Microprocessor Based Design For Biomedical Applications: Ii: The Atmega8

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Microprocessor based Design

for Biomedical Applications


II : The ATmega8
Basic Features (1)
II: Atmega8 Basic features

ATmega8 - RISC Architecture

130 Instructions Most Single-clock Cycle Execution

32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
64 x 8 Special Function Registers (I/O Registers)
Up to 16 MIPS Throughput at 16 MHz
On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier

Nonvolatile Program and Data Memories

8K Bytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash

10,000 Write/Erase Cycles
Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits
512 Bytes EEPROM (100,000 Write/Erase Cycles)
1K Byte Internal SRAM
Programming Lock for Software Security
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Peripheral Features

Two 8-bit Timer/Counters

One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Capture Mode
Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator
Three PWM Channels
6-channel ADC with 10 resp 8 Bit resolution (TQFP: 8 channels)
Two-wire Serial Interface (TWI)
Programmable Serial USART
Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface
Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
On-chip Analog Comparator
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Special Microcontroller Features

Programmable Brown-out Detection

Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator
External and Internal Interrupt Sources
Five Sleep Modes

I/O and Packages

23 Programmable I/O Lines

28-lead PDIP, 32-lead TQFP, and 32-pad MLF
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Operating Voltages

2.7 - 5.5V (ATmega8L)

4.5 - 5.5V (ATmega8)

Speed Grades

0 - 8 MHz (ATmega8L)
0 - 16 MHz (ATmega8)

Power Consumption at 4 Mhz, 3V, 25C

Active: 3.6 mA
Idle Mode: 1.0 mA
Power-down Mode: 0.5 A
II: Atmega8 Basic features

ATmega8 Pinout and Packages (DIP and TQFP)

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Mega8 CPU Core

Seperate Instruction and

Data Memories (Harvard)

all 32 General Purpose

Registers connected to

I/O Modules connected to

Data Bus and accessible via
Special Function Registers

ATmega8 Core Architecture

II: Atmega8 Basic features
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Harvard architecture

Separate storage and signal pathways for

instructions and data.

History: Harvard Mark I

relay-based computer

word width, timing, and implementation

technology of instruction and data memories
can differ.

Contrast: Von Neumann - architecture:

Instructions and data use the same signal
pathways and memory.
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Harvard architecture

Ability to fetch the next instruction at the

same time it completes the current

Speed is gained at the expense of more

complex electrical circuitry.

In a computer with Harvard architecture, the CPU can read

an instruction and data from memory at the same time.
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Pin and Port Overview:

GND: Ground (0V)

VCC: Digital Supply Voltage (2,7 5,5V)
AVCC: Analog Supply Voltage
connect to low-pass filtered VCC
AREF: Analog Reference Voltage, usually AVCC
/Reset: Low level on this pin will generate a reset

Port B, Port C, Port D:

General Purpose 8 Bit bidirectional I/O - Ports,
optional internal pullup-resistors when configured as input
output source capability: 20mA

Special Functions of the Ports available as configured using the SFRs:

Port D: Uart, external Interrupts, Analog Comparator

Port B: External Oscillator/Crystal, SPI
Port C: A/D converters, TWI
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Memory organization
II: Atmega8 Basic features

AVR Memory organization:

Program Flash Memory:

On-chip, in system programmable

8 Kbytes, organized in 4K 16 bit words

Program Counter (PC) = 12 bits

Accessible via special instructions: LPM, SPM

Boot Loader support: Boot Flash Section,

SPM can be executed only from Boot Flash
II: Atmega8 Basic features

AVR Memory organization:

EEPROM - Memory:

512 Bytes, single Bytes can be read and written

Special EEPROM read and write procedure using SFRs:

EEPROM Address Register, EEPROM Data Register,

EEPROM Control Register
C Library Functions available

Precautions to prevent EEPROM memory corruption:

no flash memory or interrupt operations

stable power supply
II: Atmega8 Basic features

AVR Memory organization:

SRAM Data Memory:

32 GPRs and
64 SFRs mapped
to SRAM memory space

SFRs accessed
via in / out instructions

1 Kbytes of internal
SRAM can be accessed
from address 0x060
to address 0x45f

5 Direct and indirect addressing modes

II: Atmega8 Basic features

AVR Memory organization:

General Purpose Registers:

Although not being physically

implemented as SRAM locations,
GPRs can be accessed
by SRAM locations

X, Y and Z 16-bit registers

can be used for indirect addressing

ALU - Input / output schemes:

one 8-bit operand, 8-bit result
two 8-bit operands, 8-bit result
two 8-bit operands, 16-bit result
one 16-bit operand, 16-bit result
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Memory (SFR) Overview

II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Memory (SFR) Overview

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Important I/O Registers:

SREG Status Register

Bit 7 I: Global Interrupt Enable

Bit 6 T: Bit Copy Storage
Bit 5 H: Half Carry Flag
Bit 4 S: Sign Bit
Bit 3 V: Twos Complement Overflow Flag
Bit 2 N: Negative Flag
Bit 1 Z: Zero Flag
Bit 0 C: Carry Flag
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Important I/O Registers:

Stack Pointer (SPH and SPL)

Stack is a LIFO buffer located in SRAM

Stack Pointer addresses the current location
Push and pop instructions write / read from Stack
Enter or return from subroutines / interrupt routines:
Address and Parameters transferred via Stack
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Clock Options
II: Atmega8 Basic features

System Clock Options:

II: Atmega8 Basic features

System Clock Options:

Clock Muliplexer selects the clock

source according to FUSE settings

Clock Control Unit distributes clocks

clocks can be halted to reduce power


I/O Clock: Ports, Timers, SPI, UART

ADC Clock: seperate cock for ADC

noise reduction in sleep mode

Asynchronous Timer Clock:

external 32kHz Crystal for realtime clock,
keeps timer module running during sleep mode
II: Atmega8 Basic features

System Clock Options - FUSE bits:

The four CKSEL Bits of the FUSE Byte select the main Clock Source

The startup time to stabilize power supply and oscillator can be changed
with the SUT fuses

The device is shipped with CKSEL = 0001 ( 1 MHZ internal RC oscillator )

and SUT = 10 ( slowly rising power, 65ms )
II: Atmega8 Basic features

System Clock Options - using an external crystal:

CKOPT influences the output swing of the inverting oscillator amplifier

(1 = full rail to rail swing, 0 = power save mode)

For crystals from 3 8 MHz set CKOPT = 1 and CKSEL3..1 = 111

II: Atmega8 Basic features

System Clock Options - using the internal RC oscillator

Fixed 1, 2, 4 or 8 MHz clock

works without external components

changes with temperature and operating voltage

detailed information on other clock options, startup times, calibration

is found in the ATmega8 data sheet, pp. 23
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Ports
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Ports

General Purpose IO : Data Direction Input or Output

Internal Pullup can be used for Input Pins
Output driver can source 20mA current
protection diodes to GND and VCC
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Ports

3 I/O-Registers for each port:

Data Register (r/w):


Data Direction Register (r/w):


Port Input Pin Register (r):


The Bits of these registers set the configuration for one Port Pin.
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Ports
General Digital IO

Logic of GPIO-Ports:


Common to all Ports:

Pullup disable (PUD),
II: Atmega8 Basic features

I/O Ports Configuration and usage

C-Example 1 - Configure Pin B3 as output, set output level to VCC:

DDRB |= (1<<3); PORTB |= (1<<3);

C-Example 2 - Configure Pin D2 as input with pullup, read pin value:

DDRD &= ~(1<<2); PORTD |= (1<<2); uint8_t x = PIND & (1<<2);

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Alternate Port functions Port B

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Alternate Port functions Port C

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Alternate Port functions Port D

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset- and Interrupt Handling

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Interrupt Processing

several Interrupt Sources:

External Interrupts, Timer, Bus-Peripherals,

individual Interrupt-Enable bits in the SFRs

global interrupt enable Bit in SREG,

set with sei() and clear with cli() instruction

flagged (remembered) and non-flagged interrupt sources

lowest addresses in program memory reserved

for the interrupt vector table

higher priority interrupts have lower addresses

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset-Vector and

Word addresses
0, 1 19 in Flash Ram

When a reset or
interrupt occurs,
the CPU calls
the address

Install an Interrupt
Handler: modify
the vector table to
jump to your user-

return from interrupt:

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset-Vector and

example shows
full featured
vector table

19 handlers installed

program execution
after reset:
jmp RESET ($013)

Main program is
located at $013,
beyond the vectors
II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset- and Interrupt- Vectors

Reset vector can be set to the Bootloader section using the

BOOTRST fuse bit

Interrupt vectors can be set to the Bootloader

section using the IVSEL bit of the General Interrupt Contol Register
II: Atmega8 Basic features

AVR Reset Sources:

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset Sources:

Power-on Reset: supply voltage is

below the Power-on Reset threshold

External Reset: low level is present on

/RESET input pin

Watchdog Reset: Watchdog Timer

enabled and period expires

Brown-out Reset: Brown-out Detector

enabled and supply voltage below

MCUCSR provides information on which reset source caused a CPU reset

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset Voltage Thresholds

II: Atmega8 Basic features

Reset Voltage Thresholds:

Power-on Reset

Brown Out Reset
II: Atmega8 Basic features

External Interrupts Int0 and Int1:

Int0 connected to PD2

Int1 connected to PD3
asynchronous operation: can wake up CPU
rising/falling edge or low level can trigger interrupt,
defined by Interrupt Sense control bits of MCUCR SFU
II: Atmega8 Basic features

External Interrupts Int0 and Int1:

Int0 and Int1 have to be enabled by the GICR (+ I-bit in SREG)

flagged interrupts: General Interrupt Flag Register (GIFR)

indicates when an interrupt request happened

flags are cleared by executing the interrupt service routine (ISR)

or by writing 1 to the flag bit of GIFR
II: Atmega8 Basic features

8-bit Timer / Counter0

10-bit clock Prescaler

timer-clk (t0) = clk (IO) / prescaler

External clock source T0 connected to PD4

cannot be prescaled, clk(ext) <= clk (IO) / 2.5
II: Atmega8 Basic features

8-bit Timer / Counter0 - prescaler operation

No prescaler


Prescaler = 8
II: Atmega8 Basic features

8-bit Timer / Counter0 usage

Timer/Counter0 Control Register (TCCR0), Bits CS02-CS00

select Clock Source and Prescaler Value :
II: Atmega8 Basic features

8-bit Timer / Counter0 usage

Timer/Counter0 Register (TCNT0) :

read/write, incremented per CLK cycle, overflow: 0xff

A Reload-Value is used to fine-tune the interrupt interval

write Reload-Value to TCNT0 in the ISR

II: Atmega8 Basic features

8-bit Timer / Counter0 usage

Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSK) :

Bit 0 : Timer 0 interrupt enable
set 1 to enable timer 0 overflow interrupt ( + I-Bit in SREG)

Timer Interrupt Flag Register (TIFR) :

TOV0 indicates a Timer0 overflow, cleared by hardware when
the ISR is executed or by writing 1 to the flag

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