Rapid Prototyping PPT Seminar

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Rapid Prototyping

Presented by

03/06/17 1
History of Rapid prototyping


Basic process

Rapid prototyping techniques

Traditional development process versus Rapid prototyping process

Performing Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping pros and cons

Future developments and conclusion

03/06/17 2
History of RP
In 1967, Herbert Voelcker, a prof by profession questioned himself about
the possibilities of doing interesting things with the computer controlled and
automatic machine tools,hence RP was born.

In 1970s, Voelcker developed the basic tools of mathematics that clearly

describe the three dimensional aspects and resulted in the earliest theories
of algorithmic and mathematical theories for solid modeling.

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The term rapid prototyping (RP) refers to a class of technologies that can
automatically construct physical models from Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) data.

These "three dimensional printers" allow designers to quickly create

tangible prototypes of their designs, rather than just two-dimensional
pictures. Such models have numerous uses.

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The Basic process
1.Create a CAD model of the design

2.Convert the CAD model to STL format

3.Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional layers

4.Construct the model one layer atop another

5.Clean and finish the model

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CAD Solid Model
Solid model or closed surface model required

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.STL File

Software generates a object description

File consists of the X, Y, Z coordinates of the
three vertices of each surface triangle, with
an index to describe the orientation of the
surface normal
Support generation to hold overhung surfaces
during build

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.STL File

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Slicing the File
Series of closely spaced horizontal planes
are mathematically passed through the .stl
Generate a .sli file : a series of closely
spaced 2D cross-sections of the 3D object
Typical Z thickness 0.006 (0.150 mm)
The pre-processing software slices the STL
model into a number of layers from 0.01 mm
to 0.7 mm thick, depending on the build
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Final Build File
Part sliced
Supports sliced
RP technology parameters set
layer thickness, scan speed,...
Send file to RP machine
RP machine build one layer at a time from
polymers,paper,or powdered metal.

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Removal of part from platform
Removal of supports from part
Cleaning of part (wiping, rinsing, ... )
Finishing part (curing, sanding, polishing, )

03/06/17 11
RP Techniques

Laminated Object Manufacturing

Selective Laser Sintering

Fused Deposition Modeling

Solid Ground Curing

3-D Ink-Jet Printing

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B)Laminated Object Manufacturing

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C) Selective Laser Sintering

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D)Fused Deposition Modeling

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FDM material

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E)Solid Ground Curing

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F) 3-D Ink-Jet Printing

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Performing RP
Select a Tool
Form a Team
Rapid Prototyping Process
Analyze proposed system
Identify initial customer requirements
Identify objects and actions
Put together related objects and actions
Prototype panels
Get feedback
Improve prototype
Convert prototype code to actual code
Get feedback
Improve actual code
Release the product

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03/06/17 24
Rapid Prototyping Pros and Cons


Saves time and money

Promotes consistency in user interface design

Allows early customer involvement

Changes perceived ownership to customers

Shows progress to management in a concrete way

Allows marketers and planners to ensure that customer

needs are met

03/06/17 25
. Metal prototypes are difficult to make, though this should
change in the near future

Sometimes encourages prototyping by programmers rather

than domain experts

Usually does not produce reusable code

Slows development process if put under formal

configuration control

Cost of machine is very high

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In Engineering

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Medical applications

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Architectural applications

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. "Rapid" prototyping machines are still slow by some standards. By

using faster computers, more complex control systems, and improved
materials, RP manufacturers are dramatically reducing build time.

Another future development is improved accuracy and surface finish.

Another important development is increased size capacity.

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Growth into new markets and industries will redefine the role of RP and
this will redefine our future.

Of course, rapid prototyping is not perfect. Part volume is generally

limited to 0.125 cubic meters or less, depending on the RP machine

The limitations aside, rapid prototyping is a remarkable technology that

is revolutionizing the manufacturing process.

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