Filariasis 2015
Filariasis 2015
Filariasis 2015
Lymphatic filariasis
Caused by a thread-like nematode: the filaria
Endemic in 80 countries.
Estimated 1.1 billion people at risk.
90% W. bancrofti
10% Brugia malayi + Brugia timori
Filariasis Prevalence in
Ranging from 0.5 % - 19.64% with
average of 3.1% (P2M & PLP, 1999).
Life cycle
Adult : Live in the lumen of lymphatic
worms in vessels. The longevity of adults is
human about 8 10 years.
Brugia malayi
Female : 55 mm x 0.16 mm.
Male : 22 23 mm x 0.09 mm
W. B. B. timori
bancrofti malayi
Species differentiation is based on as follow
Cephalic space: W. bancrofti B. malayi B. timori
(Length : width) 1:1 2:1 3:1
Immune reaction:
Hyperresponsive to microfilariae causing
tropical eosinophilia.
Clinical manifestations
Symptomatic (Adenolymphangitis)
Chronic pathology
Symptoms :
Acute manifestations
Recurrent fever associated with
Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes)
Lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymph vessels)
termed Adenolymphangitis (ADL)
attacks in bancroftian filariasis < brugian filariasis
affected sites: inguinal, axillary, epitrochlear regions.
in bancroftian filariasis, male & female genital organ can
affected: (male genitalia: funiculitis, epididymitis,
orchitis or combination)
last for several days or up to 4 6 weeks with a
fulminating episode which may prolong inability to work.
Clinical Signs and
Two distinct types of acute ADL episodes in
endemic areas:
Acute Filarial Lymphangitis (AFL):
caused by the death of adult worms (spontaneous/by
etrograde means the inflammation spreads from proximal to distal lymphatic ves
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
Lymphedema in arm
Clinical signs and
(Brugia sp).
(W. bancrofti)
Symptoms in
Expatriats or transmigrants who are
infected filariasis manifest prominent signs
& symptoms of inflammatory (including
allergic) reactions to the mature or
maturing parasites (not seen in endemic
Immunological hyperresponsiveness to
microfilariae (mf).
Laboratory findings:
Massive hyper-eosinophilia (>3000 per ul)
Individual treatment
Standard dose:
Mass treatment
Single dose (recommended by WHO):
Acute attacks
-Acute filarial adenolymphangitis 100% Yes (after acute
-Dermatolymphangioadenitis Variable attack)
If infected (after
acute attack) +
Chronic manifestation antibiotics
-Lymphedema of the legs* Low
-Hydrocele* Variable
If infected
If infected
* Chronic patients who are positive antigen or DNA detection have to be treated
with DEC
Adverse reactions of
Due to immunological reactions to the
death of :
adult worm (localised): adenolymphangitis,
sometimes accompanied by acute
lymphoedema or hydrocele begin 2 4
days post treatment
microfilariae (systemic): fever, headache,
malaise, myalgia, arthralgia begin a
few to 48 hours post treatment
Side effects of treatment