with dirty
Containment systems:
- HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor) filter integrity testing
(check that all HEPA filters are integral and pass the DOP (Dioctyl
Phthalate) test);
- smoke containment test (to demonstrate using smoke that the
booth contains emissions generated within the safe working zone at
both the minimum and maximum safe airflow setting, and that fresh
make-up air drawn in from outside the booth is drawn in and
maintained below bench top height through to the back of the

Safety systems:
- air flow alarm (to demonstrate the functionality of the unsafe flow
alarm system);
- emergency stop (to demonstrate the functionality of the emergency
stop system and check that all devices move to fail safe condition).
Handover and Process Optimization
Most projects undergo a period of plant handover following
completion of OQ.
This is normally the time that 'ownership' of the facility is
transferred from the engineering function to the user function.
Before the next stage of the validation can begin, a period of
time is spent optimizing the process.
For example in BPC (Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical) plants
this may encompass 'solvent trials', where solvents to be
used in the facility are first introduced. This may require re-
tuning of control loops that have only previously operated with
The nitrogen system may now switch from running on
compressed air over to running with nitrogen. Plant safety is
clearly of primary concern during this phase.
Performance Qualification (PQ)

PQ is the documented evaluation of the system to show that the

system operates as intended throughout the anticipated operating
ranges, under conditions as close as possible to normal production.

PQ work should be performed on systems whose performance or

process parameters are critical and could affect the quality of the

Examples of the systems requiring PQ work are pieces of process

equipment such as a production sterilizer and critical utilities such
as a WFI system.
The contents of a PQ protocol may include:
approval page;
system description;
sampling regime;
testing regime;
acceptance criteria;
deviation and corrective action.
Process Validation (PV)
Establishing documented evidence which
provides a high degree of assurance that a
specific process will consistently produce a
product meeting its predetermined
specifications and quality attributes

a PV is a PQ of the manufacturing process.

As with a PQ, the critical parameters and acceptance criteria

of the process steps should be defined.
1st step: Identifying the critical parameters and
understanding how each of them can adversely affect
the finished product.
2nd step: examine the effect of each of the critical
parameters on the process to ensure that the variability
in the parameter anticipated during routine production
does not adversely affect the quality of the product.
3rd step: successfully complete PV work is to examine a
number of consecutive batches (usually three). The
sampling and testing of these batches should be
designed around the critical parameters.
Process validation is associated with the process and not with the
product. It is the list of instructions that is being qualified. An
alternative process that produces the same product will be
subjected to a separate process validation.
The contents of a typical PV protocol should
approval page;
system description;
sampling regime;
testing regime;
acceptance criteria;
deviation and corrective action.
Sterile products
Process validation for sterile products can
be considered in two parts:
- validate the process to gain assurance
that the system can deliver a sterile product.
This would include, for example, themal
mapping, thermal commissioning, filter
integrity testing and control systems testing;
- validate the manufacturing process of the
actual product including process technology
and biological testing.
Cleaning Validation
to ensure that the appropriate level of general
cleanliness is maintained in order to prevent the
accumulation of dirt and microbial contamination
which could affect the quality of the product;
to minimize the risk of cross-contamination from
one active product into the subsequent product,
which could lead to serious adverse effects on
patients. Cross-contamination could also result
in degradation of the main product and loss of
Choice of Cleaning Method

The simplest approach is to dedicate a complete facility, its

building, services and equipment, to a single product. This
is a very expensive approach, unless the product is required in
sufficient quantity to justify a dedicated facility.
For very active products such as penicillin, cephalosporin and
hormones, where cross-contamination at very low levels is not
acceptable, this is the safest option and is a regulatory
The most common type of cleaning process involves the full or
partial dismantling of equipment, followed by solvent
washing and subsequent drying of the separate parts.
Water/steam (with or without added detergent) is the most
common cleaning solvent, but organic solvents can also
be utilized.
Manual cleaning is still used extensively in the
pharmaceutical industry but 'clean-in-place'
(CIP) systems are rapidly expanding and
'sterilization-in place (SIP) is also being
It is quite common and also highly desirable to
dedicate specific parts of the equipment which
are difficult to clean, thereby reducing the
overall time and cost of the cleaning process.
Examples of this are the woven fibre filter bags
used in fluid bed dryers or the rubber/plastic o-
rings found in pipework.
Measuring the level of cleanliness
Involves a three-stage process:
1) a sampling method to detect and pick up the
remaining contaminants;
2) a method of analysis to quantify the amount of
contaminant remaining;
3) a calculation to extrapolate the results.

The usual sampling methods are:

1) swabbing;
2) aqueous/solvent rinses;
3) non-active product follow through.
(a) Swabbing
- Involves the use of dry or solvent impregnated swabs, which are wiped over
a known area of the processing equipment.
- The contamination picked up is extracted in the laboratory by soaking the
swab in a suitable solvent, and the solvent is then analysed to give a
quantitative result.
- The total quantity of the contamination is calculated by multiplying the total
area of the equipment by the swabbed area.

(b) Aqueous/solvent rinses

- commonly used in areas where it is difficult to swab (such as pipework or a
sealed reactor in a bulk chemical plant).
- The method involves rinsing with a known volume of water/solvent and then
analysing a small quantity of the rinse.
- The total amount of contaminant is:
(Quantity in sample x Total volume of rinse) / Volume sample
- The solvent used must provide sufficient solubility to pick up the
contamination effectively but must not degrade the contaminant.
(c) Non-active product follow-through
- The non-active product follow-through is sometimes
used, and involves processing a non-active substance
through the whole process and then analysing samples
for the contaminant.
- The calculation is analogous to the rinse method.
- Advantage: it mimics the real situation of a subsequent
batch being processed, and that it covers all the
equipment involved.
- However, as with the rinse method, only the
contaminant that has been picked up can be
measured, and not the contaminant left behind.
Validation of CIP systems
CIP validation cycle:
1) Assess design of CIP system including analytical
method development;
2) Experimental work to optimize cycle and
cleaning agents and including analytical method
3) Change control system;
4) Operational qualification;
5) Cleaning validation protocol;
6) Cleaning validation report for three successive
cleaning cycles.
The main advantage of a CIP system is
that it should provide a reproducible
cleaning process. This process needs to
be effective and optimized to provide the
best chance of successfully validating the
cleaning process.

Experimental work can be performed

using different wash cycles, rinse cycles,
detergent types, drying conditions, etc. to
establish the most effective conditions.
Cleaning validation/PQ protocol:
- definition of equipment being used;
- definition of the product(s) being cleaned from the
equipment, and the product that will subsequently occupy
the equipment;
- explanation of the parameters being used in the cleaning
process (temperature, times, pressures, detergent types
and concentrations, etc.);
- sampling regime (sampling method(s), number and
location of samples);
- testing procedures (description of tests to be performed on
- acceptance criteria (acceptable maximum levels of
contamination in each of the samples).
Validation of manual cleaning
Manual cleaning validation cycle:
- Experimental work (optimize cleaning
method, drying cycle, etc.);
- Change control system;
- Prepare standard operating procedure (SOP);
- Operator training including retraining/re-
- Evaluation of training;
- Cleaning validation protocol;
- Cleaning validation report.
Computer system validation
Assessment of computer systems to determine validation

1) GMP implication:
Generally any computer system with GMP implications
should be validated. For example, critical operations;
controlling or monitoring operations that can affect product

2) System functionality:
If the computer system is only used for supervisory tasks,
with no computer-generated information being used by or
forming part of the batch record information then generally
the computer system does not require validation;
3) Safety critical systems:
Although GMP does not cover safety critical systems, there is a
good argument for them being treated in the same way;

4) System configuration:
Although a computer system may be involved with critical
operations, it might be that another independent system provides
a full check of the operation of the computer system. In this case
the computer system does not generally require validation;

5) System operability:
Although the system may be computerized, the corresponding
operating procedures may introduce so many manual operations
and checks that all computer controlled operations are duplicated
by the way the system is operated. In this case the computer
system does not generally require validation.

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