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The aim of this course module is to introduce users to the NewPDM tools.

At the end of this course, you will be able to :

Understand NewPDM principles
Connect to NewPDM
Browse in NewPDM
Search and explore data
Filter the Digital Mock-up
Consult data
Understand NewPDM Objects lifecycle
Compare objects / structures

This lesson will also allow you to handle 3DLive, which interface is similar to the Wintop.

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and
Day 1

At the end of the first day, you will be able to :

Understand NewPDM objectives inside Renault.
Use basic browsing tools in NewPDM.
Explore and consult the Digital Mock-up.
Day 2

At the end of the second day, you will be able to :

Use filter tools.
Understand the principles of Lifecycle and Designer Workspace.
Export Data.

During this session, you are going to deal with some icons, there are their meanings:

Workbenches in which you can find the functions used during the handling :

PLM search VPM Navigator RFLP Navigator Folder editor VPM Editor Assembly Design RFLP Editor Drafting Part design Live Validation

Explore Window Authoring Window

Arborescence categories :


Access rights (Reminder)

During the connection to NewPDM, you have to choose a mission statement. This statement is made
A role that defines the functions you will have access to.
An organization that defines the organization owner of objects you will create.
A project that defines the objects you will be allowed to modify. This project will be an attribute of
all the objects created in the session.

Here is a not exhaustive chart summarizing the main actions of the 3 roles seen during the training:

Action Consult Create Manage

View objects X X X
Create / version an OCI X X
Import / version an IND X X
Create / modify a 3D/2DRep X X
Create / Edit a filter X X X
Create a DWS X
Compare / Synchronize a DWS X X
Deliver a DWS X X
Create/modify a L-P link X X
Mark the milestone Proposed X X
Mark the milestone Validated X

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and
PDM Product Presentation

In this chapter, you are going to discover NewPDM

concept inside Renault and its main notions. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Introduction to PLM in Renault

2. PDM Product
Introduction to PLM in Renault

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

concept of NewPDM inside Renault. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Introduction to PLM in Renault

2. PDM Product
PDM Product
In this chapter, you are going to discover the
concept of NewPDM inside Renault and its main
Here are the steps to follow :

1. Introduction to PLM in Renault

2. PDM Product
PDM Product

Web Interface
File management
Digital Reference System Author tools

3D Live Analysis
(Thin client) Collaboration

PDM Product

The reference Digital Mock-
up (with its diversity) is
searched and obtained from
the database.

Digital Reference
PDM Product

In this example, the reference
Digital Mock-up is composed K95

of vehicles B, J, and K of the

family X95.



Digital Reference
PDM Product

In order to restrict the digital
reference system and simplify K95

its use, it is possible to filter it in

several ways.



Digital Reference
PDM Product

During the Digital Mock-up
exploration, a configuration K95

filter allows to filter on a

specific vehicle, for example


Digital Reference

PDM Product


A second filter can then be K95

applied on the reference
stucture in order to keep only
the necessary elements.



Digital Reference

PDM Product


Once the filter is saved, it can K95

be re-used for the design
process (DWS/CTF) or for



Digital Reference
System CTF


Methodologies can be accessed in two ways:

Via the NewPDM community with the menu Links then Doc_MethodV6.

Here is the list of the available triptychs in DocLib:


E-Learning courses exist to complete this NewPDM module. You can broaden your knowledge there and
discover analysis and collaboration functionalities in 3DLive.

Subscriptions are available in Syform and BPU, keywords: NewPDM, 3DLive, Collab.

Reviewer and Analysis


Collaboration and
Analysis Module,
Organizer mode.

Collaboration and
Analysis Module, Guest

In addition to the E-learning courses, you can also have access to some tutorings after the training in order
to learn more about:

Principle, use of the 3D Preferred, filter by attributes
Locks, good practises, historisation, exchanges
Transition / legacy
Creation of retrodiffusion filters, change of the GDG composition, migration
L-P links and relations between the designer and the TDE
General principles, creation of L-P links, external reference (deformed parts)
Data normalization
Normalization of GDG data process, positionning of the RMU
Supplier exchanges
Index upgrade and import of a PIE, exchange with suppliers not connected to NewPDM
Drawings officialization
Officialization of Renault and suppliers drawings, actions of the signatories
Milestone marking, D-LOT filters, L-P export and report, statements
Assembly management
Management of axle and exhaust type assemblies, management of DICAP assemblies
Management of POI parts
PDM Product Presentation

We have now completed the presentation of the

PLM product. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Introduction au PLM chez Renault

2. PDM Produit

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and
Introduction to NewPDM

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

basics of NewPDM such as the connection, the Here are the steps to follow :
object types and the search process.

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
PnO rules

In this chapter, you are going to discover the PnO

rules (access rights). Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
PnO rules

People and Organization.
Related to the mission statements.

In the list of security contexts that is assigned to each user.

Any user.

During the connection to NewPDM, regardless of the interface (Wintop, 3DLive, DocIng).

To define rights given to a user on the application, whether it is for the viewing or actions.
To guarantee projects confidentiality.
To limit the risk of mistakes.
About connection

All Product Data are stored and managed in a single database. This base contains physical data, logical
architecture and references and products attributes. You will be able to work without copying or storing in
your computer, which simplifies the management process and data sharing.

To view and manipulate these product data, you have to connect to the database.

Designer 1

Connection 1

Connection 2
Production Design

Data server
Designer 2
Connection to the database
Security context and roles (1/2)

Access rights to the company data and the application

functions depend on the chosen security context.

The security context is composed of a role, an organization

(Management) and a project.

Exemples of roles:

Examples of organizations:
PWT Role Group of Projets
Name of the
VEH organization

Examples of Projects:

The security context is chosen during the connection to the

Security context and roles (2/2)

Roles hierarchy: Manage > Create > Consult. If a user has a Manage role, he can also use the Create
and Consult roles functions.

Consulting roles for a user are cumulative and active regardless of the chosen security context.

In this example, the user has

consultation rights on KXX,
ET_RENAULT and B98 data. On
the other hand, he only has
modification rights on B98 data.
Matrice de
de droits
droits daccs

Rles organization
organization Projets


Consult PWT KXX

Create VEH B98

Choice of Security context

Here is how security context must be chosen according to your profile:

Managements NewPDM organizations NewPDM Roles

DEA-M PWT Consultant Creator

test / calculation test / calculation

VEH Consult Create

SYN Security contexts
I am a wire design engineer,
SYS I work on the project BJA,
DEA-S what is my security context?


Tips / good practices

Note: If a user does not have the context that allows to

view an object, this object will not appear on the
database (as if it does not exist). Thus, if you do not find
the object you are searching, make sure that you have a
context with the matching project.

Contexts are cumulative in viewing, but not in

modification: make sure you always log in with a context
that matches the organization and the project of objects
you want to work on.

The first context creation is made via the products and

services catalog during the order of the software.

New security addition requests contexts are made via e-


With each version upgrade of the application, it is

recommended to clean the users settings. This can be
done via the menu Start / All programs / Appli IAO /
PDM / NPDM / Tools / Clean settings.

For further information, refer to the

methodology Transv-37.
Connection to NewPDM

In this chapter, you are going to discover how to

connect to NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
How to connect to the database (1/2)

Here are the steps to follow to connect to NewPDM:

1. Launch the NewPDM application.
Start/All programs/Appli

2. The Connect window appears. click on More... if

you want to connect to a different Data Source.

As a simple user, the data source is selected
by default. Contact the assistance for any
questions and/or problems concerning the
data sources definition.

3. Select the data source, then click on OK to confirm.

How to connect to the database (2/2)

4. Enter an IPN and an ARCA password.

5. To select a different Security Context, click on 5

6. Click on Select to choose a security context in the

list then click on Finish to confirm. 6

The user name and the password must

be filled in before you choose a
security context.

7. In the window Connect, click on OK to confirm.

A message appears in the top-right corner and

indicates that the connection has been successful.

Licenses management

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

licenses management in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
Licenses Management

For each user connection on a station, a license is booked.

In order to limit the number of used licenses, it is important not to:

Open more than 2 sessions simultaneously on your computer (try to keep the same connection order
toward the security contexts choice).

Connect at the same time on several stations.

The following error message would appear:

User 1 on station
User 1 on station 3

User 2 on station 2
2 licenses blocked for 2
Interface presentation

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

NewPDM interface. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
Browsing window ENOVIA

The first part of the NewPDM interface is the one used for browsing and searches in the database. It is
called Browsing Window (Silver layer).

It is composed of:
A. A Turntable where objects are displayed.

B. A PLM Compass that allows to display D

objects attributes.

C. A PLM toolbar that allows to launch E

requests in the database.
D. A robot that allows to manipulate the A

E. Several toolbars.

F. A tree of specifications that describes the B

structure of displayed objects.
G. A Menu bar (PLM Access, Edit, View, )
that will be detailed in the upcoming chapters.
Search results window ENOVIA

From this interface, you can perform searches in the database. All objects responding to search criteria
are displayed in the Search results Window.

It is composed of: D
A. A PLM compass that allows to display
objects attributes.

B. A PLM toolbar that allows to launch

requests in the database.

C. Several toolbars.

D. A Menu bar (PLM Access, Edit, View, ),

that will be detailed in the upcoming

Authoring window ENOVIA

The last part of the NewPDM interface is the Authoring window (Blue layer). It allows to analyze the
Digital Mock-up, to create validations, reviews, etc

It is composed of:
A. A PLM compass that allows to display
objects attributes. C

B. A PLM toolbar that allows to launch

requests in the database.

C. A robot (previously called compass in


D. Several toolbars for creation that change

according to Workbenches. D

E. A tree of specifications that describes

the structure of displayed objects A
(as in CATIA V5).
F. A Menu bar (PLM Access, Edit, View, ),
that will be detailed in the upcoming chapters.
Reference objects in NewPDM

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

NewPDM structure and the objects it is composed Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
The use of the term Reference

The term "Reference" can have several meanings in NewPDM:

The Reference:
It refers to the head of a Product tree of specifications and makes the link between the Physical
tree (in NewPDM) and the Logical tree (in SIGNE). A Reference can be either the digital reference
system (REF) or a cloned reference (REF_DWS / REF_CTF).


The reference objects (RN_Reference group in NewPDM):

It is one of several types of object in NewPDM (as representation objects, validation, filter...). They
are product objects of a tree of specifications. They are linked with attributes such as the identifier
or the maturity state. The Reference is actually a reference object:

Index Part
Part Structure
Structure Design
Design Part
Part (OCI)
(OCI) Reference

Reference of an object:
In addition to that, the reference of an object refers to its content, as opposed to the instance,
which is the object position and its use cases.
Index Part

3D Shape
Differences between Reference and Instance

Reference Instance
NewPDM: Search window. NewPDM: Tree of specification (browsing and
authoring window).
Reference (REF)
(REF) 21313

Structure 00001.(12345)

Structure 00002.(12346)


2 instances of the
reference 00001

number Instance

Reference: An available object in NewPDM Instance: The object position in the assembly (use cases).
database. When an object is inserted inside a tree, its reference is
The reference corresponds to the object instantiated.
Reference objects in NewPDM

There are various reference objects in NewPDM:

Reference (REF)

Structure (STR)

Index Part
Part (IND)

Design part
part (OCI)

Constituant (CST)
Reference objects in NewPDM

Reference 45879
45879 Object Management Definition

Reference NewPDM The Digital Mock-up root node.

Structure 89745
It is the link between the physical structure
(NewPDM) and the logical structure

Structure 56478
56478 Structure NewPDM It allows to structure the Digital Mock-up
and the tree of specifications. It assures the
positioning of the different assemblies of a
vehicle or organ (engine or gearbox).
OCI 65412
OCI NewPDM The object OCI is a "draft" used at the
beginning of a project (for a pre-project, a
OCI 12345
pre-study, or for the parts worked outside

IND SIGNE The references "Part type (PIE, IND)

CST 01212
01212 match an official reference that will be
linked with SIGNE Bill Of Materials (BOM)
(POI, POE,...).
CST 15487
15487 CST NewPDM This object allows to structure parts indexes
and design assembled / equipped objects.

OCI 12345

OCI 12345
The OCI and the IND are both managed in
the same way in NewPDM. In fact, The
purpose of an IND is to standardize a draft
OCI 12345
12345 object (OCI).
Usual attributes of the objects search

Each type of object in NewPDM can be specified with different attributes that allow its search in the
database and filter definition.

Here are the most used types of objects with their most usual attributes:

RN_Reference RN_Instance RN_RepReference

Creation date Creation date Creation date

Description Description Functionnal intent code

Designation Freeze Identifier

Identifier Milestones Maturity

Maturity Project Responsible

Workspace name Packaging zone Representation type

Project family Version

Representation objects

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

representation objects in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
The 3D representation object (3DR)

The 3D representation object is unknown by SIGNE: it is managed only in NewPDM.

It refers to an object with 3D shapes. It allows to define the geometry of the following objects:
Index Part (IND), design part (OCI) and constituent (CST).

It carries a functional intent (DENO, DEMN, VOAL, ) with 2 possible types: definition (DEF) or
information (INF).

The information type allows to bring information in an informal way. It is possible to insert a
representation INF type into an object that is in a FROZEN state.

Design Part
Index Part
Part (IND)


3D Representation
OBF definition
3D Representation
OBF dfinition

Tree structure of a 3D
Possible tree structure
The 2D representation Object (2DR)

It is a 2D description of an IND, design object or assemblies. It carries a functional intent (PLF, ENS, )
with 2 possible types: definition (DEF) or information (INF).
The 2D representation is created from one or several 3D.
It allows to contain several 2D views (drawing).
2D representations can be associated either to structure objects, an IND or a Digital Mock-up
design object.
2D representations can carry information stemming from the IND (notes).

Structure Design
Design Part
Index part
part (IND)
2D Representation

Design part
part 2D
2D Representation

Index part
part (IND)
(IND) 2D
2D Representation

Possible tree structures

Functional Intent (OBF)

Functional Intent (OBF) is carried by the representation.

The functional intents are usable as a criterion for filters according to user needs.

The functional intent can be of Definition (DEF) or Information (INF) type.

An OBF INF type can be inserted, modified, deleted or replaced under a parent object, even if the
object is already at the FROZEN state.
3D Functional Intent Type Description

DECC DEF Definition Sealing Corrosion 2D Functional Intent Type Description

DEDR INF Derived definition
ASS INF Drawing of Assembly
DEEN INF Definition Enveloppe
ENS INF Overall plan
DEFF DEF Functional definition
DEMN INF Definition Digital Mock-up MON INF Assembly plan

DENO DEF Nominal definition PEIN INF Drawing Paint Filling

DENU DEF Definition for Manufacturing PLE INF Drawing of Congestion

EPUR DEF Working drawing PLF DEF Functional drawing

FORM DEF Definition of Style PLH INF Drawing of Certification
MAST - Line Filling Gluing PTG INF Drawing Geometrical
TRIE INF Trihedron Element of Construction
VOAL DEF Assigned volume SPE DEF Drawing of Definition

List of the OBF of the 3D List of the OBF of the 2D

representations representations
Preferred Representations and OBFs

The functional intent allows to prioritise the 3D representations according to the project progress
degree, and to define the preferred representation. The OBF is classified by priority:

Only the Favorite Representation will be visible in the digital 3D Model.

It is possible to filter or to search a representation with this criterion only. The favorite
representation is characterised by a 0 value, the other representations by a 1 value.
Search data

In this chapter, you are going to search data in

NewPDM. With NewPDM, all data are stored in a Here are the steps to follow :
single database.

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
Search data

Search of Renault (and suppliers) objects in the NewPDM database.

From any window of the application.

Any user.

At any time during the design process.

To find data inside the database according to specific criteria.
The ENOVIA search mechanism

NewPDM uses metadata (or attributes) to search

objects. There are two existing methods:
Prefix + : + attribute value.

A. The Quick search bar, which refers to a quick search

based on key words. Each object category is defined
by a prefix that restricts its search. A
For example, STR is used to search Structures.

Small/capital letters are taken into

account when an object is

B. The Advanced search offers more criteria to build

the search.
For example, you can use the product name, its
creator, its creation date, etc
The Advanced search will be seen
in the upcoming chapters.

How to use the Quick Search bar?

The search gives access to all data types such as

Structures, OCI, IND, filters, validation. 1
Only these data are going to constitute a work context
for example.

1. In the Quick Search bar, enter the key words and 2

click on the Search icon.

The list of objects matching with your search

criteria appears, as well as the found results

2. There are three ways to explore an object from a

search result window:
. Double-click on the object
. Selection of the object and PLM access >
Explore > Explore
. Right click > Explore...
Search results Window (1/2)

When the search process is over, the Search

results Window is displayed. Results are
displayed in details mode by default, The display
mode and search criteria can be changed.
A. The View toolbar allows to
change the results display mode.

B. The Search criteria option

allows to edit search criteria.

C. Options at the bottom left

allow to change the type of
objects displayed for the current

D. The option Help allows to display the complete C

prefixes list for the Quick search. B
Search results Window (2/2)

The display mode can be changed with the View

toolbar, as shown below:

A. Thumbnails.

B. Tiles.
C. Details.

Tips / good practices

It is mandatory to use at least 3 characters for the

search criteria specification.

In order to improve performances and reduce the

search duration, it is recommended to avoid
starting a search with * . For example, it is
preferable to type oci: OCI123* rather
than oci: *OCI123* .

Objects designations must be filled in with capital

letters, it is recommended to always express
searches with capital letters (the simple search is
case sensitive).

The list of usable prefixes for the simple search

can be accessed from a search results window via
the link Help.

The quick search checks three attributes: the

designation, the identifier and the owner.
Advanced search

In this chapter, you are going to learn learn how to

use the advanced search in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
The advanced search

Renault (and suppliers) objects search in the NewPDM database.

From any window of the application.

Any user.

At any time during the design process.

To find data in the database according to specific criteria.
To have access to more criteria and thus to launch refined searches than the quick search does.
ENOVIA advanced Search (1/2)

The advanced search allows to search the same type

of data as the quick search. In addition to that, many
more criteria can be used: the date, the maturity, the
project, the version, the owner, etc..

Here is the process to follow to launch an advanced


1. In the menu bar , select PLM access > Advanced

Search or, in the bottom right corner of the Result
Window, click on Search criteria.

2. The window of Search Criteria appears.


ENOVIA advanced Search (2/2)

3. In the Object list, select a type of object.


4. Click on one of the tabs: Easy, Extended or

Expert to define the search type.

5. To respect small / capital letters during the query,

tick the Case sensitive box.

6. Click on Apply to launch the query. 4

7. To launch the query and close the dialog box of

Search criteria, click on OK.

8. To close the dialog box of Search criteria without

launching the query, click on Close.

7 6 8
Types of objects: Most commonly used criteria.

RN_Reference: (OCI / IND / STR)

Identifier 1235
Renault Discipline IND, OCI, REF, STR
Designation CAPOT, GALET
Responsible IPN
Version 001, 002
RN_RepReference: (2DR / 3DR)
Functional intent code DENO, VOAL
English Designation DOOR, RIM
organization VEH, PWT
Responsible IPN
RN_Instance: (instance of OCI / IND / STR)
Architecture Zone Porte AVG, Coffre
Freeze True or False
Inherited Effectivities MTC
Rn_RepInstance: (instance of 2DR / 3DR)
Identifier 01/01/2014 Note that the types RN_Instance and
Responsible IPN RN_RepInstance are only available for
Workspace name DWS search features inside a tree (Select
Preferred Representation 0 or 1 under, filters), and not for a search in
the database.
Advanced Search Use of Easy Enovia tab (1/2)

Now we will detail the fields of the Easy tab of the

dialog box Search Criteria:

For every attribute you want to use as a criterion,

enter a value in the corresponding field or choose a
value in the list of used/predefined values.

If you want to include all objects whose

names contain a text, you have to add
* before and after the text.
Advanced Search Use of Easy Enovia tab (2/2)

1. For some Object types, it is possible to indicate a

Choose RN_RepReference as an object, click on the
field VPMv4 Last Modif Date and choose Select a
The window of date selection appears as below:

During the easy search, attributes are

combined with a AND .
Reminder on the logical operators (1/2)

Operator AND:
Example: A= "OCI" et B= CRANKSHAFT
A AND B = "I am searching an OCI and its name is CRANKSHAFT"
Truth table: "A AND B" is true if and only if A and B are both true (in the example, a CRANKSHAFT OCI).
As we have two variables, we use a table with two inputs.

False True

Operator OR:
The operator OR is an including OR: it means that "A OR B" is true if either A is true, B is True, or if both of
them are true. In the example: "I am searching an OCI and its name is CRANKSHAFT" will be true for an
OCI (regardless of its name) and for a name CRANKSHAFT (whether the Renault discipline is OCI, IND or

False True

Advanced search - Use of the Enovia extended tab (1/2)

We are going to detail the Extended tab of the

Search criteria panel:
1. In the Attribute list, select a type of attribute.
2. In the Operator list, select a type of operator.
2 3
3. In the field Value, enter a value, or choose one
in the list. For attributes such as date, see the 1
dialog box Select a Date shown previously.
4. To add a condition to the query, click on Add. 4 6
5. Define the operator between the conditions by
ticking the buttons AND or OR.
6. To modify a condition, select the condition and
click on Modify. 5

The most used attributes are: Identifier, Designation, Renault discipline,

organization, Family project and Responsible.
Advanced search - Use of the Enovia extended tab (2/2)

7. Remove a condition from the query by selecting

the condition and clicking on Remove.
8. To remove all conditions of the query, click on

7 8

The selected operator is applied

between all the query conditions.
Advanced Search Use of the Enovia Expert tab (1/2)

We are now going to detail the Expert tab of the

Search criteria panel.
1. In the Attribute list, select an attribute
(designation, date of creation, maturity,...).

2. In the Operator list, select an operator (for 3
example: =, >, <,...). 1

3. In the field Value, enter a value, or choose one in 4 5a

the list of values previously used or predefined.

4. Add the condition to the query, by clicking on Add.

5. To add a condition:
a. Select the operator between the conditions
by clicking on AND or OR.
b. Define and add the following condition.
Advanced Search Use of the Enovia Expert tab (2/2)

6. In order to check your expression syntax and

grammar before launching the query, click on
Check. If there is a mistake, a message will
display an error report.

7. To see all conditions and the operators between

them before launching the query, click on
This allows to check if operators between 8
conditions are correct, if they are in the right
order and if the syntax is good.

8. Remove all conditions of the query by clicking 7 6

on Clear.
Customize search results

To customize the search results display, you can choose which available attributes will be displayed in
search results window via Tools > Options in the menus tab,

1. Click on PLM Access > PLM Search, then tab PLM Search properties.

2. Select Object, for instance:

a. RN_Reference for references.
b. RN_RepReference for representations.

3. Choose in the window Displayed Attributes which ones you want to display.

2a 2a

Tips / good practises

Keeping the box case sensitivity ticked improves

performances: avoid to untick it.

Pay attention to the object type specified for the

search (especially during the first use, the
application is set by default on the type
Agreement ).

To modify a line in Extended mode, you must select

it, modify it, and then click on the Modify button.

Pay attention to the logical operator used to

associate the defined lines (it is preferable to use
the AND operator in most cases).
Save search

In this chapter, you are going to save a search in

NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search
Save search

Search criteria back-up on the database.

From a search result window.

Any user.

At any time.

To avoid to specify over again complex searches we use regularly.
Save search

To save a search, here are the steps to follow:

1. Execute a quick or an advanced search.

2. Click on Store search in the Tools tab.

3. Fill in a Name, a Description or a Short


4. Click on OK.

Find a saved search

To find a saved search in the database, you can:

A. Either quick-search it by typing the key word
[search] followed by the search reference.

B. Or execute an extended search and select Search B

as an Object.

A search back-up stores only its criteria, therefore, results are dynamically
executed when they are open.
Tips / good practices

Only search criteria are saved in the database and not

search results windows. Every time a saved search is
launched, the application executes the search over again
with the saved criteria: the result is thus dynamic.

Note: name your saved searches properly so that you can

distinguish which criteria they are related to.
Introduction to NewPDM

During the last chapter, you have discovered the

basics of NewPDM such as the connection, the Here are the steps to follow :
objects or the search.

1. PnO rules
2. Connection to NewPDM
3. Licenses management
4. Interface presentation
5. Reference objects in NewPDM
6. Representation objects
7. Search data
8. Advanced search
9. Save search

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and

In this chapter, you are going to discover browsing

tools to consult an assembly structure in Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
High structure of P-IV

In this chapter, you are going to discover the high

Physical Structure of IV in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Structuring elements

The product tree structure has to consider the following points :

To have the most stable structure as possible in order to limit links loss during modifications:
Desertion of a Sliding side door for a swing door.
Displacement of the tray spare wheel.

To make groups reuse easier in the same family or between several families:
Safety belt.
Exhaust line.

To respect the division by architecture interfaces.

To define a stable structure in order to make easier :

The data storage.
The rights administration.
The interoperability with the current data management systems (GDG, VPM, Root).

The Product arborescence structure is ruled by the following principles:

The upper structure refers to the structure DICAP (Equipped Units CAP).

Under this structure, the Technical Group notion based on a decomposition of modular architecture is
valid for all the projects, this will make the reuse easier.

Technical groups with common interfaces are gathered under the same STR node following a "Technical
Group put up on a Technical Group logic. These technical groups fall into two types:

The Integrated Technical Groups (ETI)

They are multi-directions and/or multi - GFEs (Elementary Function Group).
The whole ETI structure is configurable so that it can be reusable in several projects :
I. Either by duplication (sharing of a platform, one Unites FR between 2 vehicles of the
same program).
II. Or by configured product (PWT, FR/RR Axles).

The Elementary Technical Groups (ETG):

They are mono-GFE.
They refer to one organ.

For further information about the IV structuring

: see methodology Transv-2a.
High structure of P-IM

In this chapter, you are going to discover the high

Physical Structure of IM in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Structuring elements

The IM product arborescence structure has several aims :

having the most stable structure as possible, to limit links loss after important modifications during the
project that could lead to a major restructuring of the product tree.

Making the groups reuse easier inside the same family (in the same tree) or between several families (in
several trees).

Following as much as possible a division by parts " put up on ".

Defining a stable structure in order to make easier :

Data storage
Rights administration
the interoperability with the current data management systems (GDG, VPM V4, Root)

The Product arborescence is ruled by the following principles:

Structures will fall into main functions or technical groups inside the concerned organ.

Technical Group notion: it is a group of parts that form an inseparable group put up on another group.

It is a decomposition of modular architecture valid for all the projects. This concept make the reuse

Technical groups sharing their interfaces are gathered under an STR type node following a " Technical
Group put up on Technical Group " logic.

For further information about the IM

structuring : see methodology Transv-3b.
Links between High structures IV and IM

In this chapter, you are going to discover the links

between the Physical Structures of IV and IM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Integration of the engine compartment for powertrain design

In the Powertrain reference, the engine/vehicle specific connections are inserted under the structure
node LIAISON MOT XXX VEH YYY or EQUIPEMENTS GMP and positioned on the engine

High structure P-IV

Integration of the power unit (GMP) for vehicle design

In the vehicle reference, the power unit is inserted under the node COMPARTIMENT MOTEUR and
positioned on the vehicle.

Structuration reference system and

Digital Mock-up filling
Integration of the power unit (GMP) for vehicle design

To integrate a powertrain Digital Mock-up to a vehicle reference, a powertrain data preparation is

necessary. On the vehicle side, reception nodes need to be created.

Preparation of the VEHICLE Mock-up:

Vehicle PMN: providing the ACCUEIL GMP structure in the vehicle.

Mechanical Synthesis Architect: creating position matrices in order to place the GMP into the
Vehicle Architect: setting local criteria of the vehicle variability space on the GMP structures in
order to filter it.

Preparation of the POWERTRAIN/GEARBOX Mock-up:

Mechanical PMN:
-. Creation of OCI Mock-ups (for a study) or configured product (for the mass production) of the
powertrains and gearboxes.
-. Instantiation of OCI of OCI or configured product.
-. Set of local configuration on the engine and gearbox parts.
-. Position gearbox on powertrain.
-. Deliver the PWT in the vehicle.

Upstream/Downstream Mechanical Architect:

-. Creation of the powertrains and gearboxes receiving structures in the Implantation PWT REF.
-. Set of local variability space on the receiving structures.
Preparation of the VEHICLE reference

Here is the organization of the tree of specifications that receives all the powertrain/gearbox groups
linked with a vehicle.







Structures created by the vehicle PMN where the various
GMP will be instantiated (1 Powertrain for each structure). STR FAMILLE GMP 1
Set of configuration perform by the architect vehicle.


Epures created by the Mechanical Synthesis Architect in
order to position the GMP receiving structures in the OCI EPURE POSITION
Position matrices of the GMP with respect to the vehicle
created by the Mechanical Synthesis Architect.

For further information about the preparation of

the vehicle tree of specifications, refer to the
methodology Transv-13ba.
Preparation of the POWERTRAIN reference

Here is the organization of the tree of specifications that receives all the powertrain/gearbox groups
linked with a vehicle.

The Implantation GMP REF contains the

powertrain and gearbox OCI Mock-ups or
configured product.
These OCI or configured product are paired to STR0000001_MOTEURS
create the various Powertrains that are then
implanted in the vehicle under the GMP structures. STR0000002_FAMILLE MOTEURS

STR0000003_MOTEUR 1
Powertrains and gearboxes receiving structures REF0000001_MOTEUR 1
created by the Upstream/Downstream
Mechanical Architect where the various OCI STR0000003_MOTEUR 2
Mock-ups will be instantiated (1 OCI Mock-up for REF0000002_MOTEUR 2
each structure).

Position matrix of the gearboxes structures in STR0000002_FAMILLE BOITES

order to position it upon the powertrain.
STR0000003_BOITE 1

STR0000003_MOTEUR 1
Powertrains and gearboxes OCI Mock-ups
REF0000003_BOITE 1
created by the Mechanical PMN and instantiated
by the Upstream Mechanical Architect.
STR0000003_BOITE 2
For further information about the STR0000003_MOTEUR 2
preparation of the powertrain tree of
REF0000003_BOITE 2
specifications, refer to the methodology
Insertion the Implantation GMP reference into the Vehicle reference

The implantation of a GMP in the VEH DMU is performed via the configuration products.

The various GMP are created in the Implantation GMP REF, the Upstream/Downstream Mechanical
Architect creates various configuration products at the REF level. This allows to filter with configuration
the Implantation GMP REF in order to pair the powertrains and the gearboxes up, then to instantiate
them in the VEHICULE REF.

Once the Configuration product is created, the Upstream/Downstream Mechanical Architect

instantiates every configuration products previously created in the vehicle reference.
Explore data

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

explore data in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
About data exploration

In NewPDM, you can explore data in the browsing

window. In this window, the following operations can
be executed:

A. The tree of specifications browsing and viewing.

B. Objects graphic representations viewing.
C. Viewing of objects information (Compass).

Access to the Browsing window

The access to the browsing window is performed from the search window: right-click on a reference and
It is also possible to explore a reference by double-clicking on it or via the menu PLM Access.
The object is then shown in the browsing window.
Presentation of the Enovia browsing window

The Browsing window is composed of the following elements:

A. Toolbars. A

B. Tree of specifications. B

C. Robot.

D. The turntable.

E. The PLM Compass.

F. The PLM toolbar.

The turntable in the browsing window

A. The activation of the icon "Swap turntable \ in-place" in the View toolbar allows to view NavReps
(light representations) of the structure by turntable, according to objects deployed in the tree.
Data exploration tools

In NewPDM, you can use the following tools to

explore data:

A. The turntable.
B. The PLM compass. A
C. The play button. B
D. The robot.
E. The contextual menu.

The play button is used to get a

E dynamic view of a part or a product.
The elements that are not selected
become transparent.
Access to object properties (1/3)

A. You can access information about an object from

the Browsing Window or from the Authoring
Window. The Properties window is used to consult
or to edit attributes of the selected object.

To access the properties panel, right-click on

the object then Properties in the contextual
menu, or go to the menu Edit > Properties.

B. Access to object properties is also available from

the search:
From the Search result window, right-click
on the object and select Properties in the
contextual menu.

Access to object properties (2/3)

Many information are available in the tabs of the

window Properties:

Product Tab: the object attributes (creation date,

identifier, project, maturity).

Part/Revision Level Tab: the object properties

stemming from SIGNE.

Carry-Over and Standard Tab: the object original

project and arrival project (Carry-over).

EE Tab: object name for a V5 export

Transition Tab: import information to GDG or


Instance Tab: information available in the database

about the object instance.
Access to object properties (3/3)

Effectivity tab: object effectivities.

Version tab: Information about the different

versions of objects stored in the database.

Overview Tab: preview of the available file in the

object without opening it in a new window.

Configuration Tab: viewing of the variability space

applied on the object.

Position Tab: viewing of the position matrix of the


Variability spaces will be seen in

upcoming chapters.
Explore product information with the compass (1/4)

Remember, NewPDM main purpose is to access

objects information easily and update them at any
time. The compass is composed of 4 quadrants: A

A. North: People
B. West: Shape and representation B D
C. South: Structure
D. East: Links and knowledge

First, you will discover standard options, then the

others will be detailed at the end of the lesson.

E. North: People When you use this quadrant of

the compass, you can for example quickly view
the locking status and owners of the selected

Clicking on the North quadrant changes the way

objects are displayed in the 3D graphic. Objects
are colored according to their locking status.
Explore product information with the compass (2/4)

B. West: Shape and Representation When you

use this compass quadrant, you can quickly view
the modification dates of selected objects.

Clicking on the western quadrant changes the B

display of objects in the 3D graphic area. Objects
are colored according to their modification date.
Explore product information with the compass (3/4)

C. South: Structure When you use this compass

quadrant, you can quickly view information about
objects versions.

Clicking on the southern quadrant changes the

display of objects in the 3D graphic area. Objects C
are colored according to their version.
Explore product information with the compass (4/4)

D. East: Links and knowledge - When you use this

compass quadrant you can quickly view the
objects interferences status. D

Clicking on the eastern quadrant changes the

display of objects in the 3D graphic area. Objects
are colored according to their status.

To find out the exact detail of the interferences

status of an object, you can select the object in
the graphical space or in the tree of specifications
and then click on the compass quadrant.
Explore product information with the compass (1/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Browsing Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: People Information about objects locking status.
Site information Information about local or distant site.
CAD Origin Indicates the software of origin of the CAD.
PnO: Location of control Information about the object master software.
PnO: Carry Over Data Indicates if the product is stemming from of a carry-over.
PnO: Confidentiality Shows if whether the object is confidential or not.
Transition: Received from Information about the object origin.
eHUB: Project-Type Indicates the project type to which the object belongs.
Explore product information with the compass (2/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Browsing Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Relations - links Information about links and relations between objects.

Simulation Information about the use of the objects in simulations.

Implement links analysis Information about links between the physical and the
logical trees.
Interferences Results graph of an interference analysis.
Fasteners analysis viewing of the fixed elements and the fixation (screw).

DWS: Prerequisites for Shows the missing actions for the delivery of an object.
Explore product information with the compass (3/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Browsing Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Structure Information about the version of objects.
Configuration of effectivity Information about the type of affectivity applied to the
Reference: Physical type Information about the type of object.
Reference: P/L Maturity Information about the state of maturity of objects.
Signe: Check IND Revision Shows if an IND is in its last version.
Logical: Last Modification Information about the date of the last modifications of
an object

Note: in the case of objects stemming from a transition, the information

about the version will be wrong.
Explore product information with the compass (4/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Browsing Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Representation - Shape Information about objects modifications.

3D Thumbnails Updates the 3D miniatures in the session.

Allows to have the most recent representation.
Representation: Maturity Information about representations state of maturity.

Q-checker: Quality Assessment information about the state of the quality check.
Instance: Preferred Representation Shows which representation is shown first in the tree
(Preferred 3D).
Explore product information with the compass (5/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Authoring Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: People Information about objects locks.
CAD Origin Gives the software of origin of the CAD.
PnO: Carry over Data Indicates if the product is stemming from a carry-over.
PnO: Confidentiality Information about the object confidentiality.
Transition: Received from PDM Information about the object origins.
eHUB: Project-Type Indicates the project type to which the object belongs.
Explore product information with the compass (6/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Authoring Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Update and Link Information about the Update status and links between
Status objects.
Assembly Design: Check Information about the state of update and objects links
Component Family Information about the object state of modification.
Core material definition Information about core materials state of definition.

Harness Flattening: Link Status Sends back to objects concerned by links of impact.

DWS Link Status Information about the status of objects in the

DWS: Prerequisites for delivery Shows the missing actions for the delivery of an object.
Explore product information with the compass (7/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Authoring Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Structure Information about objects version.
Matrix Positionning Information about the instance position.
Configuration Effectivity information about the type of effectivities applied to the
Instantiated Configuration ?
Reference: Physical type information about the type of object.
Reference: P/L Maturity Information about objects state of maturity.
Signe: Check Revision Level Shows if it is about the last version of a IND.
Explore product information with the compass (8/10)

Chart of PLM Compass functions in the Authoring Window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Representation Information about objects modifications.
Assembly Design: Information about assemblies.
Assembly Design: Improve information about the status of the constraints of objects.

Curent engineering status information about the state of the simultaneous

engineering of the representations with possibility of
Resource Structure Check Gives the conformity state of resources rules and objects
Weight Definition Information about the mass assigned to objects.
Weight distribution Gives the distribution of the assembly mass, if it is
Representation: Maturity Information about representations state of maturity.
Explore product information with the compass (9/10)

Chart of PLM compass functions in the Search window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: People Information about objects looks.
PnO: Location of control Information about objects master software.
PnO: Carry Over Data Indicates if the product is stemming from a carry-over.
PnO: Confidentiality Information about objects confidentiality.
Transition: Received from Information about objects origin.
eHUB: Project-Type Indicates projects types to which the object belongs.

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Relations - Link Non-available information
Simulation Information about objects use in simulations.
Explore product information with the compass (10/10)

Chart of PLM compass functions in the Search window:

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Structure Information about objects versions.
Last Job Status
Reference: Physical type Information about objects types.
Reference: P/L Maturity Information about objects state of maturity.
Signe: Check IND Revision Shows if an IND is in its last version.
Logical: Last Modification Indicates the objects last logical modification.

Fonction Name Fonction Description

Standard: Representation Information about the objects modifications.
Representation: Maturity Information about representations state of maturity.

Q-checker: Quality Assessment Information about the quality check state.

Browsing tools

In this chapter, you are going to discover browsing

tools to consult an assembly. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Explore parents (1/6)

From the Search results window or the Browsing

window, it is possible to display all the parents of an

1. Select the object.

2. Right-click on it then click on Explore with > 2
Explore parents in the contextual menu.

3. The window Explore parents [objects name]

opens. It is composed of:

a. A tree allowing to explore all the selected

object parents.

b. A parents viewing.

c. Explore parents window Tools.


Explore parents (2/6)

4. Climb up from a parent to other parent until the

wanted level:

A. Either with the + symbol to expand the A


B. Or by double-clicking on the parents


The objects parents are under it in the tree.

The displayed thumbnails are those of the selected objects parents.
Explore parents (3/6)

You can have various parents types (REF, DWS or Catalog) from the object:

Reference (REF):

Designer Workspace (DWS):

Explore parents (4/6)

The tree can be expanded in 2 different ways:

A. In reference/reference mode

It climbs up from a parent to another parent through


B. In instance/reference mode

It climbs up from parent to another parent through the

selected object instances first and then the
The object
IND0037250 instance
Explore parents (5/6)

The Get List of Roots function allows to access

the source object. A new window opens.
Explore parents (6/6)

5. In reference/reference mode, select the object in

the tree and right-click on Explore it.

In instance/reference mode, Explore with

parent(s) tree function is available in the
contextual menu.

After the Explore with parent(s) tree function,

the tree of specifications will not contain the
other children of the parent object.
Expand all and Expand with or without Representations Enovia (1/2)

The Expand all tool allows to expand every tree

level. It is available from the contextual menu and
in the VPM Navigator Toolbar.

In most cases, it is not

recommended to use this function
without an applied filter on a tree.
Expand all and Expand with or without Representations Enovia (2/2)

The Expand with Representations or without Representations options can either enable or disable
the expanded representations display in the tree of specifications.
Expand with representations .

Expand without representations (A message indicates that the option is activated).

Use the Expand all command again to view the result.

These two options are only available in Enovia

and not in 3DLive
Show Only and No Show

The Show only and No show functions allow to simplify the tree display by removing several objects.
The modifications made with these two functions will not be saved in the database. It only concerns
A. The Show only function allows to keep on screen only the selected object(s) and its/their direct parents.

B. The No show function allows to remove the selected object(s) from the display.

Refresh and Collapse

The Refresh and Collapse function regenerates the structure from the database and collapses the
tree of specifications.

This function allows to cancel the Show only and No show functions. It also reloads the complete
structure via the Expand all function.
Reframe on

The Reframe on function allows to zoom directly on the selected reference or representation in the
tree or the window.

Here are the steps to follow to use the Reframe on tool:

1. Select the product in the tree and right-click to use the Reframe on function.

2. A zoom is now applied on the product.

2 1
Center tree

The Center tree function displays directly the selected representation in the tree.

Here are the steps to follow to use the Center tree tool:

1. Select the product in the tree and right-click to use the Center tree function.

2. The representation is now highlighted in the tree.

2 1
Selection tools in an assembly

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

select objects in an assembly. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Select a branch

In order to select massively references or

representations in the tree, use the Select Under
function with a right-click on the head node. The tree
must be totally expanded before the select
under command is used.

A dialog box with three tabs appears:

A. Simple: Select all representations or

references in the tree.

B. Advanced: Find the object type searched

according to the attributes types.

C. Volume: Select the objects in a box.

Example of the Select under command use

1. Expand the tree of an assembly.

2. Use the Select under command in the contextual

menu. 1

3. In the Advanced tab, choose the object to select

then click on Apply.

4. The Keep current selection option allows to

select a new object while keeping the current
selection. 2

5. Click on OK to close the window and select the

desired objects.

3D Search (1/2)

The 3D search allows to find objects in the physical

tree of specifications, through a 3D request in the
graphic area. 1

The 3D search is performed from the Browsing


1. In the Search results window, select an

assembly and explore it.

2. Ready for 3D search appears in the PLM

toolbar, click on the search icon.

3. The 3D search toolbar appears in the graphic


3D Search (2/2)

The following illustrations present the various search A

types :

A. The proximity request tool allows to find objects in

contact with the selected object.

B. The box request allows to find objects inside or

outside a box defined by the user. A
C. The sphere request allows to find objects inside or
outside a sphere. C

D. The selection request allows to choose an object
by clicking on its 3D representation. C

Modify the search area (1/2)

It is possible to modify the box or sphere size. Let us

take the example of a box:

1. Approach the cursor near one of the faces of the

box, an arrow appears.

a. Pull the arrow in order to increase or

decrease the size of the box (here, it varies
depending on the arrow direction).
b. Double-click on the arrow to type a distance.
Click on the green arrow to validate.
2. The robot and its functionalities allow to move the
box (translation and rotation).


Modify the search area (2/2)

Various 3D search options are available: A

A. Fully in: objects fully in the search area are


B. Partly in: objects in contact with the search area

are selected. A

C. Partly out: objects fully or partly outside the
search area are selected. C

D. Fully out: objects fully outside the search area are


These options are

modifiable before or
after the box is
Search results

The 3D search validation:

A. Objects that do not match the search criteria
appear in transparency.
B. The selected objects are shown in the top left
corner. C

C. click on the icon to validate.

The 3D search result appears:

D. Only the objects matching with the 3D search are C

kept in the tree.

Create favorites

In this chapter, you are going to create and

manage favorites in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Create favorites

Shortucts to particular windows.

From any type of window via the menu Favorites.

Any user.

At any time.

To make data access easier and avoid searches launch everytime the tool is used.
Save a search in a favorite

A search executed through the Quick Search bar
or the Advanced Search can be saved as a
favorite. The principle of a favorite is the same as
the favorites used in Internet browsers such as
Internet Explorer.

Here are the steps to follow to create a favorite:

1. From a window, realize any search.
2. The search results window displays. Click on
Favorites > Add To Favorites.

The favorite is created and directly accessible from

the menu Favorites. The criteria and the search mode
are saved and will be used during the opening of the

By default, the name of the created favorite is

the concatenation of the name of the search, the
name of the user, the date and the hour of
Organize favorites

A favorite can be created according to the same method from:

A search results window: the criteria and the search mode will be saved.

A navigation window: filters, structure of the arborescence, expansion level, selected objects,
viewpoint and position of turntable will be saved.

An authoring window: the tree of specifications and the viewpoints will be saved.

A 3D search: the filters of the 3D search, the viewpoint and the criteria of the navigation window
will be saved.

The Organize Favorites function from the Favorites menu displays the list of all the favorites you
created. It is then possible:
1. To modify the display of this list
2. To use the contextual menu to open them with refresh, rename
them or delete them.

Extract and search favorites

It is possible to search favorites owned by any user (according to access rights) by the quick search with
the prefixes:
"fav:" For all type of favorites.
"favsearch:" For the favorites of a search window.
"fav3dsearch:" For the favorites of a 3D search window.
"favnav:" For the favorites of an explore window.
"favautho:" For the favorites of an authoring window.

It is possible to exchange favorites. To do so, it is necessary to search a favorite, select it and click on
Transfer Ownership in the Edit menu.
When the user opens his/her session again, the favorite exchanged will be displayed in his list.

The transferred favorite will remain present in the list

of the transmitter until the log out of the current
Open a search window from a favorite

To open the favorite of a search window:

1. In the Favorites menu, select the search favorite to open.


2. Click on Favorites > Organize favorites.

3. In the window Organize favorites, double-click on the favorite to open or select Open Favorites in the
contextual menu.


The opening of a search favorite

launches the saved search.
Tips / good practises

The favorites can be reached either from the

home window (tab Quick Start in a search result
window) or from the menu Favorite.

The favorites of browsing window or authoring

window keep track of the deployement of the tree
of specifications.

For further information, refer to the

methodology Transv-10a.
Browse in folders

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

consult folders in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Browse in folders

Personnal storing folders, similar to windows folders.

In the workbench Folder Editor, reachable via the menu PLM Access.

Any user.

At any time.

To store all kind of objects inside a single structure that allows the user to organize its usual data.
Browse in folders

1. Search a folder with a quick search. The search

prefix can either be fld or folder.

2. Explore the folder. 1

3. Like a product reference, it is possible to expand

the tree with the command Expand All in the
contextual menu.

Browse in folders

After the deployment, and depending on the type

of data, it is possible to:
Explore (silver)
Open (Blue)
Explore with filter
Consult properties
Copy data
Tips / good practices

The data stored in the folders are not duplicated:

they are just linked with the elements saved in the

Via a right-click on the node Root folders, it is

possible to access the folders of other users with
the command Retrieve Root Folders (in this
case, do not execute an Expand all on the node
Root folders, because the tree can be big, nor
edit the unlocked folders content).

Moving objects is possible with a Drag & Drop

function, but moving folders is not (this would
duplicate the folder).
Consult a drawing

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

consult a drawing. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
Consult a drawing

Display of parts drawings that are stored in the Digital Mock-up as 2D representations.

In the workbench Drafting .
Under an OCI/IND or an STR.

Any user.

At any time.

To view the content of a 2D representation, to analyze the chains of dimension, to check the
Consult a drawing

Search a drawing and its 3D:

1. In the field Quick Search, enter the prefix [rep:] then 1

the identifier or the drawing name ([2DXXXXX]).

2. In the contextual menu, explore directly the drawing.

2B 2

You cannot Explore a drawing if it is already opened in the

workbench Drafting.
Consult a drawing

In the contextual menu, use Explore Parents

if you want to consult a drawing with its security

Explore the direct parents.

You will then have the choice to Open or to

Explore the drawing in the contextual menu.

You can also open the drawing with

a double-click, when the parents
are expanded.
Tips / good practices

The drawings can be exported locally under

different formats (.pdf,.tif,.ig2 ).

When sending a drawing in .tif format to a supplier,

make sure the resolution is between 400 and 600

It is possible to apply the Renault titleblock on a

supplier drawing from the web interface.

For further information, refer to the

methodology Transv-57a.
Open an object

In this chapter, you are going to open an objet in

an authoring window in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object
About objects opening (1/2)

Here are the steps to follow to open an object:

A. From the Search results window: 1

1. Select the object in the results list.

2. The Open command can be called via 3 methods:

a. Select PLM Access > Open.

b. Right-click and select the Open command. 2a

c. Click on the Open icon in the PLM search


B. From the Browsing window, the Open command can

be called via 3 methods.


About objects opening (2/2)

Open Advanced
Open advanced
This command allows to Open the selected objects
With or Without representations.

Smart Open

This command opens an object and every other

objects linked with it, from the Search results window
or the Browsing window.
It allows to easily synchronize or modify the object in its
Open Advanced (1/2)

Open Advanced allows to choose the opening type

of an assembly in the Authoring window.
1. First, create your work context with tools such as
Explore parents, Expand all, Show Only, No

2. Right-click on the product. In the contextual

menu, choose Open advanced

3. The dialog box Open Advanced opens: 2

A. The References area allows to open the

selected object with:

Expanded links in tree structure

All links. 3

From a Search results window, only the With
expanded children from database option is available.
Open Advanced (2/2)

B. The Representations area allows to

open the object:

With 3D Shape representations. B

Without any representation,

useful to edit the tree.

With all representations
(3D, 2D, ).

C. Other options:

Lock the selected elements:

References and instances will be
automatically locked. Other
users will only be able to view it.

The open advanced without

representations allows to open only
the preferred representations.
This will be detailed in the chapter
Simple filters .
Smart open (1/2)

This opening mode concerns files with MML links

(Multi-Model Links).

The principle is that when you open a "Child file, CATIA V6

automatically detects if the "Parent" source file was 1
modified, via the Smart open report dialog box.
CATIA V6 then proposes to load the parent file for an

Two possibilities to update these links:

Being active on the representation

Being active on the product

1. Search then select the representation or the product.

2. Use the contextual menu and select Smart Open.

The tool detects a linked object.

3. click on Open to validate.

Smart open (2/2)

4. Make the representation or the product active.

5. Select the Impact icon.

6. The icon shows that the link is not updated.

Select the Synchronize links icon .

7. The link is now updated

8. Click on the Update all icon .

To propagate the modifications,

you need to have the edition rights
on the modified objects.

During the last chapter, you have discovered

browsing tools to consult an assembly structure in Here are the steps to follow :

1. High structure of P-IV

2. High structure of P-IM
3. Links between High structures IV
and IM
4. Explore data
5. Browsing tools
6. Selection tools in an assembly
7. Create favorites
8. Browse in folders
9. Consult a drawing
10. Open an object

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to filter

an assembly in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
Filters principles in NewPDM

In this chapter, you are going to discover filters

principles in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filter principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
General principle


The digital reference system

(with its diversity) is searched
and found in the database.

General principle

The filters aim is to create work
contexts. Only the useful elements
for the design of an object or a sub-
assembly design will be kept from
the Digital Mock-up of reference.

General principle

One or several filters must be
applied on the structure of reference
in order to keep only the elements
necessary to the design process

General principle


Five types of filters are available:

Selection, Attributes, Volume,
Configuration criteria, Predefined

General principle

First filter: REF_NUM

- Predefined configuration: B95.


General principle

If the filter is not restrictive

enough, then it is possible to REF_NUM
overload it with another filter.

Second filter:
- Architecture Zone: Front End.



General principle

Third filter:
- Explicit selection: STR Front Axle



About filters (1/2)

A. Filters are cumulative. It is possible to associate all types of filter. For example, a volume filter with an
attributes filter, to refine a workspace.

Reference structure Volume Filter Selection Filter

Filtered structure
About filters (2/2)

B. Pay attention, any user who has the same security context as the filter author will be able to modify it.
The property notion on data through IPNs does not exist in NewPDM.

- The designer a055666

is the author of the filter.

Create.VEH.ET_RENAULT 1. Filter creation

- This same designer a055666
has the possibility to modify
this filter. 2. Filter modification

- The designer a028999
can also modify the filter. He
has the same security context
as the author.

New filtered structure

Simple filters

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to filter

an assembly in NewPDM with simple filters. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
Simple filters

Tool that allows to sort the Digital Mock-up elements depending on several criteria and/or selection
methods on the Mock-up or on the tree.

From a browsing window.
Applied on all the explored trees.

Any user.

At anytime.
Before starting a study.
Before a review or during designer workspace creation.

To make the Mock-up viewing easier by keeping only the useful elements for the users.
Simple filters (1/3)

The Filter tool is available in the browsing

window in the VPM Navigator Toolbar or via the
menu Edit Filter.

The filter creation window allows to define the

filtering criteria. The user objective will be to define
a workspace for the review or parts modification. A
It is possible to make simple filters by:
A. Selection
B. Attributes C
C. Volume (3D search)
D. Deletion

Filters by configuration exist as well, they will be

studied in a following chapter.
Simple filters (2/3)

To expand automatically the tree of specifications after a filter application:

A. Select the line Filter.

B. In the drop-down menu choose Expand All.

All the children of the selected

object are expanded.
Simple filters (3/3)

Each OCI and IND can contain several representations

(for different functional intents for example).
NewPDM classify those 3DR and 2DR by priority with
the Preferred Representation attribute, that has either a
value of 0 or 1 .
Representations with 0 value will be shown in the
browsing window by default.

To create a filter on the preferred representations, select

the filter line and click on the option Use 3D Preferred.
The icon becomes yellow.
Creating an explicit selection filter (1/3)

The selection filtering consists in pointing directly at

elements on the tree or the Mock-up: only these
elements will be kept with the filter.
Here are the steps to follow to create a selection filter:

1. In the filter window, click on Apply Filter from

Selection (From Root).

2. Tick the Add box to add references to the

Tick the Remove box to remove references from

Creating an explicit selection filter (2/3)

3. Select in the tree of specifications the references to filter.

Creating an explicit selection filter (3/3)

4. Click on OK or Apply to apply the filter on the

Digital Mock-up.
The OK button will close the filter window, the
Apply button will keep it open.

5. The Mock-up is filtered.

6. It is possible to edit the filter by removing elements

from the selection list with the Remove option.

Creating a deletion filter

The deletion filtering consists in pointing directly at

the elements on either the tree or the Digital Mock-
up. Conversely to the selection filtering, these
elements will be removed from the filter result.

Here are the steps to follow to create a deletion filter:

1. In the filter window, click on Remove selection.

2. Tick the Add box to add references to the

Tick the Remove box to remove references from

The selection method is similar to

the one for the explicit selection
Creating an attributes filter (1/9)

The attributes filter allows to select massively

instances or references in an assembly, according to
one or several criteria (responsible, designation,
identifier, ).

These type of filter can be applied in 2 ways: 2

1. With the Not Perforating option (not

recommended), the filter will be applied from the
root node to the last node of the tree structure.

2. With the Perforating option (recommended), the

filter will be applied from the last node to the root
node of the tree structure.
Creating an attributes filter (2/9)

The steps to create an attributes filter are the same for

the 2 options.

Here are the steps to create an attributes filter:

1. In the filter window, double-click on Not

Perforating or Perforating. 1

2. The attributes definition window appears.

Creating an attributes filter (3/9)

3. In the window Attribute filter, you can fill in the 4

filter attributes of the Digital Mock-up with the
tabs (that are similar to the advanced searchs
ones): 3
a. Easy.
b. Extended.
c. Expert.

4. Chose the object type to filter:

. RN_Reference: Objects references (STR,
. RN_Instance: Objects instances
. RN_RepReference: Representations
references (3DREP, 2DREP)
. RN_RepInstance: Representations

for this example, we will filter with the criterion

English Designation: [*HOOD*].

5. Click on OK or Apply to filter the Digital Mock-up.

Creating an attributes filter (4/9)

It is possible to combine several attributes filters

on several object types.

1. After you have created the first filter by attributes,

right-click on the attributes line.

2. Select New criteria on attributes .

3. A new attributes filter can then be created on

another object type and both filters are combined
with the OR operator.

Creating an attributes filter (5/9)

It is possible to enable or disable the case


1. Select Attributes.
2. Tick or untick the Case Sensitive option.

Creating an attributes filter (6/9)

It is possible to create filter in a fast way by 1

attributes on Architecture Zones, on GFEs
(Elementary Functions Groups), on Unit Code and
Parts Types via the tool Filter Definition From

To create a filter by attributes in a fast way, here

are the steps to follow:

1. Click on the tool Filter Definition From


2. The window Filter Definition opens. All you need

to do is pass the wanted attributes in the right side
of the table.

Without Fasteners and Without

Electrical Harness options allow to
lighten the digital mock-up.
Creating an attributes filter (7/9)

3. For example, the following filter is composed of

the GFE 42- LIGHTING and the Architecture zone 3

4. Once it is validated, the attribute combination is

automatically defined in the attribute type.

This tool is thus going to create filters under the

Attributes category.

Creating an attributes filter (8/9)

It is possible to create a filter with an identifier

number with an Excel file at the CSV format or a
.doc file. These files must contain the list of parts
identifiers numbers.
1. Click on the tool Filter Definition From
attributes/File .

2. The window Filter Definition opens. Click on

Filter from file.

3. Choose the list type to use. Click on the icon

to select the file.

Creating an attributes filter (9/9)

4. Select a .csv or .doc file.

5. Click on OK.
6. The list is incorporated into the attribute filter.

Creating a volume filter (1/4)

The volume filter allows to create a workspace from a

3D selection in an assembly.

Here are the steps to follow to create a filter by


1. In the filter window, double-click on Volume.

2. The toolbar of the volume filter appears.


Volume filter (and thus 3DPrefered

filter) do not take account of 2D
(typical sections, kinematic dressup,
Creating a volume filter (2/4)

3. Select the selection type: Proximity, Sphere or Box.

4. Select an inclusion or an exclusion type (Partly or Totally).

5. Select an object:
a. Filter casing display.
b. List of the references that are included in this filter. 3 4

Creating a volume filter (3/4)

The toolbar of the volume filter offers several tools: A B C D

A. Selection types:

Proximity selector: Find the objects near the selected object.

Box selector: Find the objects inside the specific encompassing box.

Sphere selector: Find the objects inside the specific encompassing sphere.

B. Inclusion or exclusion type selection:

Fully in: Only the objects entirely contained in the search area are selected.

Partly in: The objects in contact with the search area are selected.

Partly out: The objects entirely or partly out the search area are selected.

Fully out: Only the objects entirely out of the search area are selected.

C. The display update.

D. Exit the 3D search.
Creating a volume filter (4/4)

6. Validate the filter by clicking on the Validate icon. 6

7. Or cancel by clicking on the Cancel icon to go 7

back to the object selection.

8. Apply the filter by clicking on OK or Apply.

Save a filter

1. It is possible to save a filter with the menu Edit >

Filter > Store filter or with the icon Store filter in
the toolbar.

2. Fill in the Description field to precise the filter

origin. The filters name is proposed by default by
the software and cannot be edited.

3. Click on OK to save the filter.

Search a filter

Searching a filter with the quick search can be performed with the following prefixes:

Edit a filter

Editing a filter consists in modifying an existing

filter in the database. This function gives the
possibility to change a study context.
Here are the steps to follow to edit a filter: 1

1. To edit a filter, you must first search it in the


filter is used for the quick search:

filter: [Filters name] or [IPN] or [Filters

2. Right-click on the filter. 4

3. Click on the Edit icon in the contextual menu.

4. The filter creation window opens with the

reference system for the edition of the saved

5. Click on OK or Apply, to apply the edited filter

to the Digital Mock-up.
6. Save the edited filter.
Remove a filter

1. To remove a filter of a product, click on Remove

filter in the contextual menu of the REF.

2. The assembly update is done with a right-click on

the head node of the tree, by clicking on Refresh
and Collapse.

3. Then expand the tree: now the Digital Mock-up is

not filtered anymore.

Be careful, if you remove an unsaved

filter, it will be missing from the

Retrieve a filter

Retrieve filters allows to quickly find every saved

filters linked with the explored object.

1. Retrieve the filter with the menu Edit > Filter >
Retrieve filters.

2. A window opens, it contains:

a. Your filter(s)
b. All the filters from the other users

3. Select a filter to apply then use the menu Edit /

Filter / Apply filter to apply it to the assembly.


Explore with filter

1. To use an existing filter, you must first

search it in the database.

filter: [Filters name]

2. Right-click on the filter.

3. In the contextual menu, choose Explore

with filter (the filtered assembly will be
open in a browsing window).
Apply a filter

Registered filters in the database can be

applied on any other product with the 2
command Apply Filter.

1. To use an existing filter, you must first 3

search it in the database.

2. Right-click on the filter.

3. In the contextual menu, choose

Apply filter.
4. The selection window opens. Search the
product object on which you want apply the

5. During the application, explicit selection,

remove from selection and volume by
proximity filters are disabled. 5
Open with filter

1. To use an existing filter, you must first

search it in the database.
filter: [Filters name]

2. Right-click on the filter.

3. In the contextual menu, choose Open with 2

filter (the filtered assembly will be open in
an authoring window).
Open with filter

4. The filtering of the Digital Mock-up is symbolized

on the head node of the tree by the icon .

Tips / Good practices

Filters are by default reusable and editable by other

users. The edition can be stopped by modifying the
filter maturity state.

Filters of different types are associated by default

with a logical operator AND, and those of the same
type are associated with a logical operator OR (for
example, it is not possible to keep only elements
included at the intersection of two volumes).

To delete a filter from the database, it is necessary

to pass it to the PRIVATE state, then to click on the
icon .

For further information, refer to the

methodology Transv-10b.
Introduction to the configured DMU

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

configuration principle in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
About the configured DMU

A configured Digital Mock-up is a specific filtering of the digital reference Mock-up according to different
criteria (or configurations) defined by the variability space (SIGNE).

The PDM solution enables to filter the Digital Mock-up according to different criteria that are MTC lines.
The MTC enables to show the product diversity, through a combination of criteria (or effectivities / use

Example of configuration: B95/DG/EA4. This filter is applied on all the reference Digital Mock-up or just a
part of it, which means the head node of the explored tree. The result of this filter (a configured Digital
Mock-up ) is a partial display of the DMU reference.

When the DMU is open (explored), configurations enable to filter on a specific reference (vehicle type for

Reference DMU X95 Configured DMU B95

The Variability Space (VS)

The Variability space (VS) is the reference of the vocabulary used in the technical documentation to
express the product diversity with diversifying objects and criteria (options).
It guarantees the consistency of the documentations with the company projects.
General VS: It includes all vehicles and organs.
Family VS: Restriction of the general VS to a vehicle or organ project.

Diversifying object: specific item of a vehicle or organ (Example: Roof opening type, kind of body).

Criteria: value of an object (Example: Object 050 Roof opening type has for criteria <TN- Normal
roof> or <TO-Opening roof>).

In order to define effectivities (to link an effectivity with the instances of a part), the parent reference must
be linked with a VS. All the effectivities linked with instances of this reference are then stemming from
that VS (which is applied on all the children STR).

There is a family VS dedicated to the L structure and another one dedicated to the P structure. These
two variability spaces stem from the general VS and are linked with it. It enables a consistent use
(filtering) of the linked L and P structures.

Example and display of a VS in NewPDM:

Introduction to the configured DMU

Introduction to the configured DMU

One or several DWS are

REF_NUM created from filters on the
reference DMU.

Creation of DWS123
and DWS456.

Introduction to the configured DMU

At the moment, the door

exists only in the DWS123.

Creation of the front left door in the

historisation: DWS123

This door is the same for both K95 and B95.

Configuration: K95, B95.

Introduction to the configured DMU


Delivery of the front left door the

03/20/2014 at 9 am.

Configuration: K95, B95.

[20/03/2014 _ 9h00 ; [

Introduction to the configured DMU

At the moment, the door

exists only in the DWS123.

Creation of the rear left door of the B95 in the

historisation: DWS123

This door is specific for B95.

Configuration: B95.

Introduction to the configured DMU


Delivery of the rear left door B95 the

03/22/2014 at 2 pm.

Configuration: B95.
[22/03/2014 _ 14h00 ; [

Introduction to the configured DMU

At the moment, the door

exists only in the DWS123.

Creation of rear left door of the K95 in the DWS123.

historisation: DWS123

This door is specific for K95.

Configuration: K95.

Introduction to the configured DMU


Delivery of the rear left door K95 the

03/24/2014 at 1 pm.

Configuration: K95.
[03/24/2014 _ 13:00:00 ; [

Introduction to the configured DMU

Configuration: B95.
REF_NUM [03/22/2014 _ 14:00:00 ; [

Configuration: K95.
[03/24/2014 _ 13:00:00 ; [

Configuration: K95, B95.

[03/20/2014 _ 09:00:00 ; [

Introduction to the configured DMU

At the moment, the modifications

REF_NUM exist only in the DWS456, but V1
is always valid in the reference.

Creation of a version 2 of the front left door and modification

in the DWS456.
historisation V1:
[03/20/2014 _ 09:00:00 ; [ SAUF DWS456
historisation V2: DWS456

The designer creates a version 2 of the door to

modify it.
Configuration V1: K95, B95
Configuration V2: K95, B95

Introduction to the configured DMU


Delivery of the modifications the

03/26/2014 at 11 am.

Configuration V1: K95, B95.

historisation V1:
[03/20/2014 _ 09:00:00 ; 03/26/2014 _ 11:00:00 [
Configuration V2: K95, B95.
historisation V2:
[03/26/2014 _ 11:00:00 ; [

Local / Inherited configurations

In SIGNE, a wheel is defined and available for both B95

Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17
and K95 projects. Physical parts Wheel (Front and
Rear) will be linked with the generic part Wheel. The
SIGNE physical part configuration will be inherited from the
family X95
generic part: B95, K95.
Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17

Inherited configuration front Inherited configuration rear

wheel: B95, K95 / RALU17 wheel: B95, K95 / K95 / RALU17
Local / Inherited configurations

But in the family X95, the position of rear wheels is

Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17 different between B95 and K95. So we have 6 positions
for the wheels in X95, an SIGNE does not carry this
family X95 information.
Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17

Wheelbase B95

Inherited configuration front Inherited configuration rear

wheel: B95, K95 / RALU17 wheel: B95, K95 / K95 / RALU17

Wheelbase K95
Local / Inherited configurations

Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17
The designer must add a local position effectivity on the
physical objects. It allows to distinguish between the
SIGNE positions of the rear wheels for B95 and K95.
Configuration: B95, K95 / RALU17

Result Configuration rear

wheel: B95 / RALU17

Wheelbase B95
Local configuration rear
wheel: B95

Inherited configuration front Inherited configuration rear
wheel: B95, K95 / RALU17 wheel: B95, K95 / K95 /
Local configuration rear
wheel: K95

Result Configuration rear

Wheelbase K95 wheel: K95 / RALU17
Display the effectivity

From both the authoring window or the browsing

window, it is possible to display the effectivity of an

1. Select the instance of the object: 1

a. OCI
b. IND

2. Click on the Show effectivity expression icon in

the BOM Browse effectivity toolbar. 2 3

3. The window Effectivity opens:

a. Historic: historisation of the object. 3a

b. Milestones.

c. Local Expression: added configuration in

NewPDM. 3c

d. Inherited Expression: Inherited configuration 3d

from SIGNE.
Display the effectivity (PLM compass)

From the explore window, the compass enables to A

view the effectivities of an assembly:

A. Click on the South button of the compass:

Structure > Configuration effectivity.

B. There are several effectivity states: B

1. Effectivity with evolution (History). 2
2. Effectivity with variants (local configuration).

3. Effectivity with evolution and variants.

4. Without effectivity.

C. This function identifies the effectivities of each

object which composes the Digital Mock-up.
Configuration filters

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to filter

an assembly in NewPDM with configured filters. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
Configuration filters

A tool that allows to sort elements inside a Digital Mock-up through its diversity, which means
according to the use cases and applicability dates specified upon these objects.

From a browsing window.
On all explored trees.

Every user.

At any time.
Before starting a study.

To simplify Digital Mock-ups visibility by keeping only useful elements for users.
Configured filters

Configured filters are based on effectivities (use

cases and applicability) defined upon Digital
Mock-up objects.

They allow either to use Variant Combination

(MTC) specified by the Digital Mock-up
Administrators (DMA), to use a personal MTC in
order to bring out the elements with compatible
use cases, or to filter elements that are valid for
a specific date.

Configuration filters are accessible under the

Configuration node in the filters definition

Simple filters management tools are applicable to

configured filters as well (edit, save, modifications)
Use of configured product in filter (1/3)

Predefined configurations allow to filter the Digital

Mock-up according to its diversity.
This can be performed by two methods:

A. With an explore:
1 2
1. Select the reference to filter.

2. Right-click and Explore.

3. In the window, Choose a configuration:

a. Choose a configuration.
b. Click on Apply Config.

4. The Digital Mock-up is now filtered.


Use of configured product in filter (2/3)

B. With the Filter tool:

1. Select the object to filter.

2. Open the filter creation window with Edit >

Filter > Filter or with the icon .

3. In the filter window, double-click on


4. In the window Define Configuration Filter

a. Enter * in the field Name then click on 4a
the icon . This allows to access
the list of all the product
b. Select a configuration.
c. Click on OK.

Use of configured product in filter (3/3)

5. Click on Apply.

6. The Digital Mock-up is filtered according to the predefined configuration.

Creation of diversity filters (1/3)

Configuration criteria allow to filter the Digital Mock-up

(DMU) according to a configuration defined manually
from the available criteria inside the variability space
applied on the structure.

Here are steps to follow to create a filter by diversity:

1. In the filter creation window, double-click on

2. A window to name the criterion appears.

Ticking the Best So Far View box allows

to filter the last versions and instances
of available parts
Creation of diversity filters (2/3)

3. (*) Name the criterion and click if necessary on the

icon Import from existing Predefined 3

4. (*) In the window Search for a Predefined

Configuration for import:
a. Enter * in field Name then click on the
Simple Search icon . 4a
b. Select a configuration.
c. Click on OK.

5. Click on Next to display the criteria list. 4b


This window is similar to the one

you get while the configured filter
5 search.

(*) The steps 4 and 5 are not mandatory, they allow to predefine a filter with existing configuration
(some criteria will be pre-marked in step 6). This handling helps to overload an existing
Creation of diversity filters (3/3)

6. In this example, the filter is applied

according to the vehicle type.
a. Under a diversifying object, select 6b
the desired criteria.
b. Complete the historisation dates
(click on to choose a date).

7. Click on Next then Finish to validate.

8. Click on Apply to apply the filter on the


9. The DMU is filtered according to the 7a

selected configuration criteria.

Example of effectivities use

Configuration: B95 or K95 or B95,K95. Configuration: B95.

historisation: historisation:
[10/03/2014 _ 11h00 ; [ [22/03/2014 _ 14h00 ; [


Configuration: K95.
[24/03/2014 _ 13h00 ; [

Configuration V2: K95, B95.

historisation V2:
Configuration V1: K95, B95. [26/03/2014 _ 11h00 ; [
historisation V1:
[20/03/2014 _ 9h00 ; 26/03/2014 _ 11h00 [
Example of effectivities use

REF_NUM Configuration: B95

historisation: All

Configuration filter: B95


REF_NUMConfiguration: B95
historisation: [27/03/2014 _ 11h00 ; [

Configuration filter:
B95 + 27/03/2014 _ 11h00
Example of effectivities use

REF_NUM Configuration: K95

historisation: All

Configuration filter: K95


REF_NUMConfiguration: K95
historisation: [27/03/2014 _ 11h00 ; [

Configuration filter:
K95 + 27/03/2014 _ 11h00
Example of effectivities use

REF_NUM Configuration: K95

historisation: available parts
12/03/2014 _ 9h00

Configuration filter:
K95 + 12/03/2014 _ 9h00


REF_NUMConfiguration: K95
historisation: available parts
25/03/2014 _ 9h00

Configuration filter:
K95 + 25/03/2014 _ 11h00

The comparison between two filtered structures at two

different dates allows to control the DMU evolution during
the design process.
Milestones D-LOT filter creation

7. D-Lot milestones filters are similar to classic diversity filters, however, the object chosen is
Tips / Good practices

Using configured filters is possible only if the

variability space has been applied on all structures
and if use cases have been applied on each

In the option selection window, it is possible to

search or filter a diversifying object (but not a
criteria) with a right click on Configuration

The creation of predefined configuration requires

particular access

For the DWS creation, it is recommended in most

cases to apply at least a Best So Far and a 3D
Preferred filter (plus an other filter to keep the
desired elements).

For further information, refer to the

methodology Transv-10b.
Platforms management

In this chapter, you are going to discover how to

manage platforms that are common for several Here are the steps to follow :
vehicles in NewPDM.

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management
Platforms management common for several vehicles

Understand how NewPDM allows to use the same Platform structure in different vehicle projects
associated with this platform.

From a browsing or an authoring window.
The platform is instantiated under the STR PLATEFORME EQ level in the vehicle tree.

Any user for the viewing.
Architect for the creation processes of this solution.

During the switch to historised mode.

To make the reuse of platform Mock-ups easier.
For the design of vehicle / platform frontier parts.
Platforms use

For example, a platform REF is common for two vehicles REF.

The Platform REF is visible by VEHICLE teams (Consult role) but can only be modified by the
dedicated Platform team (Create role).
The Platform team must have viewing rights on all the impacted vehicle projects.



Platforms use

Regarding the arborescence, here is how the REF PLATFORM is used in the vehicles REF.


IND1 001 (VEHICLE 1 et 2)
IND2 001 (VEHICLE 1)
IND3 001 (VEHICLE 2)


IND1 001 (VEHICLE 1 et 2) IND1 001 (VEHICLE 1 et 2)
IND2 001 (VEHICLE 1) IND2 001 (VEHICLE 1)
IND3 001 (VEHICLE 2) IND3 001 (VEHICLE 2)


IND6 001 (VEH 1) IND4 001 (VEH 2)
IND7 001 (VEH 1) IND5 001 (VEH 2)


Platforms use

The platform contains all the variants of vehicle parts.

Each vehicle REF must then be filtered in order to obtain only the corresponding platform


IND1 001 (VEHICLE 1 et 2) IND1 001 (VEHICLE 1 et 2)
IND2 001 (VEHICLE 1) IND2 001 (VEHICLE 1)
IND3 001 (VEHICLE 2) IND3 001 (VEHICLE 2)
IND6 001 (VEH 1) STR
IND4 001 (VEH 2)
IND7 001 (VEH 1) IND5 001 (VEH 2)

In the operational database and during the browsing of a vehicle REF using a platform, a
predefined filter corresponding to the vehicle is applied (that allows to get the platform
adapted to the vehicle). It is thus not necessary to filter according to the vehicle criterion.
Platforms use

Example for the VEHICLE 1:

REF VEHICLE 1 not filtered:

The Platform is not adapted for the vehicle (rear area)
because it is shared with all the vehicles.

Application of the filter :

It is thus necessary to filter by configuration criteria
on the vehicle in order to get the platform
corresponding to the vehicle (here criterion

For further information about the use of the

platforms, refer to the methodology Transv-75b

During the last chapter, you have learnt how to

filter an assembly in NewPDM. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters principles in NewPDM

2. Simple filters
3. Introduction to the configured DMU
4. Configuration filters
5. Platforms management

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and
Lifecycle and Designer Workspace

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

lifecycle and Designer workspaces principles. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Designer workspaces
2. Lifecycle management
Designer workspaces

In this chapter, you are going to discover the the

Designer workspaces principle. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Designer workspaces
2. Lifecycle management
Designer Workspaces

An area that is dedicated to the design and in which the modification does not impact the reference
Digital Mock-up (the elements are cloned and thus independant).

Their creation is made from a navigation window.
They can then be searched and explored the same way as classic structures.

A user who has a Manage role (the GMN, the LI or the designer) can create a DWS.
Any user who has the appropiate security context can consult a DWS.

When the creation or modification of a part is required.

To insure the permanence of the reference structure.
To allow designers to make as many design hypothesis as they want.
To make easier the definition of work areas for each designer.
To avoid the simultaneous work on different designers on the same part.
To manage the versions history of the parts.
What is a Designer Workspace?

Reminder: Each vehicle family (or engine or

gearbox) is represented in NewPDM by a
reference object . Structure

Index part
This reference contains all the objects of the family
and is filterable (configuration, ) . 3D
3D representation

A designer workspace (or DWS) is a cloned space

from a filter on the reference. It allows objects
creation and modifications.

A DWS is assigned to one or several users,

according to the project requirements.

The access to the DWS is controlled by security

contexts. Security context

Security context



Index part_DWSXXX

3D representation_DWSXXX
Designer Workspace principle


Creation of a DWS from

a filter.

The created cloned

reference can be over
filtered to make the designer
work easier.

Designer Workspace principle


Objects design in the

DWS (front door and rear

The objects in the process of being

created exist only in the DWS.
Therefore, their design does not
impact the base reference.

Designer Workspace principle


Partial delivery of the

design in the reference.

The designer chooses objects to

deliver in the reference DMU, in
order to share with other

Designer Workspace principle


Co-design of the back door

in the DWS 1.

Several designers can work in the

same DWS, if they have the
appropriate security context.

Designer Workspace principle


Partial delivery of the

design in the reference.

Every designer can deliver

independently his own parts from
the DWS into the reference DMU.

Designer Workspace principle


If the designer has no access

to the DWS 1, he must create
a second DWS (DWS 2) from
the reference in order to
modify objects.

Creation of the second

DWS from a second filter.

Designer Workspace principle

As long as the back door
created in the DWS 1 is not
delivered, it cannot be modified
in any other DWS.
Data exchange between
different DWS has to pass by
the reference DMU.

Modification of the door

created in the DWS1.

Designer Workspace principle


Every modification is
historised. All modifications
are visible in the reference, as
long as it is not filtered by date.

Delivery of modifications
into the reference.

Designer Workspace principle


DWS data full synchronization (the

tree update) or selective
synchronization (structures
specified by the user update).

To see the reference last

modifications, the DWS 1
designer has to synchronize its

Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation


REF Engine KXX

Rep Cylinder carter

Cylinder Carter ASS

inter cylinder carter


Absorbing Steering

Periph Cylinder carter

Lower face cyca

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

IND to create

Object to be added in
the reference structure
Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation


REF Engine KXX

Rep Cylinder carter

Cylinder Carter ASS

inter cylinder carter


Absorbing Steering

Periph Cylinder carter

Lower face cyca

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

Filter of the structure

to be modified.
Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use, with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation



Rep Cylinder carter Rep Cylinder carter_DWSXXX

Cylinder Carter ASS Periph Cylinder carter_DWSXXX

inter cylinder carter Lower face cyca_DWSXXX

Crankshaft Rep oil pan_DWSXXX

Absorbing Steering Oil pan ASS_DWSXXX

Periph Cylinder carter Oil pan_DWSXXX

Lower face cyca

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

DWS creation
Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use, with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation



Rep Cylinder carter Rep cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

Cylinder Carter ASS Periph cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

inter cylinder carter Lower face cyca_DWSXXX

Crankshaft Rep Oil pan_DWSXXX

Absorbing Steering Oil panASS_DWSXXX

Periph Cylinder carter Oil pan_DWSXXX

Lower face cyca Oil pan join_DWS01

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

OCI Oil pan join

creation. 4
Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use, with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation



Rep Cylinder carter Rep cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

Cylinder Carter ASS Periph cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

inter cylinder carter Lower face cyca_DWSXXX

Crankshaft Rep Oil pan_DWSXXX

Absorbing Steering Oil panASS_DWSXXX

Periph Cylinder carter Oil pan_DWSXXX

Lower face cyca Oil pan join_DWS01

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

OCI freeze (instance

and reference).
Designer Workspace principle

Here is a simplified view of workspaces use, with a tree of specifications and an example of a creation



Rep Cylinder carter Rep cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

Cylinder Carter ASS Periph cylinder Carter_DWSXXX

inter cylinder carter Lower face cyca_DWSXXX

Crankshaft Rep Oil pan_DWSXXX

Absorbing Steering Oil panASS_DWSXXX

Periph Cylinder carter Oil pan_DWSXXX

Lower face cyca Oil pan join_DWS01

Rep Oil pan

Oil pan ASS

Oil pan

Oil pan join

Modification delivery
into the reference
Tips / Good practices

As for the reference, it is possible to apply filters on

workspaces trees (to put aside for example the elements
closed by date via a configured filter).

The abbreviation for a DWS quick search is dw: .

Pay attention not to mistake reference elements for

elements cloned in workspaces, the latter ones are
marked _DWS .

It is not possible to store a workspace in folders,

however, you can store the cloned objects in them.

It is possible to insert context elements stemming from

other projects in a DWS, but only cloned elements will be

While exploring a workspace, it is necessary to connect

to it (via a right-click) in order to view its content.

For further information, refer to the

methodologies Transv-9a.
Lifecycle management

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

lifecycle management principle. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Designer workspaces
2. Lifecycle management
About lifecycle

An object can move from a maturity state to another throughout its existence. States are similar for all
objects, but the ways they are used are different.

There are five states:

IN_WORK: The object can be modified by users.
FROZEN: The object is frozen, the version is stored.
PROPOSED: The object is waiting for approval.
VALIDATED: The object has been approved by all signatories.
REFUSED: The object has been rejected by at least one signatory.

The objects that change state are:

Structure (STR): Instance
Index part (IND): Instance + Reference
Design object (OCI): Instance + Reference
Constituent (CST): Reference
3D representation (3DRep): Reference
2D representation (2DRep): Reference

State change must be performed on locked objects (by the user), in a DWS.
Lifecycle Toolbar

Here are the different functions of the Lifecycle


A. Change Maturity, to change the state of the

selected object(s).

B. New Major version, to upgrade the version

of the selected object(s).

C. Launch Freeze Instance, to change the

state of the selected instance(s). C

D. Evolve instance, to close the applicability

of an existing instance and replace it by a
new one. D
Lifecycle (1/5)

1. The Structure

The maturity stays in IN_WORK and never switches to FROZEN.

Its instance is created in freeze = false and switches to freeze = true for delivery in the reference
and will never change state anymore.


STR0001234 _001_IN_WORK STR0001234 _001_IN_WORK

(4567_False) (4567_True)

Lifecycle (2/5)

2. Index part

The index part (IND) is created in SIGNE, then imported to NewPDM. It is composed of a Signe
revision level and a version.

Signe revision levels (---, --A, --B, etc.) are given by SIGNE. Versions (002, 003, etc.) are given
by NewPDM.

Its reference switches to the FROZEN state if its content is already FROZEN. Its instance
switches to freeze = true if its reference is FROZEN.

IND0001234 _001_IN_WORK IND0001234 _001_FROZEN IND0001234 _001_FROZEN

(4567_False) (4567_False) (4567_True)

IND0001234 _002_IN_WORK
IND0001234 _001_FROZEN
IND0001234 _001_FROZEN

IND0001234 _001_FROZEN
Lifecycle (3/5)

3. Design object

The design object (OCI) is only visible in NewPDM (it is unknown by SIGNE).

Its reference switches to FROZEN state if its content is already FROZEN. Its instance switches to
freeze = true if its reference is FROZEN.

OCI0001234 _001_IN_WORK OCI0001234 _001_FROZEN OCI0001234 _001_FROZEN

(4567_False) (4567_False) (4567_True)

OCI0001234 _002_IN_WORK
OCI0001234 _001_FROZEN
OCI0001234 _001_FROZEN

OCI0001234 _001_FROZEN
Lifecycle (4/5)

4. 3D Representation

The 3D Representation (3DRep) is visible in NewPDM and can be sent in SIGNE. 3DRep can be
positioned under an IND, an OCI or a CST.

It switches from the IN_WORK to FROZEN.

If you have to switch a 3DRep from FROZEN to IN_WORK state, you must first take a version of
the IND/OCI/CST that contains it, before versioning the representation.

3D instance is not managed in NewPDM.

3DR004567_001 3DR004567_001 3DR004567_001



To switch a 3DRep to FROZEN, it is

compulsory to pass a quality check on it.
Lifecycle (5/5)

5. 2D Representation

The 2D Representation (2DRep) is visible in NewPDM and may be sent in SIGNE for consultation
or strandardization.

It switches from the IN_WORK to FROZEN.

If you have to switch a 2DRep from FROZEN to IN_WORK state, you must first take a version of
the IND/OCI/CST that contains it, before versioning the representation.

2D instance is not managed in NewPDM.

2DR004567_001 2DR004567_001 2DR004567_001



To switch a 2DRep to FROZEN, it is

compulsory to pass a quality check on it.
Maturity and versions management in the Digital Mock-up

It is possible to view the maturity and versions of each object contained in the Digital Mock-up through
the compass.

To view the versions, click on the south of the compass and select Standard > Structure:

To view the maturity, click on the East of the compass and select Representation: Maturity:

Representations maturity states are the only

information indicated in the tree of
specifications and the Digital Mock-up.
Lifecycle and Designer Workspace

During the last chapter, you have discovered the

lifecycle and Designer workspaces principles. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Designer workspaces
2. Lifecycle management

PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

compare several structures and their contents. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters comparison
2. Product superimposition

In this chapter, you are going to discover functions

to compare two tree views. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters comparison
2. Product superimposition
Filters comparison (1/2)

In order to compare the result of two filters, you can explore the same structure in two separate windows
and then apply a different filter on each one of them.

The comparison is launched by clicking on the icon in the Compare structure toolbar from one of the
two windows.
Filters comparison (2/2)

In the Similar window chooser, select the window corresponding to the second filter.

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

create objects in which you will insert structures Here are the steps to follow :
coming from several projects.

1. Filters comparison
2. Product superimposition
Product superimposition

In NewPDM, it is possible to open two or more structures (or an entire digital Mock-up) at the same time in
an authoring window in order to compare and analyze them. You can create an objet CPO under which
you will be able to insert your structures and compare them:

1. Create a CPO with the command New > Product in PLM Access.

2. Fill in the mandatory fields (Renault Discipline and Designation).

Product superimposition

3. Insert objects to compare inside your CPO

previously created:
A. Right click > insert > Existing product.

Product superimposition

B. Right click > insert > Existing product


Product superimposition

C. Drag and drop from an authoring, browsing or search window.

Product superimposition

Positioning modification of Analyze (sections /

import assembly. measures / notes)

Product comparison
GMP implantation
(configurations / platforms)

In this chapter, you learnt how to use comparison

tools. Here are the steps to follow :

1. Filters comparison
2. Product superimposition
Export data

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to

export data from the specifications tree to an excel Here are the steps to follow :

1. XML export of the tree

Export data

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

function that allows to export a physical tree. Here are the steps to follow :

1. XML export of the tree

Export to XML (1/2)

From an Authoring window, the Launch Export To XML or

ExcelXML command opens the Export Physical structure
It allows to view important information of the assembly
physical objects.
This report can be saved in an Excel file.

Summary of the assembly physical


Report generation options.

Save the report in Excel.

Export to XML (2/2)

The XML file export (that can be opened with Excel) aims to prepare a D-LOT milestone in order to
control the Digital Mock-up consistency and to check its completeness.

The file mainly contains the following collumns for each reference:

The level according to the head node

The product identifier
The revision
The Renault discipline
The effectivity
The representation identifier
The representation type
The position matrix
Export data

In this chapter, you are going to discover the

function that allows to export the specifications Here are the steps to follow :
tree to an XML file.

1. XML export of the tree


PDM Product Introduction to

presentation NewPDM


Lifecycle and
End of the session

You have finished the Reviewer Module, now you are able to :
Understand NewPDM principles.
Connect to NewPDM.
Browse in NewPDM.
Explore data.
Filter the Digital Mock-up.
Consult data.
Understand objects lifecycle in NewPDM.
Compare objects / structures

We wish all the best for the future with NewPDM.

Thank you for your participation.

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