Igcc Units

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132 North Lee street, L aBelle, FL , 33935,

Tel: 863-674-5727,
Fax: 561-828-8458

Viacheslav G. Kuryachiy. Mechanical Engineer/intern January,07

Common structure of IGCC 2

1. Air separation Unit (ASU)

2. Gasification Unit

3. Gas Cooling unit

4. Gas Cleaning Unit

5. Sulfur Removing Unit

6. Gas Combustion Turbine Unit

7. Heat Recovery Steam Generator Unit

8. Steam Turbine Unit

Possible variants of Integrated Gasification
Combine Cycle at Power Plants

Source: 2003 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

http://www.iea.org/dbtw-wpd/Textbase/work/2004/zets/technical/holt.pdf 4
1. Air separation Unit (ASU)
The oxygen plant consists of a conventional, cryogenic air
separation unit (ASU). The primary purpose of the ASU is to
produce pressurized oxygen gas for the reaction with the coal slurry
in the Gasifier and to produce nitrogen gas that is used as a diluent
in the combustion turbine to control peak flame temperature thereby
reducing the formation of NO, during syngas combustion.

Secondary uses include low pressure

oxygen for optimizing the Sulfur
Recovery system and low pressure
nitrogen for purging operations.

Dulient Nitrogen
to combuster

to gasifier

Source: http://valleywatch.net/valleywatch/docs/Duke%20Edw.%20Application/Chapter2.pdf
Air separation Unit (ASU)
The design for the air separation unit (ASU) is based on a high-
pressure ASU with half of the air required by the ASU supplied from
the combustion turbine. This level of integration was chosen to allow
the ASU to operate independently of the gas turbine, but still obtain
the efficiency advantage of an integrated system.

Source: ECOS 2000, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands, July 5-7, 2000
http://www.airproducts.com/NR/rdonlyres/6753032F-A8B8-4339-A12F-BB1A8DB46735/0/ECOS.pdf 6
2. Gasification Unit
O2 from ASU Coal Slurry

Coal, water and oxygen are fed into a

high-pressure gasifier, where the coal
is partially combusted and converted
into synthetic gas (syngas). The ash
in the coal is converted to inert, glassy slag.

2.1. Classification of gasifiers. Syngas

Fixed bed gasifiers;

High Pressure Syngas
Fluidized bed gasifiers;

Entrained flow (slagging) gasifiers.


Source: The U.S. Department of Energy and Tampa Electric Company

http://www.fossil.energy.gov/programs/powersystems/publications/Clean_Coal_Topical_Reports/topical19.pdf 7
Gasification Unit

Moving-Bad Gasifier
(Dry Ash)

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gasification Unit

Fluidized-Bad Gasifier

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gasification Unit

Entrained-Bed Gasifier

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gasification Unit

At the outlet of the gasifier reactor the temperature of the syngas is

around 1500 C and the fly ash (or slag) is in liquid form.
To protect downstream process equipment from fouling, a quench
is needed to solidify the slag and make it non-sticky. There are four
main alternatives for quenching:

- Radiant syngas cooling

- Water quench
- Gas recycle quench
- Chemical quench

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gasification Unit

Unless the hot syngas has been totally quenched with water, it typically
has a temperature of around 900 C and therefore needs further cooling
before downstream gas clean up processes. There are two classes of
syngas coolers for steam production:
- Fire tube boilers
- Water tube boilers

Both types have been operated successfully in different plants. Of the

two types, fire tube boilers are lower in cost. In this design, the hot raw
syngas flows inside the tubes, while high pressure steam is generated
on the outside. This means that the tubes are subjected to an external
pressure. Depending on the design, maximum steam pressure is
between 100 and 150 bar. Water tube boilers can handle higher steam

Gasification Unit

In the table below represented gasifiers from three biggest companies:

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gasification Unit


High Ranked Coal

Bituminous and Anthracite coal (Eastern Coal)
About 50% of the U.S. coal reserves
Higher heating value
Lower moisture content
Lower mineral content
Performs well in slagging gasifiers

Low Ranked Coal

Lignite and Sub-bituminous coal (Western Coal)
About 50% of the U.S. coal reserves
Does not perform well in slagging gasifiers
Sasol fixed bed
Transport gasifier (under development)

Source: http://www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/gasification/pubs/pdf/060516%20FSO%20Presentation.pdf
3. Gas Cooling Unit

Gas cooling unit consists of low temperature gas cooling (LTGC),

COS hydrolysis and Mercury removal.

3.1. LTGC

In this section, the particulate-free syngas from the syngas scrubber

is cooled and the heat is recovered by heating clean syngas and
generating steam. Most of the water in the syngas is condensed and
removed before it reaches the Acid Gas Removal (AGR) section.

Source: http://valleywatch.net/valleywatch/docs/Duke%20Edw.%20Application/Chapter2.pdf
Gas Cooling Unit

3.2. COS Hydrolysis

Each train of gas cooling contains a reactor for conversion of

Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) to Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) to enable more
complete sulfur removal in the AGR.

Source: http://valleywatch.net/valleywatch/docs/Duke%20Edw.%20Application/Chapter2.pdf
Gas Cooling Unit

3.3. Mercury removal

Carbon beds remove 90-95% of the mercury from coal derived

synthesis gas. Mercury sulfide on the spent carbon is stable and
currently the best option is to dispose of it at certified storage sites.
Regeneration with mercury recovery is complex and expensive.

The carbon is impregnated with sulfur at a concentration of about

10-15 wt%. The mercury reacts with sulfur as the gas goes through
the sulfur bed to form HgS. After the sulfur on the carbon is exhausted,
the spent adsorbent is shipped to a hazardous chemicals disposal site.
HgS is a very stable compound and its long-term storage presents no
problems. The spent carbon can also be incinerated and the mercury
recovered from the incinerator gas via cooling and condensation.

Source: http://valleywatch.net/valleywatch/docs/Duke%20Edw.%20Application/Chapter2.pdf
Gas Cooling Unit
Examples of syngas composition at scrubber outlet (mole %)

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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4. Gas Cleaning Unit

The syngas is cleaned of particles. Next the syngas passes through

a bed of activated charcoal, which captures the mercury.
The sulfur is removed from the syngas and converted to either
elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid for sale to chemical companies or
fertilizer companies.

Particle removal
Metal Carbonyls
HCl Removal
Shift Rx option

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Particle removal

Dry solids removal systems use candle filters that can remove all
solids from the gas at temperatures between 300 and 500 C. Above
500 C, alkali compounds may pass the filters in significant amounts.
Below 300 C, the filters may be blinded of deposits of ammonium
chloride (NH4Cl). Including cyclones upstream will reduce the loading
on the filters and therefore also the risk of breakage.
Wet solids removal systems use water scrubbers operating at a
temperature lower than the dew point of the gas so that the smallest
solid particles can act as nuclei for condensation and ensure efficient
Even if an IGCC plant has a candle filter it usually also adds a wet
scrubbing system for removal of remaining impurities such as
chlorides and ammonia.

Gas Cleaning Unit

Metal Carbonyls

Iron and nickel carbonyls (Fe(CO)5, Ni(CO)4) are both undesirable

trace components in synthesis gases. Metal carbonyls are often
present in synthesis gas that is made from petroleum residues.
Nickel carbonyls are damaging to combustion turbines but can be
removed from synthesis gas by activated carbon.

Metal carbonyls can also be absorbed by low-temperature

solvents such as used by the Rectisol process. These metal
compounds, if not removed, wind up in the Claus plant feed,
and are burned to FeS and NiS and then deposited on the
Claus catalyst. Both of these outcomes are undesirable.

Gas Cleaning Unit

HCL removal

Nahcolite (naturally occurring sodium bicarbonate), Trona

(naturally occurring sodium sesquicarbonate), synthetic sodium
carbonate/bicarbonate mixtures, Ca(OH)2, and other sorbents are
effective for dry removal of HCl and HF from syngas. Sorbent
requirements and performance depends on the gas conditions
and the contaminant concentrations. Injection before the filter is

Gas Cleaning Unit

Shift Rx option

Shift Rx the additional process block for CO2 capture. It is a shift

reactor in which the CO reacts with H2O to H2 and CO2.

In the shift reactor, the heating value of the CO is transferred to H2

and the carbon atoms end up in the CO2 molecules. It has been
found that a so called sour shift upstream the sulfur removal is more
energy efficient and has lower cost than a clean shift downstream of
the sulfur removal.

CO+H2O H2+CO2 - 41.2 MJ/kmol (exothermic reaction )

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Shift Rx option: IGCC with CO2 capture

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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5. Sulfur Removal Unit

The sulfur is removed from the syngas and converted to either

elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid for sale to chemical companies or
fertilizer companies.

Sulfur removal

Acid gas removal (AGR)

Sulfur recovery unit (SRU)
Tail gas treating (TGT)

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Sulfur Removal Unit

Acid Gas Removal (AGR)

Currently, the processes of choice in commercial IGCC facilities for the
removal of acid gases are both the chemical solvent AGR processes
based on aqueous methyldiethanolamine (MDEA)
and the physical solvent-based Selexol processwhich uses mixtures
of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol. In most of the IGCC
applications now, with both of these AGR processes, the AGR units
are preceded by carbonyl sulfide (COS) hydrolysis units to convert
most of the COS to H2S. This then enables the AGR units to
accomplish deeper total sulfur removal and lower H2S levels. Total
sulfur (COS+H2S) levels of <20 ppmv may be required if selective
catalytic reduction (SCR) is to be used with IGCCto prevent
ammonium sulfate salt deposition and corrosion problems in the
colder sections of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal
The AGR process removes the sulfur from the syngas. In current
GCC plants, the two processes of choice are based on absorption in
a liquid solvent:
- Chemical solvents based on aqueous methyldiethanolamine (MDEA);
- The Selexol process based on a physical solvent;
- Rectisol;
- Mixed chemical/physical.
The first both methods are capable of reducing total sulfur (H2S + COS) to
levels below 20 ppmv in the cleaned syngas. For CO2 capture a second stage
AGR would be added to remove the CO2 from the sulfur free syngas. If the
syngas will be used to produce chemicals, deep sulfur removal will be required
to protect the catalyst downstream. In this case the more expensive Rectisol
physical solvent AGR process may be applied. This process is a standard
solution in chemical applications such as methanol and ammonia. Chemical
solvents AGR processes also require steam in the stripping process to
regenerate the solvent, while physical solvents are regenerated only by staged
flashing techniques.

Source: http://www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/gasification/pubs/pdf/
SFA%20Pacific_Process%20Screening%20Analysis_Dec%202002.pdf 27
Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

The AGR process.

In CO2 removal applications, the Selexol process is chilled thus

facilitating deep H2S removal as well as CO2 removal.
The Rectisol physical solvent AGR process based on low-temperature
(refrigerated) methanol is capable of deep total sulfur removal, but it is
regarded as the most expensive AGR process. Therefore, its use is generally
reserved for chemical synthesis gas applications in which very pure syngas is
required. Its use in IGCCs with CO2 removal has also been proposed.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA):

MDEA is the amine scrubbing process. It does not combine with COS
chemically. Only limited physical COS absorption takes place with MDEA. COS
can be physically removed by MDEA only with very high solvent circulation
rates, at which point the CO2 is also removed quantitatively. For synthesis
gases that contain appreciable quantities of COS, prior removal of the COS is
usually required. A catalytic hydrolysis unit is usually employed ahead of the
MDEA unit as was done at the Tampa Electric gasification plants.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Selexol process:

The Selexol process solvent is a mixture of dimethyl ethers of

polyethylene glycol, and has the formulation
CH3O(CH2CH2O)nCH3 where n is between 3 and 9.

The Selexol process uses a physical solvent to remove acid gas from streams
of synthetic or natural gas. The process may be regenerated either thermally, by
flashing, or by stripping gas. The Selexol process is ideally suited for the
selective removal of H2S and other sulfur compounds, or for the bulk
removal of CO2.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Selexol process:

Acid gas partial pressure is the key driving force for the Selexol
process. Typical feed conditions range between 300 and 2000 psia
with acid gas composition (CO2 + H2S) from 5% to more than 60% by
volume. The product specifications achievable depend on the
application and can be anywhere from ppmv up to percent levels of
acid gas.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Selexol process:

Acid gas partial pressure is the key driving force for the Selexol
process. Typical feed conditions range between 300 and 2000 psia
with acid gas composition (CO2 + H2S) from 5% to more than 60% by
volume. The product specifications achievable depend on the
application and can be anywhere from ppmv up to percent levels of
acid gas.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Recticol process:

The Rectisol process uses chilled methanol at a temperature of about -40F

to -80F. Methanols selectivity for H2S over CO2 at these temperatures is about
6/1, a little lower than that of Selexol at its usual operating temperature.
However, the solubilities of H2S and COS in methanol, at typical process
operating temperatures, are higher than in Selexol and allow for very deep
sulfur removal (<0.1 ppmv H2S plus COS). Rectisols high selectivity for H2S
over CO2, combined with the ability to remove COS, is the primary advantage of
the process. Chilled methanol also absorbs HCN, NH3, and iron- and nickel-
carbonyls. The solubilities of these trace components and other organic sulfur
compounds are even higher than that of H2S. Rectisols complex scheme and
the need to refrigerate the solvent are its main disadvantages, resulting in high
capital and operating costs.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur removal

- Mixed chemical/physical:

The mixed chemical/physical processes usually employ mixtures of an amine

and a physical solvent in an effort to capture the best characteristics of each

The best known example of the mixed/chemical solvent process is Sulfinol,

a mixture of sulfolane (tetrahydrothiophene dioxide) and an aqueous solution of
an amine, either DIPA (diisopropanol amine) or MDEA.

Gas Cleaning Unit

Sulfur recovery unit (SRU)

The standard solution for the SRU is the Claus process which produces
elemental sulfur from H2S by substoichiometric combustion with air or oxygen.
Many versions of this process are available. The sulfur may be fixed as
elemental sulfur in liquid or solid form, or as sulfuric acid.
The thermodynamics of the Claus process is such that one does not achieve
high enough degrees of sulfur recovery without some treating of the tail gas,
which usually contain mostly H2S and SO2, but also small amounts of COS, CS2
and elemental sulfur vapors.

Gas Cleaning Unit

Tail gas treating (TGT)

The principal current tail gas treating approach is to hydrogenate/hydrolyze the

sulfur species in the tail gas and then scrub out the resulting H2S in an acid gas
removal absorber. This approach is capable of boosting total sulfur recovery to
well over 99.9%.
In some IGCC plant designs Claus tail gas, after H2S scrubbing, is compressed
and routed to the combustion turbine. This tail gas handling eliminates the need
for a tail gas incinerator and provides additional fuel and mass flow to the
combustion turbine. H2S can be scrubbed in a stand alone separate process, or
could be routed to the acid gas removal unit upstream of the Claus plant.
Tail gas treating of this type will remain the dominant and a required step in
order to meet the proposed regulations.

Gas Cleaning Unit

Tail gas treating (TGT)

TGT alternatives: a) Dedicated absorber for H2S in TGT.

b) Integration with upstream absorber for H2S capture
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.
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6. Gas Combustion Turbine Unit
The gas turbine is integrated
with the Air Separation Unit.

From the compressor

exhaust, a bleed stream is
used to supply 50% of the air
supply needed for the ASU. An
additional bleed, 14% of the
compressor discharge air, is
chilled to 600 F and used for
cooling in the turbine
from the airHeat
expander. cooler is used in the steam cycle. The compressor discharge
supplies air for use in the HGCU regenerator. The remainder of the compressor
discharge air is used to combust the clean fuel gas. The ASU returns a nitrogen
stream to the gas turbine combustor to assist in NOX control and to increase the
flow rate and the power generated in the turbine expander. Combustor duct
cooling is accomplished using intermediate pressure steam supplied from the
steam bottoming cycle. This reheated steam is returned to the steam cycle. The
combustor exhaust gases enter the expander where energy is recovered to
produce power.

7. Heat Recovery Steam Generator
The gas turbine exhausts into a HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator), which
generates high temperature superheated steam. This steam is injected into the
gas turbine and expanded through it to increase the electrical power output.
Variations in process steam requirements are handled by varying the fuel input to
the duct burner located between the superheater and the evaporator.
A simple cogeneration system typically consists of a HRSG located behind a gas
turbine. This system is efficient when the thermal load is held nearly constant.
When the thermal load drops below the design point the operating economics of
the system are penalized.

Cheng Cycle System

Source: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Industrial Power Conference - PWRVol. 4 Editor: B. L.
http://www.ecoxy.com/download/heat_recovery_steam_generator_for_cheng.pdf 39
8. Steam Turbine Unit

The steam turbine converts heat energy into mechanical motion.

Steam turbine is an action turbine (no reaction
turbine), i.e. the steam jet meets from a being certain
nozzle the freely turning impeller. There's a high
pressure in front of the turbine, while behind it a low
pressure is maintained, so there's a pressure gradient:
Steam shoots through the turbine to the rear end. It
delivers kinetic energy to the impeller and cools down

Steam is produced in Gas Combustion Turbine. Then it heated in HRSG

unit and goes to the steam turbine. The mechanical energy from the
turbine through the generator converts to electrical energy. Steam
doesn't escape then, it is condensed in a condensor and then pushed
back into the cycle.


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