Dukungan Nutrisi Pra / Pasca Bedah

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Dr. Zaimah Z. Tala, MS, SpGK

Departemen Ilmu Gizi
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sumatera Utara


Operasi stres + kelainan prabedah

Salah satu penentu keberhasilan operasi
Status nutrisi mortalitas dan morbiditas
Status nutrisi adekuat kebutuhan nitrogen
dan substrat energi terjaga
Nafsu makan berkurang, anoreksia
Gangguan pencernaan, mal-absorbsi
Kehilangan meningkat : luka, drainase
Sintesa protein dan anabolisme menurun


Metabolic response to trauma :
Ebb phase

Characterized by hypovolemic shock

Priority is to maintain life / homeostasis

- cardiac output
- oxygen consumption
- blood pressure
- tissue perfusion
- body temperature
- metabolic rate
Metabolic response to trauma :
Flow phase

release of cytokines, lipid mediators
Acute phase protein production
Metabolic response to trauma

Fatty deposit fatty acid

Endocrine Liver & muscle glucose

Response (glycogen)

Muscle aminoacid
(amino acid)
Determining calorie requirements

Indirect calorimetry

Harris Benedict x stress factor x activity factor

men : 66.47 + (13.75Wkg) + (5Hcm) (6.76Ayr)
women : 655.1 + (9.56Wkg) + (1.85Hcm) (4.67Ayr)

Rule of thumb :
25 30 kcal / kg BW / day
Metabolic response to trauma : stress factor

Injury Stress factor

Minor surgery 1.00 1.10
Long bone fracture 1.15 1.30
Cancer 1.10 1.30
Peritonitis / sepsis 1.10 1.30
Severe infection / multiple trauma 1.20 1.40
Multi-organ failure syndrome 1.20 1.40
Burns 1.20 2.00

Activity Activity factor

Confined to bed 1.20
Out of bed 1.30
Metabolic response to overfeeding

Fatty liver
Macronutrients during stress


- at least 100 g/day needed to prevent

- Carbohydrate intake during stress should
be between 30 40 % of total calories
- glucose intake should not exceed 5
Macronutrients during stress


- provide 20 35% of total kalories

- max recommendation for iv lipid infusion :
1.0 1.5 g/kg/day
- monitor TG level to ensure adequate lipid
Macronutrients during stress


- req range from 1.2 2.0 gr/kg/day

- comprise 20 30% of total calories
during stress
Determining protein req for hospitalized

Stress level No stress Moderate stress Severe stress

Calorie : N ratio > 150 : 1 150 100 : 1 < 100 : 1

% protein / total cal < 15 % P 15 20% P > 20 % P

P / kg BW 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0

g/kg/day g/kg/day g/kg/day
Enteral nutrition
- oral supplements
- tube feeding

Parenteral nutrition
- total
- peripheral
Improved patient outcome

Improved wound healing

Decreased risk of complications

- nosocomial infection
Decreased length of stay
Decreased healthcare costs
zzt 0506
Case problem
B.C., a 40 yrs old white male is admitted to the hospital
following multiple trauma injury. The patient is
hemodynamically stable and a nasogastric suction tube
is place due to the presence of gastric ileus. Drainage is
approximately 1.2 L/day. There is no major organ
dysfunction. His preinjury BW was 70 kg and his height
is 178 cm. Selected biochemistries are :
- serum sodium, mEq/L 135 (N=135 145)
- serum potassium, mEq/L 4.8 (N= 3.7 5.0)
- BUN, mg/dL 25 (N= 5 25)
- glucose, mg/dL 130 (N= 80 110)
Compute total daily energy need
Compute total daily water need (including
replacement for NG loss)
Compute total daily protein need
Initial nutrition therapy plan
E.W., a well developed 25 year old male was admitted
to the surgical ICU with a diagnosis of multiple trauma
secondary to a motor vehicle accident. On examination
patient was found to have a GCS of 8 with respiratory
depression. The patient was hypotensive (90/60) and
tachycardic (120x). Abdomen was not distended and
bowel sounds were present but diminished . A NGT was
placed with a return of 580 ml of clear gastric juice. A
left femur fx and multiple superficial contusions and
abrasions were noted with no evidence of severe
external bleeding. The pat was placed on a ventilator
and resuscitated. Hemodynamic stabilization was
achieved with iv fluids and 2 units of PRC
Blood chemistry data :
- KGD 136 (80-110)
- BUN 35 (5-25)
- Cr 1.1 (0.5-1.2)
-P 4.6 (2.5-4.5)
- Ca 7.8 (8-11)
- Total protein 6.2 (6.5-8.5)
- alb 2.8 (3.5-8.5)
- alk fos 540 (60-220)
- CPK 800 (30-220)
- Ht 36% (41-50%)
- WBC 13.2 (3.8-9.8)
The family, with whom the pat lives, said that the pat
ate a normal diet. They denied any knowledge or
observation of recent change in weight, appetite or
eating habits.
Body comp : strong muscular development suggested
that the pat participated regularly physical act. Mildly
increase abdominal adiposity was also present
H 183 cm
W 97 kg
Ideal BW 83 kg
BMI 28
Post resuscitation weight 102 kg

Nutrition plan ?

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