Most Inmportant ........ Oops Concept

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Object Oriented Programming


Session I

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Session Objectives
 Explain structured programming and its
 Discuss Object Oriented Programming and its
 Define classes and objects
 Identify properties and methods
 Explain public and private sections of a class
 Discuss abstraction and encapsulation
 Describe inheritance and polymorphism

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Structured Programming - I
{ Program is a set of tasks
Print “Hello World”
result = 13*12/2.5
Print “Result =” result
Broken down into
smaller and independent

Structured programming follows a ‘top-down’ approach

sometimes termed as ‘step-wise refinement’.

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Structured Programming - II
 A program is organised into a hierarchy of
 Each module or function has a single entry
and exit point
 Three types of control flow:
 Sequential
 Test
 Iteration

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Disadvantages of Structured
 Difficult to separate data from functions
that manipulate it
 Solutions are recreated and not reused
 Difficult to track and manage changes

Object oriented programming provides techniques for

managing complexity and reuse of software

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The Object Oriented Approach -I
 Object oriented programming grew in the
70’s as a solution to the problems of
structured programming
 Models human thought process as closely
as possible
 Deals with data and procedures that operate
on data as a single ‘object’

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The Object Oriented Approach - II
All around us in the real world are

Each object has certain

characteristics and exhibits
certain behaviour

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The OO Approach - An Example
Top-Down approach OOP

We are going to build a hotel We are going to build a 10

storey hotel with ordinary,
deluxe and luxury suites
that also possesses an
executive lecture hall

We are going to then design We are going to build a

several floors, rooms and hotel along these
then the lecture hall specifications(components)

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The OO Methodology
The four steps in this methodology are:
 Identify the problem

 Identify the objects needed for the solution

 Identify the messages to be sent to the

 Create a sequence of messages to the

objects that solve the problem

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Object Oriented Programming
OOP (Object oriented Programming) offers a powerful
model for writing software. Here:
Data: Accounts Functions:
Code & Data
•No. of employees •Calculate salary
•Salary statements •Pay salary
•Bills •Pay bills
•Vouchers •Tally accounts
•Receipts •Transact with
Object •Petty cash records banks
•Banking data

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Basic Object Oriented Concepts
 Object
 Helps to understand the real world
 Provides a practical basis for computer applications
 Class
 Describes a set of related objects
 Property
 A characteristic of an object – also called attribute
 Method
 An action performed by an object

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Abstraction - I
 A process of examining certain aspects of a
problem as relevant to a particular

t e 1
t ri
A bute 3
Method 1
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Abstraction - II
Abstraction is classified into two
 Data abstraction

 Identifying the properties related to a particular

 Procedural abstraction
 Applying focus on the arguments and the return
value of the procedure rather than its

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Inheritance is a
property that
allows reuse of
an existing class Insects Mammals Reptiles Amphibians

to build a new

Humans Non-Humans

Reusability can be
achieved through

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Programs can be broken
into reusable objects
Existing classes can be
used with additional

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 A process of information hiding
 Selective hiding of data
 Prevents accidental tampering of data
 Errors are easier to isolate and fix

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 Same functions with different behaviour on
different classes
Class - Here, a method
Artiste method perform()
implemented on the
subclasses would
Dancer Sculptor Poet give different results

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More on Classes
 A class contains
 Data members
 Functions
 Data members are accessed through the
 An object is an instance of a class
 A class can have sections which are not
accessible to other classes

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A Class Definition
class Animal
public int noOfLegs;
public String name;
private char gender;
public void showData()
display(“Name :” + name);
display(“Number of Legs:” + noOfLegs );
display(“Gender :” + gender);
} eACCP/ Object Oriented Concepts and Java 2/ Session 1/ 19 of 26
Access Specifiers of a Class

accessible Private
from outside
the class Data or
from outside
the class Data or

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Member Function
 Is a message to an object
 Is usually declared public
 Should not have the same name as a data
 Provides access to the data members of a

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Using the Class
 Instantiating a class
 Animal anim1=new Animal();
 Assigning values
 = “zebra”;
 Calling member functions
 anim1.showData();

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Passing and Returning Objects
c t
bje Compiler

creates a
Function FORMAL
variable in
variables the called

All data members of the object are copied to the

formal variable and they can be assigned any value
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Object Oriented Languages
 Some of the leading object oriented
languages are:
 C++
 Smalltalk
 Eiffel
 Java

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What is Java ?
Java is a high level programming
language introduced by Sun
Microsystems in June 1995

It was developed by a team under

James Gosling
James Gosling

It provides for interactive processing and for the use of

graphics and animation on the Internet.
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Features of Java
 Simple
 Object oriented
 Platform independent
 Robust
 Secure
 Distributed
 Multithreaded
 Dynamic

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