Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management
(application of knowledge with
the help of IS/IT)
Intelli ence
Ñ. Integration with decision support
V Into an appropriate model and data-activated with specific problem.
V E.g. SWITCH project- Birmingham and Belo Horizonte
V Work package Ñ.2- enabling of strategic planning and decision
making guide
2. Integration with artificial
V KMS and I have a relationship in terms with methods & software.
V KMS to be used in IF-THEN-ELSE sequence then it becomes part
of expert system; helps in the identifying the application of chunk
of knowledge in KMS
V E.g. IBM- intelligent data mining family that analyses massive
amount of enterprise data
r.Integration with database &
information system
V KMS integrated with firm¶s information system
V E.g. Commerce Bank of New Jersey installed the WOW nswer
Guide which store information electronically, information about
bank transaction, responds to customer inquiry.
. Integration with CRM
V KMS provides tacit knowledge to for employees who deal directly
with customer.
V E.g. ccenture and Ernst & Young
V ccenture identify specific knowledge needed by the employee and
delivers to them directly which adds value to the firm.
·. Integration with SCM systems
V SCM integrates with KMS because there are many issues &
problems in the SCM that require the company to combine both
tacit and explicit knowledge
V E.g. In the healthcare sector the use of KMS in Vendor-Managed
inventory. Helps in procurement process and inventory control of
pharmaceutical products
Î. Integration with corporate intranet
& extranets
V Involved with communication and collaboration hence KMS is
integrated with intranet & extranet for free flow of knowledge and
use when the user requires knowledge
V E.g. Cisco allows employees to access the company intranet
anywhere anytime
V Culture
V Technology infrastructure
V Change management implications
V Data ccuracy
V Data Interpretation
V Data Relevancy
V bility of the data to support/deny hypotheses
V doption of knowledge management solutions
V Knowledge bases tend to be very complex and large
Challenges identified by IBM
V Failure to align knowledge management efforts with the
organization¶s strategic objectives.
V Creation of storehouse without addressing the need to manage
V Failure to understand and connect knowledge management into
individuals¶ daily work activities
V n overemphasis on formal learning efforts as a mechanism for
sharing knowledge
V Focusing knowledge management efforts only within organizational
Challenges identified by Infosys
V High rate of attrition and loss of knowledge
V Processes at different levels of the knowledge system were not
coupling and reinforcing one another
V Explosive growth in the number of contributions
V Destruction of the spirit of community and the asking culture within
the company
V Building and relying on own local repositories instead of
contributing to the central portal
V i
. (n.d.). Retrieved july 20, 20Ñ0, from
V ¦
. (n.d.). Retrieved july 20,
20Ñ0, from·.htm
. (n.d.). Retrieved july 20, 20Ñ0, from
. (n.d.). Retrieved july Ñ , 20Ñ0, from