Aids Epidemic

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Valerie Berumen
Period 4
What is it?
Stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Spreads through:
blood transfusion (unclean needles or unscreened blood)
pregnancy, labor, or nursing
unprotected sex
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system
if untreated, a persons immune system will eventually be completely destroyed
HIV: virus that attacks the immune system by destroying a
type of white blood cell called Helper T cells

3 Stages
Stage 1- may feel like flu, but not everyone will
experience this
fever, body rash, sore throat, swollen glands,
headache, upset stomach, joint aches, and/or
muscle pain
Stage 2- may last for 10 years with no more
apparent symptoms
damaged immune system but no symptoms
Stage 3- immune system can no longer fight off
serious infections and diseases
weight loss, chronic diarrhea, night sweats,
fever, persistent coughing, mouth and skin
problems, regular infections, and/or serious
illnesses or diseases.
AIDS: set of symptoms caused by HIV
develop certain defining symptoms and illnesses
Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Strep
Throat, Hepatitis B, Flu, Mono, etc.
How it Begins
1981 1982
June 5- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention describe cases of a rare lung
infection in gay men in California and New
July 3: term gay cancer becomes public
December 10: Bobbi Campbell, AIDS activist
and the 16th person in San Francisco to be
diagnosed with Kaposi's Sarcoma (cancer September 24: CDC uses the term
caused by lesions in the soft tissues) AIDS
By the end of the year, there were 270
reported cases and began calling the condition December 10: 22 cases of
GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) unexplained infections in infants
It Spreads
1983 1984
January 7: CDC reports cases of AIDS
in female sexual partners of males with
March 4: found cases mostly involving
homosexual men, people who inject
drugs, Haitians, and hemophiliacs
August 8: Bobbi Campbell and his
partner, Bobby Hilliard, appear on the
cover of Newsweek magazine (first
time two gay men pictured embracing August 15: Bobbi Campbellat age 32
each other on a mainstream magazine of illness
AIDS Epidemic
September 17: President Ronald Reagan
mentions AIDS publiclyfor the first time,
August 27: Ryan White, an Indiana calling it a top priority
teenager, contracted AIDS through October 2: The U.S. Congress allocates
contaminated blood products used to nearly $190 million for AIDS research
treat his hemophilia October 2: Actor Rock Hudson dies of AIDS
at 59
refused entry to his middle school
first major public figure to acknowledge he has
familys fights to protect Ryans right to
AIDS leaves $250,000 to help set up the
attend school calls national attention American Foundation for AIDS research
to the issue of AIDS
By years end: at least one HIV case
reported from each region of the world
AIDS Epidemic
1986-1987 1988-1990
March 3, 1988: Ryan White testifies before
May 1986: declare the virus that causes the Presidents Commission on AIDS
AIDS will officially be known as HIV December 1, 1988: first World AIDS Day
October 22, 1986: call for nationwide August 18, 1989: CDC states reported AIDS
education campaign, increased use of cases in the United States has reached
condoms; and voluntary HIV testing 100,000

May 31, 1987: President Reagan makes April 8, 1990: Ryan White dies at the age of
his first public speech about AIDS
November 28, 1990: Congress enacts the
September 30, 1987: CDC kicks off the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act, which
newly designated AIDS Awareness provides housing assistance to people living
Month in October with AIDS.
AIDS Epidemic
AprilMay, 1991: The Visual AIDS Artists
March 26, 1995: Eazy-E dies from an
AIDS-related illness, one month after
being diagnosed
Caucuslaunches the Red Ribbon the October 31, 1995: 500,000 cases of
red ribbon becomes the international AIDS have been reported in the U.S
symbol of AIDS awareness
1996: the number of new AIDS cases
November 7, 1991: Magic Johnson
diagnosed in the U.S. declines for the
announces that he is HIV-positive
first time since the beginning of the
1992: AIDS becomes the number one epidemic
cause of death for U.S. men ages 25 to
44 1997: AIDS-related deaths in the U.S.
decline by 47%
1994: AIDS becomes the leading cause
of death for all Americans ages 25 to 44
The Present
1998: African Americans account for 49% of
U.S. AIDS-related deaths
May 25, 2006: Scientists announcethey
have spotted the signs of an HIV-like
1999: 33 million people are living with HIV virus in chimpanzees in the Democratic
worldwide and 14 million have died of AIDS Republic of Congo develop theory that
July 2002: HIV/AIDS is now the leading the first people to contract HIV did so
cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa and through contact with infected blood
the fourth biggest global killer from wild chimps
sub-Saharan African average lifespan falls from
62 years to 47 years as a result of AIDS
2007: CDC reports over 565,000 people
have died of AIDS in the U.S. since 1981
2002: 10 million young people and almost 3
million children are living with HIV; 2.4 2011: More than 33 million people are
million Africans die from AIDS living with HIV/AIDS around the world.

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