Dialogic OD Interventions
Dialogic OD Interventions
Dialogic OD Interventions
The next step in the evolution of organizational change theory: organizations as
conversations where individual, group, and organizational actions result from self-
organizing, socially constructed realities created and sustained by the prevailing
narratives, stories, and conversations through which people make meaning about their
d e fexperiences.
In dialogic OD, interaction and conversation are the
priority, and participants are given ownerhship and
responsibility to bring up the issues and topics that
matter most to them.
One Law
The law of two feet intends to give everyone the
freedom to move to another discussion where they find
they may have more interest, passion or commitment
Key conditions for successful dialogic OD
A sponsor with the authority to commandeer necessary resources and
support emergent change
An effective sponsor-change agent working relationship
Reframed problem/challenge into possibility centric, future focused issue
that is personally meaningful to community members
Identification of the appropriate community for addressing the issue and a
way to get them to come to the event(s)
Convening events that build the relationships among community
members so that readiness to engage in the change issue is heightened
Convening events that create and/or utilize generative images to provoke
new thinking & catalyze self-generated proposals from the community
Slack resources are available to support emergent changes
Processes for sponsors to track and fan emergent changes