Digital 101
Digital 101
Digital 101
Buy Type Terminology
o CPM (Cost Per Thousand)
• Typically refers to the cost of one thousand impressions. This is an ideal method of payment
for advertisers who only want to guarantee the number of banner views ( Branding ).
o Demographic Targeting
• Specifically targeting an audience defined through their gender and age.
o Contextual Targeting
• This works similarly to Google content network where we will put together a
positive and negative keyword list to determine what pages your ad will appear.
This therefore works to target people already looking at related articles within the
site. For example an ad for tennis shoes would appear on pages about tennis
events, while an ad for golf clubs would appear on a page about golf events.
Targeting Terminology
o Behavioural Targeting
• A form of online marketing that uses advertising technology to target web users based on
their previous behaviour. Advertising creative and content can be tailored to be of more
relevance to a particular user by capturing their previous decision making behaviour (e.g.
filling out preferences or visiting certain areas of a site frequently) and looking for patterns.
o Search Targeting
• Allows you to connect with visitors based on their explicit search inquiries from search
engines on which you are already running search engine marketing campaigns.
o Site Retargeting
• This method retargets users who have visited the advertiser’s website but did not convert
within an agreed time frame.
o Creative Retargeting
• Creative Retargeting / Reach Extension » Display a revised offer or ad creative that
increases conversion probability.
Typical Display Creative Sizes
s Rectangl
k e or
y Island
a banner
p 468x60
Search 101
Search is about ROI
» With Search Engine Marketing (SEM) we only pay when a user clicks on the ad, so
there is minimal wastage with this activity
» It is a high reach medium that we can track all the way, right through to an online
» Search can be tailored to multiple ROI objectives, to reach people at the right
» E-commerce: drive to purchase
» Retail: drive in-store (store locator, product research)
Search Terminology
o Keyword
• Search term or phrase against which an advertisement is run
o Negative Keyword
• Negative keywords prevent your ad from appearing when a search includes a
keyword that isn't relevant to your ad. Your ad won't appear when a negative
keyword you've specified is included in a user's search query.
o Ad Group
• Bucket or group of keywords bundled together with similar qualities
o Tail-Term
• Extension of broad based keywords to drive extremely qualified traffic. i.e.
“book” broad based; “children’s story book” tail-term
o Dynamic Headline
• Ad Words automatically insert the keyword that triggered your ad each time your
ad shows. This makes your ad more relevant for users while making it easier for
you to create multiple unique ads for a large number of keywords.
Search Terminology
o Content Network Advertising
• A collection of websites and other products, such as email programs and blogs, who
have partnered with Google to display Ad Words ads that are targeted based on
content themes rather than specific keywords.
o Contextual Advertising
• Contextual targeting is used to match ads to web pages which match the theme of the
advertising via factors such as text, language, link structure, and page structure. As a
result, contextually targeted ads provide useful information to readers, and attract an
audience with an established interest in your message.
• SEM is a form of paid online advertising as search engines are paid to place the
advertiser next to the sites.
o Search Engine Optimization (natural or organic search improvement)
Search Plays a Crucial Role for
Driving Sales
Demographic Targeting
Conversion Propensity
Paid Search Results List at the Top and
Right Side of Search Results
Keyword Keyword
‘BMW’ ‘BMW Xbox Game’
Tail Terms Increase Efficiency and
Conversion Rates
» What are ‘Tail Terms’?
» Tail Terms speak to the audience without distractions of competitive
» They cost far less than more prominent keywords squeezed by bid inflation,
allowing more clicks within the same daily budget.
» They heighten conversion rates by addressing a user’s search intent with
complete confidence.
Tail Term Keyword Examples: