Behavioral Assessment

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What is Behavioral Assessment?
Behavioral assessment is a method used in the field of
psychology to observe, describe, explain, predict and
sometimes correct behavior.

For example:

Sara is five-year-old girl who has started getting into trouble

at school. She has been sent to the office three times in one
week and is now crying and refusing to go to school. What
could be going on with Sara? A behavioral assessment might
be the next step toward answering this question.
For example. A girl..
1. interview the client about this problem
2. administer an appropriate test to the client
3. ask the client to keep a detailed diary of her thoughts
and behaviors related to various aspects of her efforts to
meet men including her expectations,
4. accompany the client on a typical night out to a
singles bar or similar venue and observe her behavior.
The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of It
Who? Who is the assesse? The person being assessed
may be, for example, a patient as a closed psychiatric
ward, a client seeking help at a counseling center, or a
subject in an academic experiment.

What? What is measured in behavioral assessment? The

behavior or behaviors targeted for assessment will vary as
a function of the objectives of the assessment.
For the purposes of the assessment, the targeted
behavior must be measurable---- that is quantifiable in
some way.
When? When is an assessment of behavior made? One
response to this question is that assessment of behavior is
typically made at times when the problem behavior is most
likely to be elicited.
Example. If a pupil is most likely to get into verbal and
physical altercations during lunch, a behavioral assessor
would focus on lunch hour as a time to assess behavior.
Example. One schedule of assessment is referred to as
frequency or event recording. Each time the targeted
behavior occurs, it is recorded.
Interval recording- occurs only during predefined intervals of
time (ex. Every other minute, every 48 hours, every third
The assessor may also maintain a record of the intensity of
the behavior.
Intensity of the behavior may be gauged by observable and
quantifiable events such as the duration of the behavior,
stated in number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months, or years.
Method of recording the frequency
1. Timeline followback (TLFB) methodology- was
originally designed for use in the context of a clinical
interview for the purpose of assessing alcohol abuse.
Where? Where does the assessment take place?
Behavioral assessment may take place just about
anywhere preferably in the environment where the
targeted behavior is most likely to occur naturally.
Why? Why conduct behavioral assessment? In general,
data derived from behavioral assessment may have several
advantages over data derived by other means. It can be
To provide behavioral baseline data with which other
behavioral data may be compared.
To provide a record of the assessees behavioral strengths
and weaknesses across a variety of situations.
To pinpoint environmental conditions that are acting to
trigger, maintain, or extinguish certain behaviors
To target specific behavioral patterns for modification
through interventions
To create graphic displays useful in stimulating innovative
or more effective treatment approaches.

Insurance companies tend to favor behavioral

assessment over more traditional assessments.
Behavioral assessment is typically not linked to any
theory of personality and patient progress tends to be
gauged on the basis of documented behavioral events.
How? How is behavioral assessment conducted? It is
according to the purpose of the assessment.
In some situations, the only special equipment required
will be a trained observer with pad and pencil.
In other types, highly sophisticated recording equipment
may be necessary.
Varieties of Behavioral assessment
Behavioral observation and rating scales
A school psychologist observes a child interacting with
peers in the school cafeteria.
This is a best example of behavioral observation.
This technique involves watching the activities of targeted
clients or research subjects, and, typically, maintaining
some kind of record of those activities.
Researchers, clinicians, or counselors may themselves
serve as observers, or they
Assessing Behavior

There are many different tools that are useful in

behavioral assessment and allow for a deeper
understanding of why a behavior is occurring.

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