Introduction To Stock Markets and Investor Behaviour
Introduction To Stock Markets and Investor Behaviour
Introduction To Stock Markets and Investor Behaviour
Stock market
Stock Market is a place where securities like equity
shares, preference shares, debentures and the
Government securities are traded. Its main function
is to provide the mechanism for the exchange of
securities at a price that is Fair and equitable. Stock
market not only helps business undertakings in
private sector but also help Government
undertakings in raising funds from public.
It is the performance index or a barometer of general
economic conditions and economic growth of a
Investor behavior is the study that includes all the
steps of the investment decision making process.
Investment behaviours encompasses all the
behaviours that the investor displays in searching
for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of
investment related products and services that they
expect will satisfy their needs.
Types of Stock markets
1: Individual Investors
2: Institutional Investors
Individual Investors :- .Individual investor include
public and peoples. These investors may be
aggressive who prefer maximization of return or
defensive those prefer to invest in less risky stocks
with the aim of safety of funds and regular income.
Investor Behaviour with regards to
Investments in Stock Market in Hisar.
Objectives of study
1: To know the investors perception OR behaviour
towards investment in stock market.
2: To find out the sources of information of
Scope of study
The scope of the study is limited to the city of Hisar and retail
investors from Hisar city have been considered as respondents.
Limitation of the study
1: Due to shortage of time and money sample size was restricted.
2: Some respondent were reluctant to provide accurate views
about investment.
Convenience sampling technique was used due to paucity of
time and effort . Random or judgment sampling might have
given better results.
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