Business Cycle: Is The Economy Getting Better or Worse?
Business Cycle: Is The Economy Getting Better or Worse?
Business Cycle: Is The Economy Getting Better or Worse?
During a period of expansion:
Wages increase
Low unemployment
People are optimistic and spending money
High demand for goods
Businesses start
Easy to get a bank loan
Businesses make profits and stock prices
When the economic cycle peaks:
The economy stops growing (reached the top)
GDP reaches maximum
Businesses cant produce any more or hire
more people
Cycle begins to contract
During a period of contraction:
Businesses cut back production and layoff
Unemployment increases
Number of jobs decline
People are pessimistic (negative) and stop
spending money
Banks stop lending money
When the economic cycle reaches a
Economy bottoms-out (reaches lowest point)
High unemployment and low spending
Stock prices drop
Lots of reasons!
Dont quit that job!
If the economy is going into a contraction,
jobs will become more scarce. If you quit,
you may not find another job!