Emergence of Ideas About Atom
Emergence of Ideas About Atom
Emergence of Ideas About Atom
-found in the Ear
Smallest Production car
Peel P50 and Peel
Trident are the smallest
production cars in the world.
Smallest country in the world
Vatican City
The smallest revolver
and rim fire ammunition
in the world. Its total
length is less than 5.5
cm. It shoots 2.34 mm
calibre rim fire
ammunition which was
developed for as the
smallest rim fire
ammunition in the
World.This miniature is a
double action revolver
and has all the same
features as are found on
a real size gun.
Greek philosopher
the teacher of Democritus
First proposed the idea of
Things are made up of tiny,
invisible particles.
Greek Model
To understand the very large,
we must understand the very small.
Greek Model
To understand the very large,
we must understand the very small.
Greek philosopher
Idea of democracy
Idea of atomos
Atomos = indivisible
Atom is derived
No experiments to support Democrituss model of atom
No protons, electrons, or neutrons
Daniel Sennert
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
Rene Descartes
Andreas Libavious
Daltons Atomic Theory
John Dalton (1766-1844)
-revived the atomic theory who
first proposed by Democritus, 2000 years
-formulated his theory according
to Antoine Lavoisiers (1743-1794) law of
conservation of mass and Joseph
Prousts (1754-1826) law of definite
-some scientist did not believe that
there was an invisible atom found in all
-theory became widely accepted upon
discovery of subatomic particles.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
A glass tube with two electrodes:
1.Anode positive electrode
2.Cathode negative electrode
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
Total - 30 points
1. A pure substance that is made up only one kind of
2. The Greek philosophers who gave the first idea about
3. Atomos is a Greek word which means?
4. Who is the teacher of Democritus?
5. What are three subatomic particles?
6. An alchemist who experimented on how precious
metals could be dissolved in acid and then precipitated
using an alkali.
7. Who first identified the cathode rays?