Look Back Effect Projet Presentation
Look Back Effect Projet Presentation
Look Back Effect Projet Presentation
By : Mariflor Medina
Todays Presentation
Advantages Disadvantages
How it works:
3. If giving the $$ to the non-
1. Non-exempt non-profit exempt would further the 5. Sponsor reports the $$
arranges a grant or Sponsors purposes, then the on its tax return (non-
donation Sponsor grants the $$ to the exempt doesnt file a
non-exempt organization. return).
2. Grantor Donor pays the 4. Sponsor has discretion 6. Sponsor may provide
$$ to the Sponsor on non- NOT to grant the $$ (cant other supportive services to
exempts behalf just be a conduit) non-exempt (e.g.,
IRS Sensitive Areas:
Need to Research & Describe
Activities CAREFULLY
Private Benefit
E.g., Economic Development
Leadership Conflicts of Interest
Self Dealing
3rd Party Influence on Decisionmaking
Commercial Activity
Primary Purpose Must be Non Profit
Unrelated Business Activity
Activities in Foreign Countries
Fiscal oversight required
1. Contracting
2.Forming a subsidiary
Benefits from Forming a
Allows tax exempt organization to:
Protect its tax-exempt status by parking
unrelated/commercial activities in Sub
Insulate itself from liability associated with
these activities
Obtain financing from conventional sources
Attract staff and board members with business
experience (with competitive wages)
Earn dividends (profits) tax-free from the
Work Cites