Green Building Rating System

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Green Building Rating

A green building rating system is an evaluation tool that
measures environmental performance of a building through
its life cycle Comprises of a set of criteria covering various
parameters related to design, construction and operation of
a green building A project is awarded points once it fulfills
the rating criteria. The points are added up and the final
rating of a project is decided. Globally, green building rating
systems are largely voluntary in nature and have been
instrumental in raising awareness and popularizing green
building designs.
Successful International Rating
Programs: LEED
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) was
developed and piloted in the US in 1998 as a consensus-based
building rating system based on the use of existing building
The rating system addresses specific environmental building related
impacts using a whole building environmental performance approach.
The Indian Green Building Council has adapted LEED system and has
launched LEED India version for rating of new construction.
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched several other
products for rating of different typologies of buildings including homes,
factories, among others.
Key Components of the LEED
Sustainable sites (construction related pollution prevention, site development impacts,
transportation alternatives, storm water management, heat island effect, and light pollution)
Water efficiency (landscaping water use reduction, indoor water use reduction, and waste
water management strategies)
Energy and atmosphere (commissioning, whole building energy performance optimization,
refrigerant management, renewable energy use, and measurement and verification)
Materials and resources (recycling collection locations, building reuse, construction waste
management, and the purchase of regionally manufactured materials, materials with recycled
content, rapidly renewable materials, salvaged materials, and FSC certified wood products)
Indoor environmental quality (environmental tobacco smoke control, outdoor air delivery
monitoring, increased ventilation, construction indoor air quality, use low emitting materials,
source control, and controllability of thermal and lighting systems)
Innovation and design process (LEED accredited professional, and innovative strategies
for sustainable design)
GRIHA: Green Rating for Integrated
Habitat Assessment
National Rating System of India.
Will evaluate environmental performance of buildings holistically over its entire
lifecycle, thereby providing a definitive standards for what constitute a green building.
GRIHA has been conceived by TERI and developed jointly with the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy, Government of India. It is a green building 'design evaluation
system', and is suitable for all kinds of buildings in different climatic zones of the
ADARSH, Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats founded
jointly by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi) and MNRE (Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy, Government of India) along with a handful of experts in
the sustainability of built environment from across the country.
ADARSH promotes GRIHA as a design & evaluation tool for Green Buildings and
GRIHA: Criteria's
34 Rating Criterias
Sustainable Site Planning
Maximize the conservation and utilization of resources
(land,water,natural habitat, avifauna and energy) and enhance
efficiency of systems and operations.
Criterion 1-Site Selection
Criterion 2-Preserve and protect landscape during construction/compensatory
depository forestation.
Criterion 3-Soil conservation (post construction)
Criterion 4-Design to include existing site features
Criterion 5-Reduce hard paving on site
Criterion 6-Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency
Criterion 7-Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency
Protection : Well Being
Protection of the health of construction
workers and prevent pollution.
Criterion 8-Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety
facilities for construction workers
Criterion 9-Reduce air pollution during construction

Water Management
Criterion 10-Reduce landscape water demand
Criterion 11-Reduce building water use
Criterion 12-Efficient water use during construction
Building Design Optimization
Criterion 13-Optimize building
design to reduce conventional
energy demand.
The basic three objectives are :-
1. Climate responsive building design
2. Adequate day-lighting
3. Efficient artificial lighting system
Energy Performance
Criterion 14-Optimize energy performance ofOptimization
building within specified
comfort limits
Energy Consumption in building under a specified category is 10-40% less
than that benchmarked through a simulation exercise.

Steps followed for this study are:-

1. Thermal analysis
2. HVAC system analysis
Building Waste Water
Material & Management
Criterion 15-Utilization of fly-ash Recycle, reuse, recharge of
or equivalent waste water
industrial/agricultural waste as Criterion 20-Waste water
recommended by BIS in building treatment
structures Criterion 21-Water recycle and
Criterion 16-Reduce embodied reuse (including rainwater)
energy of construction is
reduced by adopting material
efficient technologies and/or
low-energy materials
Criterion 17-Use low-energy
materials in Interiors
Renewable Environmental Quality
Energy Utilization Criterion 26-Use of low-VOC
Criterion 18-Renewable paints/adhesives/sealants
energy utilization Criterion 27-Minimize ozone
Criterion 19-Renewable depleting substances
energy based hot water Criterion 28-Ensure water quality
system Criterion 29-Acceptable outdoor
Solid Waste and indoor noise levels
Criterion 30-Tobacco and smoke
Management control
Criterion 31-Provide at least the
Criterion 22-Reduction in waste minimum level of accessibility for
during construction persons with disabilities
Criterion 23-Efficient Waste
Criterion 24-Storage and disposal of
Criterion 25-Resource recovery from
Criterion 32-Energy audit and validation
Criterion 33-Operation and Maintenance
Criterion 34-Innovation Points

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