2.update Sensorik-Motorik Neuropsikiatri

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Sensory Nerve System

Physiology Department
Medical Faculty
Hasanuddin University
Sensory nerve : neuron that transmits
impulses from a sensory receptor into the
Motor nerve : transmits impulses from
CNS to an effector organ
Potential receptors

Sensory nerve : - Receptors Modality labeled line principles

- Nerve
The somatic senses can be classified into three physiologic
types :
(1) the mechanoreceptive somatic senses, which include both
tactile and position sensations that are stimulated by
mechanical displacement of some tissue of the body;
(2) the thermoreceptive senses, which detect heat and cold; and
(3) the pain sense, which is activated by any factor that
damages the tissues
Sensory signals to CNS
1. Dorsal column - medial lemniscal system
2. Anterolateral system :
Motor system in Spinal Cord
Motor system in Brainstem
Motor system in Basal Ganglia
Role of the Brain Stem in
Controlling Motor Function
The brain stem consists of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon.
The brain stem is its own master because it provides many special
control functions, such as the following:
1. Control of respiration
2. Control of the cardiovascular system
3. Partial control of gastrointestinal function
4. Control of many stereotyped movements of the body
5. Control of equilibrium
6. Control of eye movements
Finally, the brain stem serves as a way station for command signals
from higher neural centers.
Support of the Body Against Gravity
Roles of the Reticular and
Vestibular Nuclei

The reticular nuclei are divided into two major

groups: (1) pontine reticular nuclei, located
slightly posteriorly and laterally in the pons and
extending into the mesencephalon, and (2)
medullary reticular nuclei, which extend through
the entire medulla, lying ventrally and medially
near the midline.
These two sets of nuclei function mainly
antagonistically to each other, with the pontine
exciting the antigravity muscles and the medullary
relaxing these same muscles.
The pontine reticular nuclei have a high
degree of natural excitability. In addition,
they receive strong excitatory signals from
the vestibular nuclei, as well as from deep
nuclei of the cerebellum
The medullary reticular nuclei transmit
inhibitory signals to the same antigravity
anterior motor neurons by way of a different
tract, the medullary reticulospinal tract,
located in the lateral column of the cord
Basal GangliaTheir Motor

The basal ganglia, like the cerebellum, constitute

another accessory motor system that functions
usually not by itself but in close association with
the cerebral cortex and corticospinal motor control
system. In fact, the basal ganglia receive most of
their input signals from the cerebral cortex itself
and also return almost all their output signals back
to the cortex.
These ganglia consist of the caudate nucleus, putamen,
globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus.
They are located mainly lateral to and surrounding the
thalamus, occupying a large portion of the interior regions
of both cerebral hemispheres.
Role of the Vestibular Nuclei to Excite the
Antigravity Muscles

The vestibular nuclei transmit strong excitatory signals to

the antigravity muscles by way of the lateral and medial
vestibulospinal tracts in the anterior columns of the spinal
cord. Without this support of the vestibular nuclei, the
pontine reticular system would lose much of its excitation
of the axial antigravity muscles
The specific role of the vestibular nuclei, however, is to
selectively control the excitatory signals to the different
antigravity muscles to maintain equilibrium in response to
signals from the vestibular apparatus.
Executing Patterns of Motor Activity Cognitive Control of Sequences of
The Putamen Circuit Motor PatternsThe Caudate Circuit
Neurotransmitter Substances in the
Basal Ganglial System

(1) dopamine pathways from the substantia nigra to

the caudate nucleus and putamen,
(2) gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathways from
the caudate nucleus and putamen to the globus
pallidus and substantia nigra,
(3) acetylcholine pathways from the cortex to the
caudate nucleus and putamen, and
(4) multiple general pathways from the brain stem that
secrete norepinephrine, serotonin, enkephalin, and
several other neurotransmitters in the basal ganglia
as well as in other parts of the cerebrum.
Clinical syndromes in basal
Parkinson : decreased dopamine from subst
Huntingtons chorea : GABA decrease
produced by caudatus & putamen
Athetosis : insufficiency in thalamicus
nuclei ( lentikularis nuclei)
Hemiballismus : subthalamicus nuclei
Vermis : control functions for muscle movements
of the axial body, neck, shoulders, and hips

The intermediate zone of the hemisphere is concerned

with controlling muscle contractions in the distal
portions of the upper and lower limbs, especially the
hands and fingers and feet and toes.

The lateral zone of the hemisphere operates at a

much more remote level because this area joins with the
cerebral cortex in the overall planning of sequential
motor movements.

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